
Fabien Kefelian

Researcher at ARTEMIS Lab. - Associate professor of physics (Physics & Astrophysics departement) - Director of the Physics & Astrophysics Teaching Unit


Observatoire de Nice Bvd de l'Observatoire Nice

Maison Jumelle MJ 2-00



Sciences > Milieux dilués et optique

Discipline(s) enseignée(s)

Laser, Experimental Methods, Metrology, Signal, General Physics

Thèmes de recherche

My research field is ultralow noise in laser interferometry. More generally I'm interested in laser noise and dynamics, photonic measurement systems and techniques, optical frequency metrology, and applications of low noise laser to optical communication, quantum technologies and sensing.

Feel free to contact me for research collaborations and scientific discussions (fabien.kefelian at oca.eu)

Current research webpage : here

I worked from 2012 to 2020 for the achievement of the laser prestabilized system for Advanced VIRGO laser interferometer for gravitational wave detection (see AdvVIRGO-O3 PSL web page)

Activités / CV

Associate professor at Université Côte d'Azur, ARTEMIS Lab (since 2012)
Researcher at APC Lab (Université Paris Diderot) (2011-2012)
Teaching and Research Associate at Pierre & Marie Curie Université - Institut Langevin (2010-2011)
Researcher at LPL (Université Paris Nord) and SYRTE (now LTE) (Observatoire de Paris) (2007-2009
Researcher at Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland (2006-2007)
Doctorate (Télécom Paris - 2005)
Engineer degree (SupOptique - Institut d'optique) (2002)
Master degree (DEA) Optics & Photonics (Univ. Paris XI - 2002)
Preparatory classes in mathematics & physics Lycée Pasteur 


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