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The EIT Digital Master School offers a two-year academic programme, whereby students study digital science, innovation and entrepreneurship at different leading European universities. Read moreObjectifs
EIT Digital Master School
3 possible specializations
- Data Science
- FinTech
- Autonomous Systems
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An enrolled EIT digital student has to visit two different countries for the respective entry and exit years.
> Find out more on EIT Digital Master School website
DS4H Graduate school offers you the opportunity to enrich your curriculum with a unique catalog of multidisciplinary courses (minors in law, business, entrepreneurship, creative industries, etc.), tutorship (laboratory immersion) and individual or group projects. By combining these options, over the semesters, you build your à la carte training program according to your personal and professional goals.
You acquire sought-after competencies (technical skills and "soft skills") for your future career in research, higher education, research and development, industry and services, start-ups, etc.
Learn more about the DS4H Graduate school options...
Formation accessible aux personnes en situation de handicap.
Consultez le site Mission Handicap
Cette offre de formation est éligible à MON COMPTE FORMATION
Person in charge of the academic program
- EIT Digital Coordinator at Polytech Nice-Sophia : Françoise Baude
- EIT Digital Administrative manager at Polytech Nice-Sophia : Nathalie Hailly
- EIT Digital Data Science (M1 and M2) Pedagogical manager at Polytech Nice-Sophia : Jean Martinet
- EIT Digital FinTech (M1 and M2) Pedagogical manager at Polytech Nice-Sophia : Françoise Baude
- EIT Digital Autonomous Systems (M1) Pedagogical manager at Polytech Nice-Sophia : Guillaume Ducard
- Pedagogical manager of the EIT Digital minor Innovation & Entrepreneurship (M1 and M2) at Polytech Nice-Sophia : Galena Pisoni
- Disability Referent : Ouiam Jebali - 04 89 15 00 96 / 06 11 62 64 42
Prerequisites for enrolment
Prerequisites training
Target audience
- Be willing to follow an international master
- Have a strong appetite for innovation and entrepreneurship
- Have a dual culture of "applied mathematics" and computer science
- Find out about the financial conditions for enrolling in the EIT program
Conditions of applications
2024/2025 Applications
- Specific process: https://masterschool.eitdigital.eu
- An English proficiency test, validated at the time of the application, is requested. It should at least correspond to a CEFR B2-level.
- An oral interview follows the pre-selection phase based on the candidate's file and allows us to assess the candidate's qualities in terms of their interpersonal skills, elocution, clarity and coherence of reasoning, attention and concentration, emotionality, aggressiveness or lack of tact.
Conditions of specific applications
Your file must contain the following documents which will contribute to the evaluation of your application:
- Relevés de notes des études supérieures
- Matières examinées : Mathématiques, Statistiques, Algèbre, Informatique, Systèmes, Bases de données, Programmation
- Matières fondamentales pour lesquelles l’absence de connaissances est rédhibitoire : Statistiques, programmation
- Le redoublement ou la compensation sont-ils des critères d’appréciation ? OUI
- Analyse de la cohérence entre le parcours suivi et le diplôme envisagé ? OUI
- Lettre de motivation et descriptif du projet professionnel
Cohérence entre le diplôme envisagé et le descriptif du projet professionnel
Qualité rédactionnelle (orthographe, défaut de structure ou de syntaxe)
Cohérence de la réflexion (développement de l’argumentaire)
- CV détaillé
Elément de synthèse permettant de découvrir les compétences utiles acquises dans le cadre d’expériences précédentes et de cerner des éléments de personnalité du candidat
- Lettre(s) de recommandation
La (les) lettre(s) de recommandation ne rentrent pas dans les critères de sélection mais permettent d’apporter un soutien à la candidature
- Niveau de langue en français pour les candidats titulaires d'un diplôme étranger
Niveau CECRL attendu : B2
- Niveau de langue en anglais
- Niveau CECRL attendu : B2
- Justificatifs d’expérience professionnelle
Elément permettant d’apprécier l’adaptation du profil aux exigences du diplôme souhaité
- Productions personnelles
Dossier, bibliographie, mémoire ou autre élément permettant d’évaluer la pertinence des travaux effectués au regard du diplôme souhaité
- Document attestant d'une compétence complémentaire
- Elément permettant d’apprécier l’adaptation du profil aux exigences du diplôme souhaité
Content of the academic programm
The technical major programme is aligned for all possibles entry universities per program, while the second year programme is a specialisation and can differ from exit to exit university in each program.
For a student enrolling in the EIT digital master school at Université Côte d'Azur, as entry student:
- the entry Data Science program at Université Côte d'Azur is hosted by the 4th year of Polytech Nice Sophia engineering school, and the student is offered to enroll in the EIT Digital track of Sciences Informatique (SI). Once successfully studying in the chosen exit university, the student receives: the engineering degree in SI, the master in computer science/EIT Digital track/Data Science option, and the master degree offered by the exit university.
- the entry FinTech program at Université Côte d'Azur is hosted by the 4th year of Polytech Nice Sophia engineering school, in the specific EIT Digital track of Sciences Informatique (SI) department. Once succesfully studying in the chosen exit university, the student receives: the engineering degree in SI, the master in computer science/EIT Digital track/FinTech option, and the master degree offered by the exit university.
- Besides, if the student is enrolled for the EIT Digital Autonomous Systems program, the entry AUS program at Université Côte d'Azur is hosted by the 4th year of Polytech Nice Sophia engineering school, in the specific EIT Digital in Autonomous Systems of Systèmes Electroniques (ELEC) department. Once succesfully studying in the chosen exit university, the student receives: the engineering degree in ELEC, and the master degree offered by the exit university.
- the exit Data Science program at Université Côte d'Azur is operated by the 5th year of Polytech Nice Sophia engineering school, Option "Data Science" (SD), and is exactly the same as the 2nd year of master in Computer Science, EIT Digital track, Data Science option of UCA. Once succesfull, the student receives: the master in computer science/EIT Digital track/Data Science option, and the master degree offered by the entry university.
- the exit FinTech program at Université Côte d'Azur is partly operated by the 5th year of Polytech Nice Sophia engineering school, Sciences Informatique (SI), Option "Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées à la Finance et l'Assurance" (IMAFA), and is exactly the same as the 2nd year of master in Computer Science, EIT Digital track, FinTech option of UCA. Once succesfull, the student receives: the master in computer science/EIT Digital track/Fintech option, and the master degree offered by the entry university.
Find out more about the courses:
- For Autonomous Systems, visit this link
- For Data Science, visit this link
- For FinTech, visit this link
What's next ?
Level of education obtained after completion
Level of education obtained after completion
Graduate levelJob opening
Business sector or job
- Data scientist, Data engineer
- Engineer in autonomous and robotics systems
- Middle and back office management in finance and insurance domains
Professional integration
Some Post Master job offers, reserved to former graduated EIT Digital master school students are published.
Some of our former (approx 10 to 20%) Master students continue as PhD students, either in the frame of the EIT Digital Doctoral School, or in an purely academic doctoral school, in Europe and abroad. (Eg UCA, University of Edimburgh, University of Tokyo, ...).
The majority of graduated master students holds a job position in Europe, some in start ups, some other in bigger industries (IBM, Amadeus, Philips, BMW, ...).
- 14 000 Euros per year, for non-EU citizens
- 3 000 Euros per year for EU citizens