DU Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)

  • Economie-Gestion
  • Commerce
  • Administration
DU Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)

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This Executive MBA (Master of Business Administration) is a one-year program, entirely taught in English and designed for professionals wishing to gain in-depth knowledge in the field of business administration. En savoir plus


Formation initiale / Formation continue / Accessible en reprise d'études /
Diplôme d'université
1 an
Institut d'Administration des Entreprises (IAE)
IAE / Campus Saint Jean d'Angély




  • One-year program taught in English by international professors and practitioners.
  • Part-time format compatible with professional activity: two monthly seminars on Fridays and Saturdays
  • Interactive learning with renowned lecturers
  • Research project on a business topic in line with your professional activity
  • Professional and international network development
  • 19,7% selection rate 2022-2023
  • 100% of success rate for the class of 2021-2022



82% employment rate 2022-2023

Notre formation est classée parmi les meilleurs Masters, MS & MBA Executive MBA Part-Time de France :


You have professional experience and want to step up to higher management positions? This degree will take you there.

The Executive MBA was created to give you the ability to take your career to the next level. You will gain more than just expertise in business administration, you will acquire lifelong tools to achieve your ambitions.

The program features interactive lectures delivered by renowned professors and practitioners from around the world, creating an effective learning environment.

The part-time format, with approximately two-day seminars held over Fridays and Saturdays twice per month, enables you to attend classes while maintaining your professional commitments.

You will also prepare a research project related to your professional activities, under the guidance of an academic supervisor, and defend it at the end of the program.

Thanks to events organised by IAE Nice, you will develop your professional and international network all throughout the year. The Executive MBA covers 20 seminars. You can follow courses on New Management Perspectives, participate in a business game and prepare a research project in line with your professional activity. Upon completion of the program  you will gain the managerial skills required to hold international managerial positions.

  • Gain in-depth knowledge in the field of business administration
  • Enhance your leadership potential
  • Give you the ability to take your career to the next level 
  • Acquire lifelong tools to achieve your ambitions

Eric CAUVIN, program director

Tsering CHOEDON,
program officer

Contact : iae.careercenter.emba@univ-cotedazur.fr



2eme cycle (bac+4)

Modalités de candidature

Admission requirements are as follows:
  • Bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, or equivalent curriculum (at least 180 ECTS credits)
  • Minimum 3 years’ work experience
  • English proficiency

Supporting Documents

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Motivation letter
  • Copy of identity card or passport
  • Copies of diplomas and grades
  • Certificate(s) of professional experience

*Following the review of applications, an interview will take place with the Admissions Committee.



*Approximately two seminars per month (two-day seminars on Fridays and Saturdays), from October to June. 

The research project is conducted throughout the year, under the supervision of a member of the MBA Faculty. 
20 courses (400 hours)  

Courses for the EMBA 
Business Communication      
Intercultural Negotiation
Economics for Managers
Business Law
International Business
Strategic Management
Organisational Behaviour
Human Resource Management
Corporate Social Responsibility
Marketing Management
Digital Marketing
Project Management
Information Technology
Corporate Finance
Management Controlling
New Perspectives in Management 1     
New Perspectives in Management 2 
Business Game or Business Case
Research Project

Et après ?

Niveau de sortie

2eme cycle (bac+4 & bac+5)


Tuition fees: 10,000 €