Non reconduite à partir de septembre 2023 - LP Métiers Industrie : Gestion de la production industrielle

Non reconduite à partir de septembre 2023 - LP Métiers Industrie : Gestion de la production industrielle

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The aim of the Professional Bachelor's in Management of Industrial Production is to improve and rationalize industrial production. Read more


Executive Education Program / Accessible for resumption of studies /
Licence Professionnelle
1 an / Alternance
Sophia Antipolis



This degree prepares future graduates in production management, in the optimization of production systems, in the management of the LEAN approach, in quality control and metrology, in the management of the quality management system, and in the implementation of environmental approaches. Career opportunities are varied: managerial positions in production management, production planning and control, continuous improvement, quality control, implementation of ERP and CAPM, in safety and environment. Sectors open to graduates: automobile, aerospace, space, plastics, textile, food industry, fine chemicals, defense, transportation, hospital sector, in all types of companies: small, medium and large companies. Unique features of the program: Many opportunities in industrial and service companies in the PACA region. The wide variety of skills acquired by graduates offers them quick access to managerial positions in the fields of production management, industrial methods, logistics and Mastering all concepts of production management. Analyze and optimize a production system or process. Pilot a production using dedicated information systems (ERP, CAPM, ...). Know how to write a list of specifications for improvement measures. Implement the methods and tools of industrial performance: LEAN approach. Manage and optimize inventory management. Implement quality management systems with respect to standards. Implement an environmental management system. Know how to pilot an improvement project involving several different stakeholders. Know how to interact with the various specialists (accountant, financier, computer scientist, automation engineer, sales). Participate in raising awareness and training staff in quality control.

GENERAL KNOWLEDGE Basic IT skills for production and logistics Basic concepts of industrial production management Technical English Communication and project management International law, international economics Computer and mathematical tools for logistics and production MANAGEMENT OF INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION METHODS AND TOOLS FOR QUALITY CONTROL Lean management ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) CAPM (Computer-Aided Production Management) Scheduling and Planning MRP (Materials Requirements Planning) Management of quality and performance in the production of goods and services Metrology and quality control Environmental Management / Sustainable Development Production flow simulation Unique features of the program: Many opportunities in industrial and service companies in the PACA region. The wide variety of skills acquired by graduates offers them quick access to managerial positions in the fields of production management, industrial methods, logistics and quality control. Work-study program over 1 year: 1 week of classes followed by one to several weeks in a company. The level of knowledge is assessed regularly and continuously during the program. Assessments of the internship and tutored project are as important as the grades obtained for classes. The jury comprises, between one-quarter and one-half of its members, professionals in the sectors concerned by the Professional Bachelor's degree.

Département Qualité Logistique Industrielle et Organisation (QLIO) IUT Nice-Côte d’Azur Campus Sophia Antipolis 650, route des Colles 06560 VALBONNE



Undergraduate level

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Undergraduate level

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Undergraduate level