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Receive top-level training in portfolio management, financial risk management and financial analysis. Read more


Initial training / Executive Education Program / Accessible for resumption of studies / Alternance (Apprenticeship, Contrat de professionnalisation)
2 years
Ecole Universitaire de Recherche Economie et Management
Campus Saint Jean d'Angély
French / English



La mention Monnaie Banque Finance Assurance (MBFA) propose, en partenariat avec l'École Supérieure de la Banque (ex CFPB) deux parcours de Master :
These courses offer a high level of professional training leading to managerial and executive financial positions in retail banking, investment banking and private banking. The MBFA specialisation trains staff to master the most sophisticated financial products and markets and to be rapidly operational in the fields of financial risk assessment and management, portfolio and asset management and financial analysis.


The professions for which the MBFA degree courses provide training require the mastery of technical skills relating to the evaluation and valuation of the main financial products. They also require knowledge of the regulatory framework in which financial transactions are carried out, the ability to measure and hedge the risks associated with market and credit activities, and the ability to advise high-end individual and professional clients.

Scientific objectives: To offer skills in the cross-disciplinary instruments of economic and financial analysis.

In particular, the MBFI programme provides training in econometric methods, risk analysis and market regulation, new forms of financing and research methodology.

Professional objectives: To provide a professional training programme leading to managerial and executive financial positions in banking and financial institutions. The targeted professions include both retail banking (CCPRO pathway) and investment and private banking (CPFAM pathway).

On completion of the course, students will be able to :

  • advise clients (individuals and companies) on their investment strategy
  • master the workings of the capital markets
  • Measure the risks and performance of a securities portfolio
  • master financial risk management and hedging techniques
  • Valuation of financial products
  • master the techniques and tools of financial analysis
  • Implement best practice in terms of compliance and ethics
  • master commercial negotiations with professional and private clients
  • Drawing up a wealth assessment and helping clients to define their investment objectives and needs within an appropriate legal and tax framework.



Undergraduate level

Admission to the Master 1 programme is based on a two-stage process. A first stage of eligibility based on the student's application, followed by an admission interview. Successful completion of each of these stages is a prerequisite for entry to the Master's programme.

  • Eligibility is based on an application file, after examination of the following documents:
  1. Baccalaureate diploma and transcript ;
  2. Certificate of successful completion of the bachelor's degree (or equivalent diploma) and all grades obtained after the bachelor's degree;
  3. Detailed CV ;
  4. Covering letter ;
  5. Description of professional project;
  6. For non-French speakers, proof of a minimum level of French C1.
  • Admission after an interview based on the following 3 criteria:
  1. Ability to communicate and express oneself in public / interpersonal skills;
  2. Ability to present experience and career plans;
  3. Relevance of answers to questions relating to academic skills.

Conditions of applications

Dematerialized application files.
Applications are submitted on the Mon Master platform for M1 students, and on the ecandidat platform for M2 students.
Consult the procedure

Course program

What's next ?

Year of highschool graduation

Degree equivalent to 4 or 5 years' higher education (Bac +4 & Bac +5)

Level of education obtained after completion

Degree equivalent to 4 or 5 years' higher education (Bac +4 & Bac +5)

Business sector or job

The professions targeted range from retail banking to investment banking and private banking.

In investment banking and private banking :

  • Portfolio and wealth manager
  • Financial analyst
  • Derivatives and financial markets operator
  • Head of treasury and financing
  • Compliance officer

In retail banking :

  • Professional customer officer
  • Corporate account manager
  • Branch Wealth Advisor
  • Asset engineer
  • Branch manager
  • Risk and commitment analyst


Students who plan to enroll full-time in a public institution of higher education must pay the Contribution to student and campus life (Contribution de Vie Etudiante et de Campus - CVEC).

Students must also pay tuition fees, which are set by ministerial decree for national degrees. They are indexed to the national consumer price index.

More information about tuition fees is available on this webpage.

If you are returning to school after a professional experience, you can find more information about tuition fees on the website of the Université Côte d'Azur Continuing Education Department.