DU - Préparation aux Grandes Écoles d’Économie et de Management

  • Economy-Management
DU - Préparation aux Grandes Écoles d’Économie et de Management

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This program is for post-CGPE students, and more generally for students who have earned at least 120 credits in an undergraduate program in economics and management, and who wish to successfully enroll in the university. Read more


Diplôme d'université
1 an
Portail Économie-Gestion / EUR Economie et Management
Campus Saint Jean d'Angély / Cannes



Students benefit from the recognized expertise of each partner in the following areas:

  • Basic L3 courses in economics and management taught by the ELMI Graduate School:

They provide students with a deeper understanding of the economic, social and competitive environment in which companies operate, and help them gain the skills needed for careers in economics and management. Students’ perspective is broadened with additional courses in environmental economics and sustainable development, and in the management of innovation and digital transformation.

  • Preparation for the competitive entrance exams to French selective business schools is offered by the Institut Stanislas of Cannes:

Students are more specifically prepared for written exams (applications, aptitude tests, foreign language tests, etc.) and oral exams (personality interviews, foreign language interviews, etc.).

Objectives of the program :

  • Earn a bachelor’s degree in economics and management and
  • acquire basic knowledge in these disciplines.
  • Pursue university studies with a master’s degree.
  • Prepare for the competitive entrance exam (bac+ 3) to
  • French selective business schools.

For more information about the program’s satisfaction rate, please contact the head of the program.
This program does not prepare for specific jobs. Graduates go on to study for a master's degree.

Training accessible to disabled people.
Consult the website

Training eligible for MON COMPTE FORMATION



  Institut Stanislas de Cannes

Institut Stanislas de Cannes



Applicants must have a two-year undergraduate degree (Bac+2). Selection is based on the their application file.

The program is open to students in initial education who:

  • Have completed two years of preparatory and business classes and earned 120 ECTS credits.
  • Have a two-year degree in economics and management.
  • Have a three-year technical degree (IUT) in business management and administration / marketing techniques.
  • Have a two-year voational degree (BTS) in business unit management / management and accounting / international business.
  • Have earned 120 ECTS credits in other undergraduate programs in economics and management.

Conditions of applications

Admissions are based on the student’s application file.

Students apply for the third year on eCandidat.

Enrollment limit: 30

Conditions of admission / Conditions of successful application

A pedagogical committee makes the selection based on the student’s application file.


The program includes approximately 600 hours of  lectures, seminars, workshops, conferences, individual interviews and practice tests.

Plusieurs enseignants de l'EUR ELMI et de l’Institut Stanislas de Cannes

Full time

Students have an average of 35 hours of instruction per week.

Continuous assessment and final tests

Knowledge assessment procedures

What's next ?

RNCP URL of content

  • Use the main concepts of economics: micro-economics, macro-economics, money and finance, economic policy, to study and interpret economic documents.
  • Use the methods and techniques of day-to-day organisational management to prepare and implement organisational decisions.
  • Observe, describe and evaluate how an organisation implements fundamental managerial principles.
  • Work as part of a team and a network, as well as independently and responsibly in the service of a project.
  • Analysing one's actions in a professional situation and evaluating oneself in order to improve one's practice.

Target activities / attested skills

  • Commercial or statistical economic research officer
  • Assistant project manager
  • Business manager
  • Identify, select and analyse critically various resources in your specialist field in order to document a subject and summarise the data with a view to using it.
  • Analyse and summarise data with a view to using it.
  • Develop arguments with a critical mind.
  • Use the reference digital tools and IT security rules to acquire, process, produce and disseminate information and to collaborate internally and externally.

The program gives access to competitive entrance exams to business and management schools, and to further study at the university.

Business sector or job

The program leads to all the jobs that require a bachelor’s degree in the tertiary sector (companies, public and private administrations, social services and non-profits, etc.).


3 158 €

Enrollment and payment by check.

The Institut Stanislas of Cannes will provide information about the enrollment procedure.