Licence Sciences de l'homme, anthropologie, ethnologie

Licence Sciences de l'homme, anthropologie, ethnologie

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The Bachelor's program in Human Science, Ethnology and Anthropology offers a scientific qualification in the field of humanities and social sciences, with a specialization in ethnology/anthropology. Read more


Initial training /
3 ans
Portail Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société
Nice Campus Valrose



The Bachelor's program in Ethnology & Anthropology is fully in line with the structure of the field of humanities and social sciences (SHS). While studying the world and contemporary questions, it develops a comparative and anthropological view of humankind and the diversity of the cultures. It reconnects with the classical and monographic disciplinary foundations of anthropology (in the Levi-Straussian sense) while linking and overlapping with various human and social sciences (geography, linguistics, sociology) within theme-oriented units that shed light on certain a field or an aspect of the discipline.

The Bachelor's program in Human Science, Ethnology and Anthropology offers a scientific qualification in the field of humanities and social sciences, with a specialization in ethnology/anthropology. It meets the qualifications required to practice the profession of ethnologist/anthropologist. At the end of the Bachelor's program, students can apply for a research or career-oriented Master's program in the Humanities and Social Sciences (SHS) or in Art. This Bachelor's program is also designed to prepare students for their professional career in the areas listed below but also to prepare them for entrance exams giving access to the French administration. Sectors of activity and types of jobs: • Administration/public service • Education/teaching • Cultural and historical heritage • Research and development • Jobs in economic, social and cultural development at local level (local public institutions) and/or national level. • Social and paramedical professions • Humanitarian organizations • Jobs in mediation and in the development of cultural projects. • Jobs relating to safeguarding and promoting the cultural heritage. • More generally, all the jobs that require expertise in the management and appreciation of social and cultural diversity. The degree holder is able to: - Master the main theoretical premises of the discipline. - Conduct surveys using some of the tools of related disciplines such as geography, sociology, linguistics. - Grasp the main contemporary and current issues (gender, urban and rural changes, new economies in a globalized context, environmental issues, communication and media, knowledge construction and transmission, emotional dimensions of social life). - Organize and archive social, cultural and heritage data. - Prospect and negotiate study and research contracts. - Write and publish reports, analyses, study results or research. - Promote the results of research (oral communication, publication of scientific articles, preparation of editorial projects, etc.). - Master research tools and qualitative inquiry techniques in ethnology. - Develop a critical mind and rigorous argumentation on a chosen topic. - Produce field data (ethnographic methods). - Conduct research applied and/or commissioned by the public or private sector. - Consult and use various sources of data (ethnographic, scientific, documentary databases, archives). - Diagnose and report (in the form of presentations, investigation reports) situations or collective practices (social, cultural, political, artistic). - Assist and/or advise in the fields of cultural mediation, museography, management of cultural projects, NGOs.

Campus Carlone 98 boulevard E. Herriot 06 Nice



High school level

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Year of highschool graduation

Undergraduate level

Level of education obtained after completion

Undergraduate level