Michael Bronstein Inaugural lecture by Pr. Michael Bronstein, Imperial College London
Department of Computing, Chair in Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition
Head of Graph Learning Research at Twitter
Vince Madaï Senior medical AI Researcher at Charité Berlin with an M.D., a Ph.D. in Medical Neuroscience, and an M.A. in Medical Ethics. Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) at ai4medicine, a company focused on medical AI data analytics and personalized mobile AI solutions. His foci include AI-research, AI-ethics, data science, neuroimage post-processing and clinical research.
Olivier Clatz CEO and Co-Founder of Therapixel, a software company specialized in artificial intelligence for breast cancer screaning. Member of The French Digital Council (@CNNum) and the national program "AI for diagnostic", which aims at unleashing the power of data and artificial intelligence to improve healthcare.
Christoph Meinel University Professor of computer sciences. President and CEO of the Hasso Plattner Institute(HPI) for Digital Engineering, dean of the Digital Engineering Faculty of the University of Potsdam (Germany), and Professor for Internet Technologies and Systems.
Stefano Ermon Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Stanford University, where he is affiliated with the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and a fellow of the Woods Institute for the Environment. His resaerch is motivated by a range of applications, in particular ones in the emerging field of computational sustainability.
Elena Di Bernardino University Professor in applied mathematics and 3IA Côte d'Azur Chair Holder. Her project deals with risk assessments related to environmental extreme events.
Philippe Beaudoin PhD (CEO, Waverly; Co-founder, Element AI). Philippe is an entrepreneur with a love for innovative ideas that have a positive impact on society. In early 2020, he co-founded Waverly, where his team is building a platform that can power a new type of recommendation algorithms based on an AI-driven manifesto: a text document that captures the user’s aspirations and lets them reduce the anger, anxiety or addiction caused by traditional algorithms. Prior to this, in 2016, he co-founded Element AI, a world leader at operationalizing Artificial Intelligence for businesses. Philippe holds a Ph.D from Université de Montréal, and did his postdoc studies at University of British Columbia. He has worked as a software engineer, researcher and an executive for several companies including Google.
Jean-Marie Bonnin Professor in the Network Systems, Cybersecurity and Digital Law Department of IMT Atlantique and leader of the Inria/EASE research team.
Paola Goatin Researcher at Inria Sophia Antipolis and 3IA Côte d'Azur Chair Holder. Her project aims at contributing to the transition to intelligent mobility management practices through an efficient use of available resources and information, fostering data collection and provision.
Leopold Parts Group Leader at the Sanger Insitute (Cambridge). He is a geneticist with broad interests in all areas of genomics. He focuses on measuring gene function at scale, creating accurate computational models for its readout, and understanding how it is impacted by genetic background and environment.
Dominique Boullier University Professor in Sociology, Professor at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (SciencesPo) and researcher at its Centre d'Etudes Européennes et de Politique Comparée. Specialist in the socio-political issues of the digital world, the impact of the digital transformation on management, the economy of attention and replications (propagation).
Stéphane Canu Researcher at the LITIS - INSA de Rouen, Normandie Université, Stéphane Canu is P.I. for the ANR project "Deep in France" and holder of a research chair about AI. His project focuses on the study of the fundamental properties of machine learning (including robustness) in order to guarantee the reliability of these methods for applications related to intelligent mobility.
François Laviolette Professor at University Laval (Québec) and Director of the UL "Centre de Recherche en Données Massives". He is a leader in PAC-Bayesian theory, a branch of learning theory that helps to better understand machine learning algorithms and design new ones. His research interests include learning algorithms to solve new types of learning problems, including those related to genomics, proteomics, drug discovery, etc.
Michael Brady Professor of Oncological Imaging in the Department of Oncology at Oxford University, having retired from his 25-year Professorship in Information Engineering in 2010. After obtaining degrees in mathematics, he worked in computing science, artificial intelligence, and engineering. He founded the Oxford University Robotics Group, but switched his interests to cancer image analysis in the early 1990s. Apart from his Oxford research, Mike Brady has founded a number of companies, including Matakina and ScreenPoint (mammographic image analysis), Mirada Medical (medical image fusion), and Perspectum Diagnostics (liver MRI.