Double Licence - Sociologie Économie

  • Economy-Management
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
Double Licence - Sociologie Économie

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The double bachelor’s degree in sociology and economics is a selective, multi-disciplinary and demanding program designed to provide students with skills in both targeted disciplines. Read more


Initial training /
Double Licence
3 ans
Portail Économie-Gestion / Portail Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société
Campus Saint Jean d'Angély / Campus Carlone



The ideal preparation for:
  • The best master’s degrees in both disciplines.
  • Multidisciplinary master’s degrees.
  • Selective French schools or institutions.


The double bachelor’s degree is:
  • Selective: applicants must have obtained excellent grades at the general bacalaureate.
  • Demanding: heavier class load than a single bachelor's program.


  • A 97%* success rate at the end of three years (L3).
  • Students develop and forge a critical and analytical mind that allows them to better understand the economic and social problems of today's world, and the current issues that give rise to increasing debate.
* Year 2022/2023


The double bachelor's degree in sociology and economics and management is a selective and demanding program open to 80 students per year. Students who complete the program earn both degrees, one in economics and management and another in sociology. The schedule is organized to enable students to follow the basic courses in economics, management and sociology along with specific specialized courses during the three years of the program. Students gain knowledge in economics, sociology and to a lesser extent in management.

Unique features of the program :
  • Selective program for 80 students.
  • Students earn two degrees: a bachelor’s degree in economics and management and a bachelor’s degree in sociology.
  • Encourages multi-disciplinarity to increase student employability and give access to careers that require skills in sociology and economics.
Objectives of the program
  • Develop and strengthen skills in analytical and critical thinking.
  • Learn the history and the key issues of the major currents of sociology.
  • Acquire a strong foundation in economics and in the evolution of contemporary societies.
  • Understand the major contemporary economic issues (dynamics of inequality, definition and measurement of wealth, international relations, labor market trends, etc.).
  • Understand the major contemporary sociological issues (work, health, education, globalization, etc.).
  • Acquire in-depth knowledge of the societal developments linked with the history of economics.
  • Learn the basic principles of macroeconomics, microeconomics.
  • Conduct a sociological or economic survey.
  • Produce reports, summaries and oral presentations.
  • Process social data.
  • Acquire a basic knowledge of statistics.
  • Understand the competitive managerial and organizational behavior of companies.
  • Learn to use the relevant IT software programs.
  • Develop a line of reasoning, present arguments and defend them.

For more information about the program’s satisfaction rate, please contact the head of the program.
The rate of success was 97% in 2022/2023.

Training accessible to disabled people.
Consult the website

Training eligible for MON COMPTE FORMATION




Unknown label

The double degree in economics, management and sociology is a selective program open to students with a general baccalaureate.

Conditions of applications

  • Enrollement in the first year of the bachelor’s degree:

Application on . Select “Licence Droit Economie Gestion” (bachelor’s degree in law, economics and management), specialty “Economie Gestion”, then “parcours Double Licence Sociologie Economie”.
  • Enrollment in the second and third year of the bachelor's degree:
Students apply for the second or third year of the sociology-economics double degree on e-candidat.
Click on the tab at the top "Créer un compte” (Create an account) unless you are currently a student enrolled at Université Côte d'Azur, then submit your application by following all the steps.
Information about the dates registration opens are on this webpage.

First-year enrollment limit: 80

Conditions of admission / Conditions of successful application

  • Admission to the first year of the double bachelor’s degree 
Students in their final year of secondary school (lycée général) or students who wish to change their field of study and who have a general baccalaureate degree are eligible for admission in the first year of the double degree. Admissions are based on:
Average grades obtained in première in the following core subjects: French, history-geography, science and the three specialty subjects.
Average grades obtained in terminale in the following core subjects: philosophy and history-geography and the two speciality subjects.
Grades obtained at the French baccalaureate exams.
Among the specialty courses chosen in première and terminale, the student must have selected at least one of these specialties: history, geography, geopolitics and political sciences; economics and social sciences; mathermatics; humanities, literature and philosophy.
  • Admission to the second and third year of the double bachelor’s degree
Students who have successfully completed the first or second year of a preparatory class and earned the corresponding ECTS credits can enter the second or third year of the double bachelor's degree by applying on the eCandidat platform.
Students with a BTS or DUT are not eligible to enter the second or third year of a double bachelor’s degree.


Licence 1 (822 hours)

Semester 1

Principes d'économie
Microéconomie 1

Économie et techniques quantitatives 1
Statistiques 1
Lire et interpréter l’économie

Introduction à l'Histoire de l'analyse économique
Histoire de l'analyse économique

Économie et sociologie 
Sociologie de la consommation
Relations Internationales Contemporaines

Découverte de la sociologie - Questions et débats contemporains
Populations et sociétés
Racisme et sociétés

Compétences transversales 
Compétences écrites 1
Compétences informationnelles
Langue vivante étrangère 1

Semester 2

Principes d'économie
Microéconomie 2
Macroéconomie 2

Économie et techniques quantitatives 
Mathématiques 1

L'économie et les autres disciplines

Microéconomie et sciences sociales
Microéconomie appliquée aux sciences sociales 

Economie et Sociologie 
Débats et questions économiques et sociales contemporaines 
Inégalités économiques et sociales

Disciplinaire Sociologie 2 -Courants de la penséee sociologique et outils
Grands courants de la sociologie
Lire et interpréter les données sociales 2

Découverte Sociologie 2 - Questions et débats contemporains 2
Genre et sociétés
Environnement et sociétés

Compétences transversales 
Compétences numériques
Compétences pré-professionnalisation
Anglais 2

Licence 2 (870 hours)

Semester 3

Economie avancée
Microéconomie 3
Macroéconomie 3

Statistiques et sociologie des marchés
Sociologie des marchés

Macroéconomie et et emploi 
Les grands courants de la macroéconomie contemporaine (1958-2003)
Economie et science politique

Disciplinaire Sociologie 3
Théorie sociologique 

Méthodologie 1 : l'enquête par questionnaires
Sociologie de la mondialisation

Approfondissement Sociologie 
Pauvreté et sociétés
Santé et sociétés

Compétences transversales 
Compétences informationelles
Compétences pré-professionnalisation
Anglais 3

Semester 4

Economie avancée 
Macroéconomie ouverte 
Histoire de la pensée économique
Mathématiques 2  

Institutions, société et politiques économiques 
Economie du travail et de l'emploi
Objectifs du Développement Durable : Innovations sociales et technologiques

Economie publique et industrielle 
Économie normative et justice sociale
Microéconomie de la concurrence et Stratégies industrielles 

Disciplinaire sociologie 
Théorie sociologique 

Disciplinaire sociologie 
Méthodologie 2 : l'enquête qualitative
Sociologie des organisations

Approfondissement Sociologie 
Déviance et sociétés
Ville et sociétés

Compétences transversales 
Compétences écrites
Compétences numériques
Anglais 4



UE Continuum ens. Méthodologie du concours et didactique Continuum ens. 2D 

Licence 3 (903 hours)

Semester 5

Economie approfondie 
Economie industrielle
Econométrie 1

UE de spécialisation 1 - Innovation, Entreprises et Société
Economie de l'entreprise
Institutions et comportements économiques

UE de spécialisation - Economie et Sociologie
Epistémologie des sciences sociales
Socio-économie et usages du numérique
Projet de recherche 1

Théorie 1
Théorie sociologique 3
Lectures de textes 3

Méthodologie 1
Méthodologie quantitative 1
Méthodologie qualitative 1

Sociologie spécialisée 1
Sociologie de l'éducation
Sociologie de l'action publique

Unité optionnelle: Continuum 2D - Les métiers de l'enseignement 1
Méthodo concours didactique S5
CLE2D S5 Prépro
Méthodo concours SES S5

Enseignements optionnels : Méthodologie du concours et didactique des sciences économiques et sociales
Continuum enseignement 2D - Prepro. metiers de l'education
Metholologie des concours SES

Compétences transversales 
Compétences numériques
Compétences informationnelles
Anglais 5

Semester 6

Économie internationale
Croissance et cycles économique
Économie monétaire internationale

UE de spécialisation 3 -  Economie et Société
Diagnostics et politiques économiques
Économie de l'information et des contrats

UE de spécialisation 4 - Economie et sociologie
Théorie des jeux appliquée aux institutions
Commerce International stratégiques et Institutions Internationales
Projet de recherche 2 : Grand Oral

Théorie 2
Théorie sociologique 4
Lectures de textes 4

Méthodologie 2
Méthodologie quantitative 2
Méthodologie qualitatitve 2

Sociologie spécialisée 2
Sociologie de l'innovation
Sociologie du travail

Compétences écrites 3 ELMI
Compétences prépro 3 ELMI
Prépro métiers éducations 2D

Compétences transversales 
Compétences numériques
Compétences informationnelles
Anglais 6

Internships are available outside the academic year.
Find an internship, work-study opportunity or job on the university website

Students in the double bachelor’s degree can participate in the ERASMUS program and other international cooperation agreements.

What's next ?

Year of highschool graduation

1er cycle (bac à bac+3)

Level of education obtained after completion

Unknown label

RNCP URL of content

Fiche RNCP n°24426 et 24434

Possibilité de valider un/ou des blocs de compétences : Non

The multi-disciplinary nature of this degree means that it is fast-paced and demanding. Students will be expected to rapidly be autonomous.
This degree opens the door to a wide range of master’s degrees in many fields of economics and sociology, to a double master's degree in economics and sociology, and to French selective schools specializing in social sciences, political science or international relations.

Business sector or job

  • Labor and employment economics
  • Socio-economic and economic expertise
  • Project management in the joint fields of social work and human resource economics
  • Regional development
  • Project development in local public administrations
  • Health insurance sector
  • Non-profits and NGOs
  • Management of information systems and big data
  • Economics and sociology of digital technology and networks
  • Public and regional civil service entrance exams
  • Secondary school professor

For more information about the program’s satisfaction rate, please contact the head of the program.  
This program does not prepare for specific jobs. Graduates go on to study for a master's degree.


Students who plan to enroll full-time in a public institution of higher education must pay the Contribution to student and campus life (Contribution de Vie Etudiante et de Campus - CVEC).
Students must also pay tuition fees, which are set by ministerial decree for national degrees. They are indexed to the national consumer price index.

More information about tuition fees is available on this webpage.

If you are returning to school after a professional experience, you can find more information about tuition fees on the website of the Université Côte d'Azur Continuing Education Department.

After receiving the authorization to enroll, you must complete the administrative registration followed by the pedagogical registration. More information about the deadlines is available on our website.

After receiving the authorization to enroll, students must register online.
Information about the application process

Find more information for new students in the student booklet.