PARCOURS - e-tourisme, Hôtellerie-MICE (Meeting, Incentives, Conferencing, Exhibitions)

  • Economy-Management
  • Law
  • Political Science
  • Languages
  • Tourism
PARCOURS - e-tourisme, Hôtellerie-MICE (Meeting, Incentives, Conferencing, Exhibitions)

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The Master 2 in e-tourism, hospitality and MICE prepares managers for the new professions in the hotel industry, business tourism, convention and event management in the context of the digital transformation of organizations and practices. Read more


Initial training / Executive Education Program / Alternance
1 an
Ecole Universitaire de Recherche Economie et Management
Campus Saint Jean d'Angély / Campus Trotabas
French / English



Type of program

  • Initial training
  • Continuous training
  • Study while working
    • Professional contract
Employability rate
  • 64%1 6 months after graduation
  • 100%2 30 months after graduation
1Source: Observatory of Student Life – class of 2022
Source: Observatory of Student Life – class of 2020




The MICE track in e-tourism, hospitality and meetings, incentives, conferencing and exhibitions (MICE) is the second year of the master’s degree in tourism.

Because this final year is essential, the MICE program has been designed to ensure that future professionals in the tourism industry are operational on the job from day one.

Its objective is to train future managers in the new jobs in the hotel, business tourism and events industry in the context of the digital transformation of organizations and practices. This novel program ensures that students have a degree that will be useful in the coming years. This master’s degree in management places a strong emphasis on economics, management and law and is the ideal pathway toward management positions.

Unique features of the program
  • Individualized administrative and pedagogical support.
  • Strong partnerships: UMIH (Hotel Industry Union), Côte d'Azur Chamber of Commerce and Industry, PACA Region, Regional Tourism Committee, Tourist Offices (Nice, Cannes, Grasse, Saint-Paul de Vence, Mandelieu, Saint Raphaël, etc.), Amadeus, etc.
  • Professional preparation: 5 to 6 months mandatory internship in France or abroad.
  • Courses taught by professionals from the world of tourism (hotel managers, convention center and event agency managers, e-tourism experts and consultants, etc.).

This program opens the door to future international careers. The MICE pathway is a program geared toward employability that also reflects recent innovations and new developments in the tourism sector.

For more information about the program's satisfaction rate, please contact the head of the program.
The success rate was 91,67% in 2022/2023.

Training accessible to people with a handicap.
Consul the website "Mission Handicap"

Training eligible for "MON COMPTE FORMATION"</


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Undergraduate level

Concerned public :
  • Students who have passed successfully the Master 1 Tourisme.
  • Students who have passed successfully a Master 1 Management du Tourisme.
To enter the Master 1 program, you must hold a Licence 3 in economics and management or equivalent.
Access to Master 2 is also possible on analysis of the application and on condition of having validated a Master 1 in the field of economics-management or tourism.

Conditions of applications

Dematerialized application files.

Send the application through the "Mon Master" platform for the 1st year, and through the ecandidat platform for the 2nd year.

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Conditions of specific applications

International candidates outside exchange programs must apply on the platform "Études en France" - French Agency in the favor of graduate studies, welcoming foreign students and mobility programs. This platform allows people from certain countries to come to France to start or continue a university program.
Check the procedure


The course E-tourisme, Hôtellerie - Meeting, Incentives, Conferencing, Exhibitions breaks down into 2 semesters. 3 languages are taught throughout the year and a compulsory 6-month internship in a company, in France or abroad, constitutes a real springboard for the employment of future graduates.
Master 1
Semester 2

Unité 1 -  Environnement des entreprises touristiques (6 ECTS)
Économie du tourisme
Projets professionnels innovants

Unité 2 -  Outils de gestion des entreprises (6 ECTS)
Responsabilité sociétale des entreprises
Marketing digital
Construction site web

Unité 3 - Langues PPR (3 ECTS)
LV1 (obligatoire) : anglais
LV2 (au choix) : italien
LV2 (au choix) : espagnol
LV3 (obligatoire) : chinois

Unité 4 -  Stage PPR (obligatoire 5 mois - 9 ECTS)
Mémoire écrit 
Mémoire oral
Séminaires et conférences

Unité 5 - Option obligatoire (1 au choix) PPR (6 ECTS)
Option 1 : Hôtellerie / MICE Evènementiel
Management et promotion hôtelière
Tourisme d'affaire et de congrès
Conception et promotion de MICE

Option 2 : Arts-culture et promotion du territoire
Connaissance et promotion des infrastructures locales
Tourisme et aménagement 
Tourisme culturel et valorisation du patrimoine
Master 2

The e-tourism, hospitality and meetings, incentives, conferencing and exhibitions program is divided into two semesters. Students study three languages throughout the year and complete a mandatory six-month internship in a company, in France or abroad, which boosts the employability of future graduates.

The Master 2 internship lasts 6 months, from April to October. Each student is supervised by a professor (supervisor) who makes sure that the internship runs smoothly. The supervisor is available at any time to help the student write the report (choice of topic, outline, etc.). The supervisor grades the written and oral reports with the assistance of a co-supervisor. A supervisor in the company assesses the student’s work during the internship and may attend the student's oral presentation.

School and work experience alternating

Consult the MCC (Modalités de Contrôle des Connaissances)

What's next ?

Year of highschool graduation

Undergraduate level

Level of education obtained after completion

Graduate level

RNCP URL of content

RNCP Code : 34436

Business sector or job

More specifically, following the MICE course, future graduates aim for jobs with a high level of responsibility that they can exercise in France or internationally:
  • Manager in hotels, para-hotels, clubs and holiday villages
  • Manager of convention centers and reception facilities, events and various events (M.I.C.E.: (Meeting, Incentives, Conferencing, Exhibitions)
  • Event communication
  • Design, assembly, promotion, distribution of tourist products (travel agencies, receptive agencies, T.O)
  • Leisure park manager
  • Community Manager
  • Web communications officer
  • Media plan developer
  • E-CRM project manager

In 2022, the program had a 64% employability rate six months after graduation.


Registration fees for the national diplomas are set each year at national level. You will also have to pay a student and campus life contribution (CVEC) to the CROUS prior to any registration.

Once the registration authorization has been issued, candidates must proceed to their online registrations.
Check the procedures