
Laboratoire d'Anthropologie et de Psychologie Cliniques, Cognitives et Sociales Campus Saint Jean d'Angely / SJA3 / MSHS Sud-Est 25 avenue François Mitterrand 06300 Nice

MSHS, bureau 331

+33 4 89 15 23 75
+33 4 89 88 14 59
Téléphone 2
+33 4 89 15 23 75


Lettres et sciences humaines > Psychologie, psychologie clinique, psychologie sociale

Discipline(s) enseignée(s)

Thèmes de recherche

  • Acceptabilité des technologies numériques / Acceptability of digital technologies
  • Accessibilité des technologies numériques pour les personnes en situation de handicap visuel / Accessibility of digital technologies for blind people
  • Interaction Hommes-Robots / Human-robot interaction
  • Psycholinguistique / Psycholinguistics

Activités / CV

Maître de conférences en psychologie cognitive et ergonomie / Associate professor in cognitive psychology and ergonomics

I completed a Bachelor’s degree in psychology and a Master’s degree in cognitive psychology from the Université of Montpellier. I presented my doctoral thesis in Psychology supervised by Guy Denhière at the Université of Aix-Marseille in 2000. At this time, my main research topic was the psychology of language, and I particularly attempted to understand the way people represent and process words having several meanings. I then pursued my teaching and research activities as a lecturer at Université Paris 13.

I am an associate professor since 2003 in the Department of Psychology and in the Laboratoire d'Anthropologie et de Psychologie Cliniques, Cognitives et Sociales (LAPCOS) at Université Côte d’Azur in Nice. My research interests have gradually moved from the psychology of language to cognitive ergonomics. In general, ergonomics is the study of interactions between people and elements of their environment to improve both human well-being and system performance. Cognitive ergonomics deals in particular with the way people exchange information with their environment. My research activities deal with usability, accessibility and acceptability of digital technologies. My main current interest is acceptability; the use – or intention to use – of technologies is determined by many factors (e.g., perceived utility, ease of use, social norms, etc.). With several colleagues and students from many fields – ergonomics, social psychology, sociology, sport science, and economics -, we are currently studying the acceptability of different kinds of devices such as social robots, nudges, and technology-based physical activities.

Liste complète des publications sur HAL / Publications listing on HAL :


10 dernières publications sur HAL  / 10 last papers on HAL :

Publications HAL