MME Michele Studer
- Tél
- +33 4 89 15 07 20
- Téléphone 2
- +33 4 89 15 07 20
Thèmes de recherche
I am interested in unravelling some of the key molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying brain organisation and circuit formation during development. My team and I aim to understand how the brain is regulated by intrinsic genetic mechanisms and extrinsic activity-dependent cues that continuously interact during pre- and postnatal development, and control key neuronal traits and topographic map formation.
We use the mouse as an experimental animal model to identify the molecular signature and study the cellular behavior of neuronal circuits required in shaping distinct and coordinated functional topographic maps. The team has added to the standard molecular and cellular approaches a whole series of interdisciplinary experimental techniques. We combine in vivo genetic gain-and-loss of function approaches, 3D imaging of axonal projections and high-density Microelectrode Array (MEA) recordings to elucidate how cell specification, migration and connectivity are functionally coordinated and ensure proper assembly of subcircuits in the developing brain.
We use the mouse as an experimental animal model to identify the molecular signature and study the cellular behavior of neuronal circuits required in shaping distinct and coordinated functional topographic maps. The team has added to the standard molecular and cellular approaches a whole series of interdisciplinary experimental techniques. We combine in vivo genetic gain-and-loss of function approaches, 3D imaging of axonal projections and high-density Microelectrode Array (MEA) recordings to elucidate how cell specification, migration and connectivity are functionally coordinated and ensure proper assembly of subcircuits in the developing brain.
Informations complémentaires
- Fondation Agir Pour lAudition (APA) “Genetic and functional analysis of normal and pathological auditory pathways in the embryonic and adult mouse system.
- AFM Téléthon. “In vivo and in vitro reprogramming of non-neuronal cells to cortico-spinal motor neuron.
- 2015 ERA-NET NEURON call on European Research Projects on Neurodevelopmental Disorders. “ImprovVision: Understanding and reprogramming developmental visual disorders: from anophthalmia to cortical impairments.”
- Equipe FRM 2015 “Transcriptional control of neuronal activity during differentiation and wiring of the mouse neocortex”.