
M. Nicolas Papaiconomou


+33 4 89 15 01 41
+33 4 89 15 01 01
Téléphone 2
+33 4 89 15 01 41

Discipline(s) enseignée(s)

Inorganc chemistry
Principle of extraction

Thèmes de recherche

As a physical chemist, my background is the thermodynamic description of solutions.
My main area of research at the ICN is the extraction of natural compounds from plant raw material using sustainable solvents. Such slvents include ionic liquids, aqueous biphasic systems, eutectics, or pressurized solvents.
A first focus is to develop such solvents as extracting phases for recovering natural compounds from ay type of plant material , including byproducts. Extracts and molecules are to be of value for the parfume, flavor or cosmetics industries.
A second focus is to apply thermodynamic approaches in order to model extraction of natural compounds from plant raw material.  The goal is to describe and optimize experimental extraction of targeted compounds using sustainable solvents.

Reasearch fields keywords
Extraction of natural compounds
New sustainable solvents: Ionic liquids and eutectics
Valorisation of byproducts
Thermodynamic modeling of solutions