Scientific Event Organisation Support

Networks, Information and Digital Society Academy can help you organize an event related to its research topics

General guidelines

  • Under "Scientific event" we understand workshop, seminar, summer or winter school, colloquium, conference, and all type of event supporting scientific exchange.
  • The laboratory benefiting from the funds must be affiliated with the RISE Academy (see labs' list here).
  • The request for a scientific event support may be done at any time during the year but at least 1 month before the beginning of the event
  • Financial support may be provided for logistical issues (catering, premises rent), as well as for accommodations and travel arrangements for keynote speaker(s), but may not exceed 2500 € in total. Larger funding may be considered under exceptional circumstances.
  • Scientific events co-organized by at least two laboratories of the Academy are favoured.
  • The Academy is able to make arrangements for living accommodation for your speakers via support of Université Côte d'Azur Welcome Center.

Application process: very simple!

A waiting period of 15 days may be required to obtain approval of your application.

Which logo on my event communication materials?

The appropriate logo must be used on all funded or co-funded event communication materials. Find out more...

For any questions, please contact:
04 92 38 79 37