PARCOURS - Conseiller Clientèle de Professionnels

  • Economy-Management
PARCOURS - Conseiller Clientèle de Professionnels

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This master's degree prepares for jobs in banking working directly with professional clients. It leads to a state degree combined with a professional degree widely recognized by the profession. Read more


1 year
Ecole Universitaire de Recherche Economie et Management
Campus Saint Jean d'Angély



Type of program
Continuing education
Initial education (work-study only)

  • Professionalization contract
  • Apprenticeship contract

Employability rate

  • 100%* 6 months after graduation.
  • 100%* 30 months after graduation.

*Average of the last two years





In partnership with the École Supérieure de la Banque (ESB), the second year of the MBFA master’s degree, the “professional client advisor” track provides bank employees with the skills needed to be quickly operational as advisors for professional clients (retailers, craftsmen, self-employed professionals, business-owners, etc.). Highly sought after by banking institutions, they manage their clients' private and professional accounts. Future jobs are mainly in retail banking, such as  professional account manager; corporate account manager; bank branch manager; risk and commitment analyst.

The program is taught by faculty members and professionals in the banking and finance industry appointed by the École Supérieure de la Banque (ESB). It aims to provide the operational skills needed to manage a portfolio of professional clients. At the end of the program, students obtain both a national master's degree and professional certification as a Professional Client Advisor from ESB.

Unique features of the program :

  • Students gain competencies in financial analysis, compliance and corporate finance.
  • Upon graduation, they pursue a career in management and executive positions in retail, private and investment banking.
  • A dense and active alumni network contributes to high employability.
  • Program in partnership with the Ecole Supérieure de la Banque.
  • Students earn ESB professional certification as a Professional Client Advisor.
  • Exclusively available in a format alternating work and study.

For more information about the program’s satisfaction rate, please contact the head of the program.
The rate of success was 100% in 2022/2023.


Training accessible to disabled people.
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Training eligible for "MON COMPTE FORMATION"</





Graduate level

Students with a bachelor’s degree in economics and management, a bachelor’s degree in mathematics applied to the social sciences (MASS), and bachelor’s degree in banking, insurance and finance.

Conditions of applications

Dematerialized application files.
Applications are submitted on the Mon Master platform for M1 students, and on the ecandidat platform for M2 students.
Consult the procedure

Conditions of specific applications

International applicants not on exchange programmes must apply via the Études en France platform - French Agency for the Promotion of Higher Education, Hospitality and International Mobility. This portal enables people from certain countries to come to France to start or continue a university course.

Consult the procedure

Conditions of admission / Conditions of successful application

Applicants are admitted on the basis of previous academic achievement from the baccalaureate onwards, grades in fundamental subjects in economics and finance, at least C1 level in French (for non-French speakers), and their career project and professional experience.

After a pre-selection based on their application file, students are invited for an interview with the program directors.

A work-study contract is an asset in the selection process.


Master 1 (676 heures) 
Semester 1

Unité 1 - Marchés et instruments financiers (6 ECTS)
Stratégies d’options et produits dérivés
Les produits et techniques de la banque-assurance 
Organisation et fonctionnement des marchés 
Fusions et acquisitions

Unité 2 - Gestion d’actifs et Investissement (6 ECTS)
Socialement Responsable 
Gestion de portefeuille 
Ingénierie patrimoniale 
Évaluation des risques financiers 
Finance durable et ISR 

Unité 3 - Communication professionnelle en finance 1 (6 ECTS)
Techniques de vente et négociation commerciale 
Anglais économique et financier 

Unité 4 - PPR1 - Méthodologie de recherche et gestion de projets 1 (12 ECTS)
Gestion de projets - Power BI
Méthodologie de recherche 
Rédaction d'une revue de la littérature

Unité 5 - Compétences transversales (3 ECTS)
Une mineure au choix parmi les mineures d'ELMI/DS4H/EFELIA

Semester 2 

Unité 6 - Analyse financière et valorisation d’entreprises (6 ECTS)
Diagnostic bancaire
Gestion financière
Financement et valorisation des entreprises 
Private equity et financement de l’innovation

Unité 7 - Environnement digital et numérique des banques et des marchés (6 ECTS) 
Intelligence artificielle appliquée à la finance
Digitalisation et FinTech
Blockchain et cryptomonnaie

Unité 8 - Enjeux réglementaires, sociétaux et environnementaux des activités financières (6 ECTS)
Réglementation et conformité
RSE et évaluation extra financière des entreprises 
Analyse conjoncturelle

Unité 9 - Communication professionnelle en finance 2 (3 ECTS)
Management d'équipe
Anglais économique et financier 

Unité 10 - PPR2 - Méthodologie de recherche et gestion de projets 2 (9 ECTS)
Méthodologie et séminaures de recherche  
Rédaction et soutenance du mémoire/projet d'étude
Préparation au TOIEC / TOEFL

Unité 11 - Compétences transversales (3 ECTS)
Une mineure au choix parmi les mineures d'ELMI/DS4H/EFELIA

Master 2 (708 heures)
Unité 1 - Finance durable et Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises (6 ECTS)
Finance durable appliquée à la gestion de patrimoine et de portefeuille
Finance durable appliquée à la finance d'entreprise

Unité 2 - Communication professionnelle et expérience projet (6 ECTS)
Economic and Financial issues
Crowdfund your business

Unité 3 - Approche patrimoniale du professionnel et du particulier (6 ECTS)
Aspects juridiques et fiscaux de la transmission d'entreprise
Optimisation de la transmission patrimoniale

Unité 4 - Analyse financière et gestion du risque de crédit (6 ECTS)
Outils et pratiques de la gestion et de l'analyse financière 
Financement d’entreprise 

Unité 5 - PPR
PPR 1 - Connaître, développer, entretenir son portefeuille de clients professionnels dans la banque (12 ECTS)
PPR 2 - Gérer les risques des professionnels (6 ECTS)
PPR 3 - Proposer des solutions bancaires adaptées aux besoins des clients professionnels de la banque (12 ECTS)
PPR 4 - Spécialité gestion privée (6 ECTS)

Unité 5 - Compétences transversales (6 ECTS)
Deux mineures au choix parmi les mineures d'ELMI/DS4H/EFELIA

NASICA Eric - Produits structurés, stratégies d'options et de couverture
MAY Cathy - Economic and financial issues
ORIOL Nathalie - Outils et techniques de la gestion de portefeuille
NASICA Eric et BRUNO Olivier - Méthodologie du mémoire
CIOSI Franck - Produits structurés, stratégies d'options et de couverture
PANSARD Fabrice - Outils et techniques de la gestion de portefeuille 
TIGLI Nathalie - Outils et pratiques de la gestion et de l'analyse financière 1
CLEMENT Adeline - Outils et pratiques de la gestion et de l'analyse financière 2
LIPARI Giovanni - Ingénierie patrimoniale, règlementation et conformité 1
FRANCESCON Ivo - Ingénierie patrimoniale, règlementation et conformité
BUNETA Anthony - Ingénierie patrimoniale, règlementation et conformité 2
FIORENTINI Michaël - Ingénierie patrimoniale, règlementation et conformité 2
MONDOLONI Cyril - Ingénierie patrimoniale, règlementation et conformité 3
LE MARREC Julien - Ingénierie patrimoniale, règlementation et conformité 3

Courses are taught by various professional lecturers (branch managers and senior executives) from the banking sector selected each year by ESB. Subjects include: - Know, develop and maintain a portfolio of professional bank clients (70 hours), manage the risks of professional clients (49 hours), and propose banking solutions adapted to the needs of professional bank clients (119 hours).

School and work experience alternating

The program runs from September to the end of March and alternates one week on the job with one week in class. From mid-May to the end of August, work-study students work full-time on the job.

Program only available in work-study format

Work-study schedule

Find an internship, work-study opportunity or job on the university website.

The program is partly graded by ongoing assessment (personal projects, group projects, oral presentations) and partly by end-of-year exams (lasting 1 to 2 hours). Group projects include writing summary notes, which are also graded and added to the internship grade.
The four units taught by ESB are passed by successfully completing a written test and an oral test covering all four teaching units.

More information on knowledge assessments

What's next ?

Year of highschool graduation

Degree equivalent to 4 or 5 years' higher education (Bac +4 & Bac +5)

Level of education obtained after completion

Degree equivalent to 4 or 5 years' higher education (Bac +4 & Bac +5)

RNCP URL of content

Fiche RNCP n° 38542
Consulter la fiche RNCP
  • Analyse the risks and regulatory tools of the financial markets
  • Evaluate the financial risks of loans and financial investments
  • Use the new forms of financing available
  • Manage customers' assets and advise them on their investment choices
  • Monitor information on the direction of financial markets and their new tools
  • Manage a banking and financial institution and supervise its staff
  • Assess and value the main financial products
  • Measure and hedge the risks associated with market and credit activities
  • Evaluate financial products
  • Measure the risks and performance of a securities portfolio
  • Manage and hedge the financial risks of accounts and investments
  • Advising clients on defining their investment objectives and needs within an appropriate legal and tax framework
  • Drawing up an asset balance sheet
  • Negotiate with professional and private customers
  • Apply best practice in terms of compliance and ethics
  • Apply the regulatory framework for financial transactions
  • Analyse and operate on capital markets

Target activities / attested skills

A student who has successfully completed the Master's MBFA ‘Professional Client Advisor’ option will be able to :
  • Advise professional clients on their investment strategy
  • Master the techniques and tools of financial analysis
  • Master commercial negotiation with professional clients

Master 1 MBFA students are automatically admitted in Master 2 if they have successfully completed Master 1 CCPRO.
Master 2 students may pursue their studies with a doctorate, if they obtain funding.

Business sector or job

Professional client advisor, sales outlet or branch manager, risk and commitment analyst, SME/SMI account manager, banking operations manager, banking client management, customer relations, banking/finance, etc.

100% of graduates find a job within six months after graduation (average of 2022 and 2021).
100% within 30 months (average of 2020 and 2019).

In addition to the statistics of the Observatory of Student Life, find more information in our internal survey about the employability of our alumni.


Students who plan to enroll full-time in a public institution of higher education must pay the Contribution to student and campus life (Contribution de Vie Etudiante et de Campus - CVEC).

Students must also pay tuition fees, which are set by ministerial decree for national degrees. They are indexed to the national consumer price index.

More information about tuition fees is available on this webpage.

If you are returning to school after a professional experience, you can find more information about tuition fees on the website of the Université Côte d'Azur Continuing Education Department.

After receiving the authorization to enroll, students must register online.

Information about the application process

Find more information for new students in the student booklet.