Joint Research Unit

Institut de Biologie Valrose (iBV)

Address :
Campus Sciences, Parc Valrose, Bâtiment de Biochimie, 28 Avenue Valrose
06108 Nice Cedex 2
Phone :
+33 492076400
On the Internet :
Additional contact details :
Logo Institut de Biologie Valrose (iBV)
Logo Institut de Biologie Valrose (iBV)

General information

Affiliated institutions :

Université Côte d'Azur
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (Inserm)

Reference : CNRS UMR 7277INSERM U1091

Departments : DS 5 : Biologie Médecine et Santé


Director(s) :
The iBV teams address fundamental physiopathological questions including cell communication by signaling pathways, cell and tissue growth, metabolism, cell death, cell-matrix interactions, cell differentiation, stem cells, morphogenesis, cell polarity, intra- and intercellular trafficking, neurogenesis, physiology of ion channels, reproduction, cancer, diabetes, obesity, evolution of organisms, etc. 
For their research, the teams use a wide variety of model organisms (Drosophila, yeast, nematodes, sea urchins, zebrafish, mice, cell lines). 


Collectively, iBV researchers have received more than 140 awards and distinctions from national and international organizations: 
3 European Research Council (ERC) grants, 13 teams with the ATIP - AVENIR label, 2 LanEx (including SIGNALIFE for which the iBV is the leader), 3 members of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), 4 EMBO Young Investigators, 2 HFSP Career Award Development Awards, 1 JDRF Career Development Award, 1 CNRS silver medal and 5 CNRS bronze medals, 2 Inserm Prize laureates, 8 Prizes from the French Academy of Sciences, 1 Prize from the French Academy of Medicine, 1 Prize from the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation, 2 Prizes from the Schlumberger Foundation, 1 Chair of Excellence. 


The iBV hosts several cutting-edge technological platforms including imaging (PRISM, IBiSA), flow and cytometry and cell sorting, molecular biology and protein purification, histopathology, automatic preparation of various biological media, L2 & L3 containment rooms, functional testing centers and bioinformatics. 
These platforms are equipped with the most recent technologies, some of which have been developed in-house by iBV engineers. 


International relations

The iBV manages more than 70 research contracts or collaborations with the EU (ERC, Marie Curie ...), ATIP-Avenir, ANR, HFSP, JDRF, ARC, InCA, LNCC, FRM, AFM, ANRS, FRC , FdF, Cancéropole PACA, CR PACA, CG06) but also with Harvard Medical School, MIT, NIH, NSF, Berkeley, UCLA, Max-Planck Institute, EMBO, Welcome Trust Center, Karolinska Institute and  manufacturers (Astra Zeneca , Lilly, Novonordisk, etc.), thus ensuring a continuum between basic and clinical research. 
Member of the GDR2588 Functional Microscopy of the Living research group, and the Opti'Tec (2008) and Eurobiomed (2011) clusters. 
Patents: 17 (since 2005) + 1 start-up 
Initiator of LabEx SIGNALIFE, 2012 Laureate (Coordinator: Stéphane Noselli) 

Industrial relations

During the period 2011-2016, iBV teams filed 27 patents (6 worldwide, 2 European, 3 American, 1 Japanese and 15 French), of which 10 are pending certification (3 worldwide, 1 American, 1 Japanese and 3 French). 
As part of the recognition of their research, the iBV teams have also secured research grants from the private sector (TherAchon, AXA, Galderma, GSK, Merck, Novonordisk, Roche, Servier, Yves Saint-Laurent). 
Finally, Ms. Elvire Gouze, team leader at iBV, is cofounder of a biotech (TherAchon), currently hosted at iBV, which has raised over $35M in funds earmarked for future clinical studies in the fight against achondroplasia (dwarfism).