PARCOURS - Informatique et interactions

PARCOURS - Informatique et interactions

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The Informatique et interactions track trains executives from industry and research responsible for the design and development of IT systems capable of mastering today's IT concepts and tools and thinking about those of tomorrow. Read more


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Campus SophiaTech - Site des Lucioles



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Informatique et Interactions is a track from Master Informatique at Université Côte d'Azur.
This 2-year program prepares students to anticipate continuous technological developments thanks to a mastery of the theoretical foundations and the various concepts and tools used in today's IT systems.

You can benefit from a 100% in English program by choosing your courses from those taught in English.

The Informatique et Interactions track at a glance:

  • Projects, programming contests and hackathons and a FabLab to put acquired knowledge into practice.

  • Numerous opportunities for professional role-playing through apprenticeships, tutorships and internships in companies or laboratories.

  • A very high rate of professional integration of graduates: 95% after 18 months and 98% after 30 months. More than 90% of those in employment have a stable job.

The program, both theoretical and practical, has rigorous objectives:

  • This training program teaches students to understand the concepts and fundamentals of computer science.
  • They master the links between different aspects of computing, which allows them to transpose methods and techniques from one aspect to another in order to design, implement and integrate applications.
  • At the end of the master’s program, students know how to manage large-scale IT projects, including the quality standards to design their architecture and their integration and evolution in pre-existing systems.
Throughout the program, students acquire sought-after skills:
  • Autonomously and critically deepen the scientific and technical knowledge needed to solve a computing problem.
  • To abstract and break down a problem related to other scientific fields;
  • to identify the problems specific to computing.
  • Propose and implement effective computing solutions for solving the problem.
  • Present, in writing and orally, the different elements of a computing solution, from modeling to implementation.
  • Understand and write technical or scientific reports in French or English.
  • Produce summary documents for each task of a computing project.
  • Participate in study teams and development of IT solutions.
  • Take responsibility for a task force to accomplish several tasks.
  • Ensure technological monitoring.
  • Analyze and critically compare several solutions for the same problem.
  • Refine a professional orientation and confirm your professional ambition through internships in companies or laboratories.



This program is backed up by leading research laboratories: