PARCOURS - Chargé d’Etudes Sociologiques et Usages du Numérique

  • Humanities and Social Sciences
PARCOURS - Chargé d’Etudes Sociologiques et Usages du Numérique

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The CESUN track prepares specialists in social science methodologies, with an emphasis on digital issues. It focuses on the transformations linked to the multiplication of digital devices in our societies. Read more


Initial training / Accessible for resumption of studies /
2 years
Ecole Universitaire de Recherche Economie et Management
Campus Saint Jean d'Angély / Campus Carlone



Future careers :
  • Consultants.
  • Socio-economic research manager (double master's degree).
  • Sociology lecturer.
  • User researcher / UX Researcher.
  • Functions relating to the "uses and services" of digital technologies and innovations.

Employability rate
  • 67%* 6 months after graduation.
*Source: Observatory of Student Life, class of 2022



The objective of the CESUN track in sociology and digital uses is to develop specialized skills in social science methodologies (interviews, observations, focus groups, statistical analyses, etc.) to prepare for jobs in consulting agencies, observatories or specialized institutes. The methodologies learned are in line with recent developments (notably the ever-increasing digitization of data).

Further courses provide an understanding of the transformations introduced by the multiplication of digital devices in all areas of society, with a special focus on the workplace and health. In these areas, emphasis is given to analyzing uses and users, which corresponds to the emerging profession of "user researcher". The program also teaches how to carry out studies commissionned as part of programmed or more experimental changes (for the purpose of assessments, social impact indicators, etc.).

Lastly, this program prepares students for managing all the different phases of projects relating to the deployment of digital systems (scope of requirements, follow-up and communication, leadership, assessment, adjustment). This corresponds to the professions of digital project manager and online community manager.

Unique features of the program :
  • An expert teaching team with a wide range of skills.
  • A network of local partners for internships and jobs.
  • An education in sociology with high employability.

Objectives of the program :

  • Understand the transformations introduced by the massive introduction of digital devices in all areas of social life and become a key player in these transformations.
  • Defend the user's point of view in the deployment of digital tools.
  • Engage in research to advance career goals and transition to the professional world.

For more information on the program’s satisfaction rate, please contact the head of the program.
The success rate was 75% on average over the last three years.

Training accessible to people with a handicap.
Consul the website "Mission Handicap"

Training eligible for "MON COMPTE FORMATION"</


Logo du Gredeg
Logo du Gredeg

Check their website

IESTS (Institut d’Enseignement Supérieur de Travail Social de Nice)



Undergraduate level

Open to applicants with a bachelor's degree in sociology or in related disciplines (political science, information-communication, anthropology, etc.).

Bachelor’s degree in the humanities and social sciences (sociology, political science, anthropology, geography, history, economics and management).

Conditions of applications

Dematerialized application files.
Applications are submitted on the Mon Master platform for M1 students, and on the ecandidat platform for M2 students.
Consult the procedure

Conditions of specific applications

International applicants not on exchange programmes must apply via the Études en France platform - French Agency for the Promotion of Higher Education, Hospitality and International Mobility. This portal enables people from certain countries to come to France to start or continue a university course.

Conditions of admission / Conditions of successful application

Selection on application file


Master 1
Semester 1

UE Paradigmes et méthodologies des sciences sociales 1 (3 ECTS)
Paradigmes des Sciences sociales 1 (24h CM)
Méthodologie 1 (24h TD)

UE disciplinaires 1 (6 ECTS)
Classements et catégories  (15h CM, 9h TD)
Sociologies contemporaines (15h CM, 9h TD)

UE Langue vivante (3 ECTS)
Anglais (18h TD)

UE Projet Professionnel de Recherche 1 (6 ECTS)
Projet 1

UE Méthodologie approfondie 1 (6 ECTS - 42h TD)

UE de spécialisation 1 (3 ECTS)

Introduction à la sociologie des usages  (18h CM, 6h TD)

UE Option autre champ de connaissance 1 (3 ECTS)
Anthropologie de la coopération
ECUE à choisir sur liste dans d’autres parcours de la mention ou dans d’autres mentions

Semester 2

UE Paradigmes et méthodologies des sciences sociales 1 (3 ECTS)
Paradigmes des Sciences sociales 2 (24h CM)
Méthodologie 2 (24h TD)

UE disciplinaires 2 (6 ECTS)
Actualités des Classiques (15h CM, 9h TD)
Sociologie des controverses sociotechniques (15h CM, 9h TD)

UE Langue vivante (3 ECTS)
Anglais (18h TD)
Insertion professionnelle (12h TD)

UE Projet Professionnel de Recherche 2 (9 ECTS)
Projet 2

UE Méthodologie approfondie 2 (3 ECTS - 42h TD)

UE de spécialisation 2 (3 ECTS)

Méthodologie d'analyse des communautés en ligne (18h CM, 6h TD)

UE Option autre champ de connaissance 2 (3 ECTS)
Usages du digital et décisions stratégiques
ECUE à choisir sur liste dans d’autres parcours de la mention ou dans d’autres mentions


Master 2 
Semester 3

UE Sociologie du numérique (6 ECTS)
Sociologie de l'activité et de la multiactivité (12h CM, 6h TD)
Sociologie des plateformes numériques (15h CM)
Le travail et la santé en chantier numérique (15h CM)

UE Sociologie d’intervention 1 (3 ECTS)
Mutation de l’action publique et ingéniérie sociale (9h CM, 6h TD)
Formes et institutions de l’innovation (12h CM, 6h TD)
Gestion de projets numériques (15h TD)

UE Méthodologies (6 ECTS)
Méthode 1 : production de données qualitatives et quantitatives (18h CM, 18h TD)

UE Projet Professionnel et de Recherche 3 (15 ECTS)
Insertion Professionnelle 2 (15h TD)

Semester 4 

UE Méthodologies (6 ECTS)
Analyse des données qualitatives et quantitatives (18h CM, 18h TD)
Ethnographie des situations de travail (11h CM, 4h TD)

UE Sociologie d’intervention 2 (6 ECTS)
Pratique du diagnostic sociologique (12h CM, 6h TD)
Nouveaux enjeux de la santé publique (9h CM, 6h TD)Le travail social à l’ère du numérique (9h CM, 6h TD)

UE Projet Professionnel et de Recherche 4 (18 ECTS)
Méthodologie du stage / mémoire (15h TD)
Soutenance du mémoire / stage 


  • Gérald Gaglio, Professeur des Universités, GREDEG/UCA
  • Manuel Boutet, Maître de Conférences, GREDEG / UCA
  • Jean Sébastien Vayre, Maître de Conférences, GREDEG / UCA
  • Isabelle Feroni, Maître de Conférences, GREDEG/UCA

  • In master 1: possibility of a short internship (2 months)
  • In master 2: 4 to 6 months
Find an internship, work-study opportunity or job on the university website.

Contribution to communication about the master's degree, survey project.

What's next ?

Year of highschool graduation

Undergraduate level

Level of education obtained after completion

Graduate level

RNCP URL of content

RNCP Code : 34296

Target activities / attested skills

  • Identify, decipher and act on issues relating to digital transformations, in particular in the world of work and health.
  • Implement innovative methodologies combining "classic" survey data and digital data.
  • Bring and operationalize the users' point of view in technological projects.
  • Respond to a survey order using an appropriate methodological device, collect and analyze the data produced, report the results to a variety of audiences and, if necessary, organize the co-construction of avenues for improvement

Possibility of further studies by pursuing a PHD

Business sector or job

  • Consultants.
  • Socio-economic research manager (double master's degree).
  • Sociology lecturer.
  • User researcher / UX Researcher.
  • Functions relating to the "uses and services" of digital technologies and innovations.

In 2022, the program had a 67% employability rate six months after graduation.


Students who plan to enroll full-time in a public institution of higher education must pay the Contribution to student and campus life (Contribution de Vie Etudiante et de Campus - CVEC).

Students must also pay tuition fees, which are set by ministerial decree for national degrees. They are indexed to the national consumer price index.

More information about tuition fees is available on this webpage.

If you are returning to school after a professional experience, you can find more information about tuition fees on the website of the Université Côte d'Azur Continuing Education Department.

After receiving the authorization to enroll, students must register online.

Information about the application process

Find more information for new students in the student booklet.