Licence Économie et gestion - Parcours International economics and management studies
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The IEMS track is for students completing a bachelor’s degree in economics and management who want to:
- Take intensive English courses from the first semester of the bachelor’s degree and take economics courses in English.
- Study aborad with Erasmus+, BCI (Canada), MIC or other agreements.
In the third year, students are required to take a semester abroad at a partner university to successfully complete the program in international economic and management studies.
Unique features of the program
- A selective program.
- International mobility and outlook.
- Courses taught in English.
- Recognition of an international education.
For more information about the program’s satisfaction rate, please contact the head of the program.
The rate of success was 100% in 2022/2023.
Conditions of applications
Students must apply to join the IEMS program and be ready to meet the following requirements:
- Complete 50% of the English units in the first and second year of the bachelor's degree.
- Spend semester 5 abroad at one of our partner universities.
Enrollment limit: 15
Content of the academic programm
Competences transversales 6 (6 ECTS)
Compétences numériques 3
Compétences informationnelles 3
Anglais 6
Unité Fondamentale
- Économie internationale (6 ECTS)
International trade
Growth and economic cycles
International monetary economics
- Économie et management (6 ECTS)
Approches renouvelées du management
Économie de l'information et des contrats
Unité de spécialisation (2 au choix)
1. Finance d’entreprise et environnement économique des banques et des marchés (spécialisation "Monnaie Banque Finance Assurance") (6 ECTS)
Analyse financière
Organisation des systèmes bancaires
Macroéconomie monétaire et financière
2. Défis de l'innovation (spécialisation "Innovation Entreprise et Société") (6 ECTS)
Entrepreneuriat à l'ère des transitions
Business competitiveness
Transformation digitale des entreprises et des marchés
3. Exploitation des données et diagnostics économiques 1 (spécialisation "Expertise économique") (6 ECTS)
Econométrie 2
Diagnostics et politiques économiques
Introduction au data mining
4. Gestion prévisionnelle et droit social ( spécialisation "Économie des organisations et Gestion des ressources humaine") (6 ECTS)
Comportement organisationnel
Droit administratif et social
Gestion prévisionnelle des emplois et des compétences
5. Continuum 2D - Les métiers de l'enseignement 2 (Choix UE 2D ECOG ou SES S6) (6 ECTS)
5.1 Continuum 2D ECOG
Prépro. aux métiers de l'éducation CLE2D DRT ECO SOCIO
Méthodologie des concours et contenu disciplinaire EG
Pratique de classe et didactique de l'Economie-Gestion
5.2 Continuum 2D SES
Prepro. aux métiers de l'éducation CLE2D DRT ECO SOCIO
Complements disciplinaires decouverte metier prof SES
Métholologie des concours SES
In semester 5, during the Licence 3 programme, students undertake a work placement in a partner university.
Semester 6 will take place at our University, although all core courses will be taught in English.
Find an internship, work-study opportunity or job on the university website.
Periods spent abroad
What's next ?
Target skills
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- Apply knowledge and concepts in economics and management to major economic and managerial issues and problems
- Prepare for decision-making by applying analytical and diagnostic methods to economic and managerial issues
- Debate economic and managerial issues by drawing on the theories of the human and social sciences
- Participate in the management of a project by implementing planning, management and calculation techniques and IT tools
- Present and argue analyses, summaries and results using appropriate economic and management vocabulary
- Construct a career plan and a plan for further study in economics and management
Professional integration
Students who plan to enroll full-time in a public institution of higher education must pay the Contribution to student and campus life (Contribution de Vie Etudiante et de Campus - CVEC).
Students must also pay tuition fees, which are set by ministerial decree for national degrees. They are indexed to the national consumer price index.
More information about tuition fees is available on this webpage.
If you are returning to school after a professional experience, you can find more information about tuition fees on the website of the Université Côte d'Azur Continuing Education Department.
Conditions of submission
Once you have received authorisation to enrol, you will need to complete your administrative enrolment, and then you will need to complete your pedagogical enrolment. To find out when this is done, go to our website.
Once the registration authorisation has been issued, candidates must register online.
Consult the procedure.
Find more information for new students in the student booklet.
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