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The MSc "Management of the Flavor & Fragrance Industry" offers a specialization in chemistry of flavors & fragrances thanks to a multidisciplinary and international program that combines science, management & marketing Read more


Initial training / Executive Education Program / Accessible for resumption of studies /
Master of Science (MSc)
2 years



Grasse is the global capital of perfumes, and hosts all levels of the flavor and fragrance industry. All elements of the perfume industry are developed and processed in this region. Yet, the flavor & fragrance industry has been undergoing a transformation for several years. The emergence of "green" trends, the demand for transparency and naturalness from consumers, as well as artificial intelligence in the service of research and creativity, make it an industry full of challenges.

In order to train the next generation of professionals of the flavor & fragrance industry, Université Côte d’Azur launched, in 2018, the MSc Management of the flavor & fragrance industry, in collaboration with EDHEC Business School and ISIPCA. This alliance set up a transdisciplinary program fully taught in English, focused on flavor and fragrance sciences, marketing and management, to comply with the industry expectation. This degree opens the way for integrating a company in the field of flavor & fragrances or to pursue by a PhD.

Visit the MSc Flavors & Fragrance website

The MSc Flavor & Fragrance is one of 10 International Master of Science programs, created in the frame work of the Initiative of Excellence UCA JEDI. This Master of Science degrees is fully recognized and accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research & Innovation on March 17, 2020.
For more general information on our MSc programs visit the MSc International Office (MIO).

The MSc is composed of 3 main fields: law, marketing and science. Depending on their background, students will follow one of the 3 majors proposed. Additional minor fields will allow the discovery of further applications of flavors and fragrances and permit a comprehensive understanding of other perspectives in this industry. In addition, tutored projects will be implemented through collaborations with partner companies. These projects allow students to take part in solving real issues or projects in a company. This offers the opportunity for students to actively participate in projects where the stakes are real for an economic entity within the industry. Finally, mandatory internships in companies help students take their first steps into the world of flavors and fragrances.

Grasse : Bâtiment JL. Lions + premises provided by Communauté d'agglomération Pays de Grasse and Mairie de Grasse

Marie-Catherine MARS Xavier FERNANDEZ Thierry MARTEU



Undergraduate level

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Year of highschool graduation

Graduate level

Level of education obtained after completion

Graduate level