Thierry Long
Maître de Conférences en STAPS (Psychologie morale appliquée)Coordonnées
- Tél
- +33 4 89 15 39 64
- Fax
- +33 4 89 88 14 59
- Téléphone 2
- +33 4 89 15 39 64
- Thierry.LONG@univ-cotedazur.fr
Discipline(s) enseignée(s)
- Moral psychology applied to sport and everyday life
- Eco-psychology applied to outdoor activities and everyday life
- Qualitative methods
- Eco-psychology applied to outdoor activities and everyday life
- Qualitative methods
Thèmes de recherche
My main scientific field is social and moral psychology (applied to sport, physical activities and society in general) but my studies about ethics often require investigating other theoretical fields such as sociology, anthropology and philosophy. My main topics are moral functioning, legal consciousness, responsibility, citizenship and sustainability. Besides my conventional scientific studies, I also write sociological fictions such as “A world without money” (2016) and "CO.VI.D. 19 ou COmment VIvre Décemment ? 19 propositions pour l'avenir".