• Political Science
  • Humanities and Social Sciences

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The Master program in Migration Studies focuses on a crucial issue in today’s world: the impact of migration and diversity on contemporary societies. Read more


Initial training / Executive Education Program / Accessible for resumption of studies /
2 years
Ecole Universitaire de Recherche Faculté de droit et science politique
Nice / Campus Saint Jean d'Angély / Campus Trotabas





The Master program in Migration Studies focuses on a crucial issue in today’s world: the impact of migration and diversity on contemporary societies. The movement of people, ideas and practices and the growing diversification of societies have had very significant effects on legislations, on public policies as well as on individual and collective social experiences.

The programs benefit from an important tradition of research in the history and sociology of migration in Nice, a cosmopolitan border city, as well as from a rich professional and associative environment connected to migration.

The program combines a strengthening of the knowledge and tools of political science at the M1 level, with a multidisciplinary approach (law, political science, and social sciences) and international perspective on migration during the M2 year. In France, this is the only M2 level Master in Migration Studies taught in English.

This program is based on active pedagogy and hands-on methodologies combining lectures, seminars and practical applications with an aim at acquiring skills to conduct empirical research, to produce and promote rigorous analyses and to lead and carry out projects in either public, international or nonstate organizations.

The Master in Migration Studies is an excellent training preparing for careers in international and European organizations, local, national, and international administrations, NGOs and the media.

Strengths of this Master:

  • An extended expertise in political science
  • A combination of contributions from the perspective of law, political science, and social sciences.
  • M2 level entirely taught in English.
  • Small classes for a personalized monitoring
  • Guest seminars with invited professionals and academics specialized in migration.
  • Invited lectures with internationally recognized academics.
  • A local environment affected and shaped by migratory processes.
  • Hands-on training (field visit, legal clinic, and so on) which includes a period of internship.
  • Direct connections with research activities of three research centers (URMIS, ERMES, LADIE)
  • Opportunities for study, research, and internship experiences abroad.
  • An international network for studying migrations abroad in Europe ( and outside Europe.

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ERMES (Research Team on the Mutations of Europe and its Societies, linked to the Department of Political Science) brings together political scientists, public law specialists and legal historians, who question the construction and transformation of territories and political identities, and the evolutions of the European political and legal space, especially in relation to migration processes.

LADIE (Research Center in International and European Law) focuses on migrants and refugees’ rights, international humanitarian law, human rights law, security issues, the fight against transnational crime, the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union, EU immigration policy. It took part in several European projects, including an INTERREG program funded by the European Union on “The EU and the Law of Migrants and Refugees”, in collaboration with the Institute of International Humanitarian Law of San Remo-Geneva (2008-2012).

URMIS (Migrations and Society Research Unit, linked to the Department of Sociology), was one of the first research centers in France to develop social science approaches to migrations and interethnic relations. It is a joint research center of the University of Nice, the University of Paris Diderot, the Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD) and the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS). URMIS brings together researchers from various disciplines and is a unique space for debate and comparison, while also sharing a common theoretical understanding of national, ethnic and racial groups as social constructions.



High school level

Training(s) required (diplomas recommended or preferred):

Admission to M1 (first year): Bachelor's degree in political science or social sciences. Level C1 in French; B2 level in English.

Admission to M2 (second year): One year of post-graduate studies in political science (or social sciences related to migration or the political), or Bachelor's degree + professional experience in the fields of migration.

Level C1 in English (no level required in French).

Students from outside the EU can obtain an exemption from their specific registration fees. The Master’s coordinators will help them with this process.

Conditions of applications

Application and procedures:

Applications are to be completed online on the web platform:

  • Choose your Master's program (either social sciences, political science or European and international law) and select the Migration studies specialization (please note that for M1 in European and international law, it is only in your application file that you will specify your choice of the Migration studies specialization)
  • Complete your application file with all the requested documents
  • If you are admitted into one of these two programs, you have to confirm your decision online. Then you will receive an email that will direct you to a new platform where you can proceed to registration.

Capacité d'accueil : 10 étudiants

Campus France pour les étudiants étrangers :

Non-EU international students should contact Campus France in their country of origin to apply, provided that they live in one of the 42 countries concerned by the Campus France procedure (check the list of countries online). If not, they should follow the usual application procedure described above (ecandidat web platform).


  • Master 1 (M1) 

Semesters 1 & 2 offer in-depth training in political science. These courses, taught in French, are shared with the Master's EPAP program (Expertise du politique et action publique). They aim to consolidate skills in the major fields of the discipline: political sociology, public policy, comparative politics, methods, etc. These are explored from the local to the international level.

The M1 offers a first specialization in the field of migration through multidisciplinary courses taught in French and English, and through the research dissertation. The dissertation is a first experience in conducting empirical surveys and managing independent projects. Students are encouraged to focus their dissertations on subjects related to migration in Nice and the Alpes-Maritimes region (different waves of migration, border practices, associative actions, etc.). The annual "Introduction to Migration Studies" cycle also supports the exploration of these themes. Finally, the two "Switch" courses chosen can be used to explore related topics (among the options: Migrating through the ages, Gender and inequalities...).

The English module allow you to prepare for the transition to English courses in M2.


  • Master 2 (M2) 

Semesters 3 & 4 offer in-depth training entirely focused on migration issues. All courses are taught in English. The M2 addresses migration-related topics through disciplinary courses and interdisciplinary thematic seminars. Students will acquire methodological skills in research, data production and analysis. They will develop skills in leading and carrying out professional projects through dedicated training courses and experiences.

Both courses and seminars rely on the active participation of students. Hence, the assessment methods are based on assignments during terms or final individual works.



UE - Action publique et politique
Inégalités, redistribution, lutte contre les discriminations (CM+TD)
Introduction to Migration Studies 1 (TD)
 - Introduction to Migration Law
- Introduction to Border Studies
- Migrations and Political Mobilizations)

UE - Institutions politiques
Politique comparée : États et systèmes politiques dans les Suds (CM+TD)
Anglais appliqué au politique 1 (TD)

UE - Construire une recherche en sciences sociales
Méthodes de l'enquête et analyses de données (CM)
Construire un mémoire en Science politique (CM)

UE - « Switch »
 Un cours à choisir au sein de l’EUR Odyssee (sciences sociales et sciences de l’environnement)


UE - Savoirs de l'action publique
Mutations de l'État et de l'action publique (CM+TD)
Pouvoir local et territoires (CM)

UE - Union européenne
Union européenne : Institutions, acteurs, pratiques (CM)
Introduction to migration studies 2 (CM+TD)
Historical Approaches to Migration
Sociology of Contemporary Migrations
Ethnicity Race and Migration

UE - Techniques d'enquête en sciences sociales -
Enquêtes et pratiques de recherche

Méthodes de l'enquête et analyses de données 2 (TD)
Anglais appliqué au politique 2 (TD)
Finaliser un mémoire (CM)

UE - Mémoire de recherche
Défendre un mémoire de recherche

UE -  « Switch »
Un cours à choisir au sein de l’EUR Odyssee (sciences sociales et sciences de l’environnement)

UE : Contemporary Migration Policies
The Implementation of Migration and Border Control: Actors, Processes and Effects (CM)
 Fieldwork visit in Ventimiglia (TD)

UE : Citizenship, Vote and Migration
Citizenship, Vote and Migration (CM)

UE : Migration Law
French Immigration Law (CM)
European Migration Law (CM)

UE : Thematic seminars
Thematic seminars (TD)

UE : Legal Aspects of NGOs and migrants' rights
Legal Aspects of NGOs and migrants' rights (TD)

UE : Research and professional project
Qualitative and quantitative methods in social sciences (TD)
Legal clinic- 9 h CM
Preparation of research/internship project (TD)

UE : “Switch” - a class to be chosen within the social sciences and environmental sciences graduate school (Odyssée) :
a class to be chosen within the social sciences and environmental sciences graduate school (Odyssée)

UE : Race, Class, Gender and Migration
Race, Class, Gender and Migration (CM)

UE : Contemporary Migration Politics
Contemporary Migration Politics (CM)

UE : Asylum Law
Asylum Law (CM)

UE : Thematic seminars
Thematic seminars (TD)

UE : Research and Professional Project
Qualitative and quantitative methods in social sciences (TD)
Legal clinic (TD)
Research dissertation or Internship Report
Formation susceptible d’être modifiée (ouverture/fermeture) à la rentrée 2024.

Full time

The Master's program relies on students active participation. Therefore, presence in Nice is required from September to June (M1- first year) and from September to the end of March (M2-second year).

What's next ?

Level of education obtained after completion

Degree equivalent to 4 or 5 years' higher education (Bac +4 & Bac +5)

RNCP URL of content

Master Migrations :

RNCP36848BC01 - Mettre en œuvre les usages avancés et spécialisés des outils numériques
RNCP36848BC02 - Mobiliser et produire des savoirs hautement spécialisés
RNCP36848BC03 - Mettre en œuvre une communication spécialisée pour le transfert de connaissances
RNCP36848BC04 - Contribuer à la transformation en contexte professionnel
RNCP36848BC05 - Produire des analyses hautement spécialisées sur les phénomènes migratoires
RNCP36848BC06 - Mettre en œuvre des protocoles de recherche et sur les migrations
RNCP36848BC07 - Piloter des projets dans les secteurs liés à l’accueil des migrants, à la solidarité internationale et à l’interculturalité
RNCP36848BC08 - Valoriser, diffuser et communiquer sur les migrations
RNCP38175BC06 - Contribuer à la prise de décision, mettre en place et évaluer des actions publiques
RNCP38175BC07 - Assurer la communication et l'animation d'acteurs, institutions ou instances publiques au sein de l'espace public

Target activities / attested skills

Équivalence :  Master (Bac + 5)

Possibilité de valider un/des blocs de compétences : non


Information et inscription sur  École doctorale DESPEG

Business sector or job

Local authorities (cabinet jobs or civil service) and their cooperation establishments (intercommunalités, Pays)

Para-public organizations (development agencies, urban planning agencies, resource centers, territorial observatories), territorial operators (social housing organizations)

Public structures and independent administrative authorities

Private consulting sector

Education, research


Type of jobs available :

- Research and advocacy officer for international (UNHCR, IOM, etc.) and national organizations (CIMADE, etc.)

Taux d'insertion


Droits d'inscription

Les é provenant d’en dehors de l’UE peuvent obtenir une exonération de leurs droits d’inscriptions spécifiques. La responsable de parcours les aidera dans cette démarche.