
MME Claire Guerrier


+33 4 89 15 04 78
Téléphone 2
+33 4 89 15 04 78

Thèmes de recherche

Applied Mathematics
Computational Biology

Activités / CV

  • Invited scholar, McGill University, Department of Physiology and Medicine.nov 2019 - nov 2020, hosted by Pr. Anmar Khadra.
  • CNRS junior researcher, Université Côte d'Azur, Laboratoire J.A. Dieudonné.2019 - current .
  • Postdoctoral study at the University of British Columbia.2016 - 2019, under the supervision of Prs. Dan Coombs and Kurt Haas, in the mathematics department and the Brain Research Center.Experience-driven neural encoding --> Modeling calcium dynamic in Xenopus tadpoles brain neurons in response to controlled visual stimuli, to study their impact on the growing and the morphology of the neurons. The final goal is to better understand how neurons process information, and improve or shift their encoding in response to experience.
  • PhD at École Normale Supérieure and Université Paris VI.2011 - 2015, under the supervision of Pr. David Holcman., in the group Applied Mathematics and Computational Biology.Multi-scale modeling and asymptotic analysis for neuronal synapses and networks. --> Development and analysis of mathematical models, to determine how the properties of synapses at the molecular level shape their activity and propagate to the network level. I use several tools such as partial differential equations, stochastic processes and numerical simulations.

Informations complémentaires

My research focuses on studying multi-scale dynamics in neurons. From synapses to neural networks, I am doing modeling and analysis of systems with multiple time and space scales, that combine continuum dynamics with stochastic effects. The main theme I am developing concerns the function of the elaborate morphology of the dendritic tree in collecting, processing and disseminating information.