Académie d'Excellence "Espace, Environnement, Risques et Résilience"
WaveIMAginG Step 1
- C. Miggliaccio & V. Dolean -
The power of waves to image complex features and processes of critical importance for human beings and the environment
Academy 3 highlight
WIMAG gathers 5 UCA laboratories in mathematics, informatics, signal processing, electronics, and earth sciences to develop innovative wave-based methods to image hazardous features and processes.
The project
A prerequisite to assess most natural and anthropogenic hazards is to describe accurately the features that induce these hazards. This description generally relies on imaging the features in three dimensions. The imaging is commonly done by extracting the information which acoustic or electromagnetic waves traveling through the features carry on their 3D shape and properties. Wave imaging is thus of upmost importance for a wide range of fields including medicine, telecommunications, environment, Earth and planetary sciences, material sciences, transportation, defense and security. Enhancing the performance of wave imaging devices is particularly important to improve our understanding of many specific features and phenomena in the above-mentioned areas. However, significant advances are still currently required in the modelling, analysis, computer-aided design, optimization and manufacturing of such devices, together calling for a broad range of expertise in engineering, physics and mathematics. In this context, the WIMAG project aimed, as a first step, to identify and gather the research and development, industrial teams and partners of Université Côte d’Azur involved in wave imaging systems. We thus gathered 5 different laboratories of UCA. WIMAG then focused on theoretical developments related to three applications: seismic imaging of the Earth, imaging of Electroencephalograms (EEG), and detection and identification of strokes by microwave tomography. All of these theoretical developments share a common thread, which is to tackle the difficult challenge of wave-based inverse problems: recover the real 3D shape and properties of the feature under study by matching complex, incomplete, oscillating and generally fuzzy signals acquired with various experimental devices. For comparison, this is like recovering the exact proportion of the various ingredients used to make a cake, just by tasting the cake.
This led us to develop new methods to image the target features accurately. In particular, we developed a novel seismic-wave-based imaging method of Earth rocks. In addition, from recordings of the electrical potential, we implemented a rapid and efficient method to locate brain sources on the scalp. We also demonstrated that haemorrhagic brain stroke can be automatically identified with microwave tomography in less than 5 minutes.
The +
We have unified the broad range of expertise on wave imaging in UCA, spanning from medicine to mathematics through Earth and material sciences. This transdisciplinary effort has led us to perform important new research and to reach new findings, such as the development of a wavefield reconstruction inversion (WRI) method for seismic imaging of shallow Earth rocks, development of a new rapid and efficient method to locate brain sources on the scalp, and demonstration that haemorrhagic brain stroke can be automatically identified with microwave tomography in less than 5 minutes.
What’s next?
The project has created new collaborations at UCA, national and international levels that should go on and be long-lasting. The work on microwave imaging for medical applications will be pursued via a grant from New Zealand. The creation of an academic/industrial Consortium between Geoazur, Total and Shell is in progress and a grant was obtained with Great Britain for applied mathematics to geosciences.
Project information
Scientific domain
Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Geosciences and Electromagnetism Theme
Physical Imaging |
Key words
Wave Imaging
Inverse Problems
Direct Problems
Seismic Imaging
Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Microwave Imaging
Total budget
64 k€ including :
21 k€ from Academy 3 |
Students inolved
AGHAMIRY Hossein: PhD (Geoazur) |
Partner laboratories | Project members
AUROUX Didier : PR UCA (LJAD) BARATCHART Laurent: DR INRIA (FACTAS) BLANC-FÉRAUD Laure: DR CNRS (I3S) BLUM Jacques : PR UCA (LJAD) DAUVIGNAC Jean-Yves : PR UCA (LEAT) DOELAN Victorita: MCF-HDR UCA (LJAD) LANTERI Jérôme: MCF UCA (LEAT) LEBLOND Juliette: DR INRIA (FACTAS) MIGLIACCIO Claire: PR UCA (LEAT) OPERTO Stéphane: DR CNRS (Geoazur) PICHOT Christian: DR émérite CNRS (LEAT) RATAJCZAK Philippe : (Orange Labs, Directeur CREMANT) RIBODETTI Alessandra : Chargée de recherche IRD-HDR (Geoazur) SEYFERT Fabien : CR-HDR INRIA (FACTAS) |
Claire Migliaccio
Victoria Dolean
Project valorization
- S. Amraoui, D. Auroux, J. Blum, B. Faugeras: Nudging-based observers for geophysical data assimilation and joint state-parameters estimation. », Proceedings d’UCA Complex days 2018.
- H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami and S. Operto, Improving full-waveform inversion by wavefield reconstruction with alternating direction method of multipliers, Geophysics, 84(1), R139--R162, 2019.
- H. Aghamiry,A. Gholami and S. Operto, Implementing bound constraints and total-variation regularization in extended full waveform inversion with the alternating direction method of multiplier: application to large contrast media, Geophysical Journal International, Accepted pending moderate revisions. Preprint arXiv:1902.02744.
- H. Aghamiry,A. Gholami and S. Operto, Compound Regularization of Full-waveform Inversion for Imaging Piecewise Media, Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. Preprint arXiv:1903.04405.
- S. Sambolian, S. Operto, A. Ribodetti, B. Tavakoli and J. Virieux, Parsimonious slope tomography based on eikonal solvers and the adjoint-state method, Geophysical Journal International, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggz150.
- V.L. Coli, P-H. Tournier, V. Dolean, I. El Kanfoud, CH. Pichot, C. Migliaccio, L. Blanc-Féraud, « Detection of Brain Strokes Using Microwave Tomography”, IEEE – APS URSI, 8-13 Jul. 2018, Boston USA.
- Pierre-Henri Tournier, Iannis Aliferis; Marcella Bonazzoli; Maya de Buhan; Marion Darbas, Victorita Dolean, Frédéric Hecht; Pierre Jolivet; Ibtissam El Kanfoud; Claire Migliaccio; Frédéric Nataf; Christian Pichot; Serguei Semenov, « Microwave Tomographic Imaging of Cerebrovascular Accidents by Using High-Performance Computing », Accepté à Parallel Computing.
- V.L. Coli, P-H. Tournier, V. Dolean, I. El Kanfoud, Ch. Pichot, C. Migliaccio, L. Blanc-Féraud, « Detection of Brain Strokes Using Microwave Tomography”, Special Issue of IEEE JOURNAL OF ELECTROMAGNETICS, RF AND MICROWAVES IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY (Early Access)
- P-H. Tournier, C. Migliaccio, , I. El Kanfoud, I. Aliferis, M. Bonazzoli, V. Dolean, F. Rapetti, F. Hecht, F. Nataf, S. Semenov, Ch. Pichot, « Realistic Scenario of Brain Stroke Monitoring Including Experimental Error Modeling”, soumis à IEEE JERM.
- H. Aghamiry,A. Gholami and S. Operto, Hybrid Tikhonov + Total-Variation regularization for imaging large-contrast media by full-waveform inversion, Expanded Abstracts, 88th Annual SEG Meeting (Anaheim), 2018.
- H. Aghamiry,A. Gholami and S. Operto, Improving Full-Waveform Inversion Based On Wavefield Reconstruction Via Bregman Iterations, Expanded Abstracts, 80th Annual EAGE Meeting (Copenhagen), 2018.
- H. Aghamiry,A. Gholami and S. Operto, Imaging Contrasted Media with Total Variation Constrained Full Waveform Inversion and Split Bregman Iterations, Expanded Abstracts, 80$^{th}$ Annual EAGE Meeting (Copenhagen), 2018.
- S. Sambolian, S. Operto, A. Ribodetti, B. Tavakoli and J. Virieux, Parsimonious slope tomography based on eikonal solvers and the adjoint-state method, Expanded Abstracts, 80th Annual EAGE Meeting (Copenhagen), 2018.
- H. Aghamiry,A. Gholami and S. Operto, Implementing bound constraints and total-variation regularization in extended full waveform inversion with the alternating direction method of multiplier: application to large contrast media, Proceedings of the 81th Annual EAGE Meeting (London), 2019.
- H. Aghamiry,A. Gholami and S. Operto, Multi-parameter ADMM-based wavefield reconstruction inversion in {VTI} acoustic media, Proceedings of the 81th Annual EAGE Meeting (London), 2019.
- H. Aghamiry and A. Gholami and S. Operto, Joint estimation of velocity and attenuation by frequency-domain {TV}-regularized wavefield reconstruction inversion, Proceedings of the 81th Annual EAGE Meeting (London) - WS01: Attenuation: Challenges in Modelling and Imaging at the Exploration Scale, 2019.
- S. Sambolian, A. Gorszczyk, S. Operto, A. Ribodetti, B. Tavakoli F. and J. Virieux, Building initial model for FWI from ultra long-offset OBN data by first-arrival traveltime + slope tomography, Proceedings of the 81th Annual EAGE Meeting (London) - WS01: Attenuation: Challenges in Modelling and Imaging at the Exploration Scale, 2019.
- H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami and S. Operto, Robust ADMM-based wavefield reconstruction inversion with phase retrieval, Proceedings of the 89th Annual SEG Meeting (San Antonio), 2019.
- H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami and S. Operto, On the robustness of l1-regularized ADMM-based wavefield reconstruction inversion against coarse sampling of sources and receivers, Proceedings of the 89th Annual SEG Meeting (San Antonio), 2019.
- S. Sambolian, B. Tavakoli F., A. Gorszczyk, S. Operto, A. Ribodetti and J. Virieux, Mitigating the ill-posedness of first-arrival traveltime tomography using slopes: application to crustal imaging from OBS data, AGU Fall Meeting 2018 (Washington, D.C.), 2018.
- S. Sambolian, S. Operto, A. Ribodetti and J. Virieux, Double-difference/slope tomography by a variational projection approach, AGU Fall Meeting 2018 (Washington, D.C.), 2018.S. Sambolian, S. Operto, A. Ribodetti B. Tavakoli and J. Virieux, On the paramatrization of Slope Tomography: its implication on the velocity-position coupling, SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences.
- H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami and S. Operto, Implementing Bound Constraints and Hybrid Total-Variation + Tikhonov Regularization in Wavefield Reconstruction Inversion with the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers, SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences.
- H. Aghamiry, A. Gholami and S. Operto, Extending the search space of Full Waveform Inversion (FWI) by Alternating Direction of Multipliers (ADMM), SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences.
- V.L. Coli, P-H. Tournier, V. Dolean, I. El Kanfoud, CH. Pichot, C. Migliaccio, L. Blanc-Féraud, « Detection of Brain Strokes Using Microwave Tomography”, IEEE – APS URSI, 8-13 Jul. 2018, Boston USA.
- V.L. Coli, P-H. Tournier, V. Dolean, I. El Kanfoud, Ch. Pichot, C. Migliaccio, L. Blanc-Féraud, « Detection of Simulated Brain Strokes Using Microwave Tomography”, Special Issue of IEEE JOURNAL OF ELECTROMAGNETICS, RF AND MICROWAVES IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY, June 2019. DOI: 10.1109/JERM.2019.2921076
- P.H. Tournier, I. Aliferis, M. Bonazzoli, M. de Buhan, M. Darbas, V. Dolean, F. Hecht, P. Jolivet, I. El Kanfoud, C. Migliaccio, F. Nataf, C. Pichot, S. Semenov, ” Microwave Tomographic Imaging of Cerebrovascular Accidents by Using High-Performance Computing ”, Parallel Computing, vol. 85, July 2019 pp. 88-97.
- P-H. Tournier, C. Migliaccio, I. El Kanfoud, I. Aliferis, M. Bonazzoli, V. Dolean, F. Rapetti, F. Hecht, F. Nataf, S. Semenov, Ch. Pichot, « Realistic Scenario of Brain Stroke Monitoring Including Experimental Error Modeling”, soumis à IEEE JOURNAL OF ELECTROMAGNETICS, RF AND MICROWAVES IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY, 2019.