- Recherche,
As part of its commitment to excellence and international prominence, the Initiative of Excellence of Université Côte d'Azur is launching the 2025 call for applications for the IdEx Advanced Research Chairs.
The objective of the call is to invite external researchers, lecturers and artists of a very high level for a relatively long duration (6 to 24 months). The successful chairs are expected to strengthen the research and creativity potential of our site and to significantly increase the reputation and visibility of Université Côte d'Azur, especially through the establishment of ambitious international collaborations. Additionally, the chairs are envisioned to prepare for potential future recruitment at Université Côte d'Azur.
Interested candidates should first get in touch with a research laboratory or a group member of Université Côte d’Azur ecosystem.
Together, the candidate and the local host will come up with an original research program and submit the application through our dedicated platform Nuxéo.
The detailed call can be found here
- Funding and benefits
The successful candidates will be offered an attractive net monthly salary between 3,500€ and 5,500€ (after deduction of social and employer contributions, but before income tax, if applicable) in addition to an operating expenses budget of 800 €/month.
Moreover, successful candidates are also eligible for a temporary furnished accommodation at the University Côte d’Azur Faculty Club, with the first month provided free of charge.
Finally, the Welcome Center provides information, assistance with paperwork, and personalized support both before and during the laureates' stay at Université Côte d’Azur. - Eligibility
This call is open to external tenured lecturers and researchers, having at least the status of maître de conférences or chargé de recherche (tenure-track faculty or researcher, or equivalent), as well as artists on the basis of a research project in art and creation. Post-doctoral fellows and professors emeriti are not eligible to apply. Artistic projects that are not strongly linked to a research project are also not eligible.
- Selection and timeline
Applications will be reviewed by a multidisciplinary committee consisting of internal and external experts. Selection criteria are:
- Quality of the candidate's CV,
- Scientific and strategic interest of the project,
- Quality of the interactions planned with the host team and the clarity of the medium-term prospects arising from the collaboration,
- Candidates will select and highlight the elements of their CV that demonstrate their scientific excellence. Candidates must also undertake to reside on the Côte d'Azur during the collaboration period(s).
The deadline to apply is Tuesday, March 18, 2025.
Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an oral interview together with their host at Université Côte d’Azur on May 27, 2025.
The start of the chair, that will be agreed on with the host, is no later than February 1, 2026. - How to find a host
In case you are unable to find a suitable host, we are here to help you! Please fill the following form and we will get back to you if we find a match.
- Application submission and contact
Application documents must be combined in a single PDF file and submitted by the host on Nuxéo, the IdEx project management plateform.
Questions and inquiries related to the program can be sent to: idex.recherche@univ-cotedazur.fr