Type of program
Initial education
Continuing education
- Professionalization contract
- Apprenticeship contract
Employability rate
- 94%* 6 months after graduation
*Source: Observatory of Student Life – class of 2022
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Type of program
Initial education
Continuing education
Employability rate
*Source: Observatory of Student Life – class of 2022
The master’s degree in economics of organizations is a selective, multi-disciplinary professional program focusing on management, economics and law, with two very distinct tracks of study. The track in economics and management of companies and organizations (EMEO) aims to provide students with the management techniques needed to adapt to new forms of organization in companies and government agencies. It also provides students with a deeper understanding of the competitive environment of companies and with the knowledge required to implement innovation and development strategies. The aim of this track is to provide an in-depth understanding of the fundamentals of business economics and management, and of the legal rules that apply in the business world, particularly in SMEs and SMOs, which paly a key role in the social and economic life of many French regions.
Unique features of the program :
Both tracks of the master’s degree in economics of organizations are sponsored by CFA EPURE Méditerranée, created by the PACA Regional Council to develop the employability and professional skills of students. As such, both tracks have been designed for students with an apprenticeship or professionalization contract, or who are returning to school after a professional experience (Fongecif contract).
The program is also backed by the corporate relations department of the ELMI Graduate School and thus by many companies, public administrations and major industrial groups, which all contribute to developing and funding apprenticeships and helping students transition to the professional world.
The program was also developed with the support of many companies and government agencies, some of whose managers are involved in teaching courses in the EMEO track. Support is also provided by CCI Côte d'Azur.
Throughout the program, students acquire the following competencies:
Training accessible to disabled people.
Consult website
Training eligible for "MON COMPTE FORMATION"</
This track is open to students with a bachelor's degree in economics, management, economics/management, social and business administration, law, psychology, and possibly a professional bachelor's degree in one of the above fields.
Entrance to the track is selective. Students must apply for the first year on My Master. Students must apply for the second year on eCandidat and obtain the approval of the admissions committee.
Students applying are strongly advised to find an apprenticeship or professionalization contract.
To obtain one, they need to send a cover letter and CV to the EUR ELMI corporate relations department.
First-year enrollment limit : 25.
Unité 1 - Économie et management stratégique de l’entreprise (6 ECTS)
Management stratégique des Entreprises et des Organisations
Concurrence, stratégies d'entreprises et économie des plateformes
Digital entrepreneurship 1
Unité 2 - Fondamentaux du contrôle de gestion et de la comptabilité (CCA) (6 ECTS)
Comptabilité et lecture des bilans
Contrôle de gestion
Gestion de la masse et de l’épargne salariales
Unité 3 - Environnement juridique de l’entreprise (6 ECTS)
Droit du travail et instruments juridiques
Droit des contrats d’affaires
Droit international du travail et gestion de la mobilité
Unité 4 - Environnement et évolution des pratiques de travail (6 ECTS)
Digitalisation et nouvelles pratiques de travail 1
Qualité de vie au travail
Unité 5 - Outils linguistiques et Informatique (6 ECTS)
Professional Skills and Corporate Culture
Informatique de gestion (Outils et techniques du Web, progiciel de gestion…
Unité 6 - Économie de l’entreprise, stratégie et innovation (6 ECTS)
Économie de la firme et des organisations
Management et communication stratégique au sein de l’entreprise
Les fondamentaux de l’IA : une application au management des organisations
Digital entrepreneurship 2
Unité 7 - Techniques de gestion (6 ECTS)
Techniques de négociation commerciale
Management d'équipe
Unité 8 - Marketing et Outils stratégiques (3 ECTS)
Business Plan
Marketing stratégique et Opérationnel
Unité 9 - PPR : Stage et alternance (15 ECTS)
Professional Skills and Corporate Culture
Séminaires professionnels et de recherche
Méthodologie et conférences de méthode
Compétences professionnelles
Unité 1 - Management de l’entreprise (6 ECTS)
Management des projets innovants
Management par la qualité totale
Management par les processus
Gouvernance de l’entreprise
Unité 2 - Économie de l’entreprise et gestion des connaissances (6 ECTS)
Économie des TPE et PME
Knowledge Management
Rationalité, organisation : application et perspective en termes de Knowledge Management
Economie de l'entreprise et gouvernance
Unité 3 - Stratégies organisationnelles et innovation managériale (6 ECTS)
Innovation managériale
Méthodes d’innovation
Comportements organisationnels
Numérisation et nouvelles compétences de travail 2
Unité 4 - Outils stratégiques de gestion (6 ECTS)
Progiciel de gestion
Digital entrepreneuship 3
Marketing des services
Tableau de bord et pilotage de l’entreprise
Unité 5 - Environnement juridique et social de l’entreprise (6 ECTS)
Droit de la création, de la reprise et de la transmission de l’entreprise
Biens de l’entreprise et droit de la propriété intellectuelle
Purpose driven organisations (working title)
Unité 6 - PPR : Professionnalisation et entreprenariat (30 ECTS)
Professional skills and corporate culture
Méthodologie et conférences de méthode
Digital entrepreneurship 4
Séminaires professionnels et de recherche
Compétences professionnelles
Mandatory internship : 2.5 months (55 days) at least in Master 1 and 4 months (88 days) in Master 2
Full time: in that case, the student must complete an internship of at least eight weeks starting in April.
On a work-study basis (with an apprenticeship or professionalization contract): two days in the company alternating with three days at the university from October to the end of May, then full-time in the company from April to September.
The second year of the EMEO track can be completed :
With an apprenticeship or professionalization contract: one week in the company alternating with one week at the university or full-time, in which case students must complete an internship of at least four months starting in May.
Work-study schedule
Find an internship, work-study opportunity or job on the university website.
Future careers:
Students who plan to enroll full-time in a public institution of higher education must pay the Contribution to student and campus life (Contribution de Vie Etudiante et de Campus - CVEC).
Students must also pay tuition fees, which are set by ministerial decree for national degrees. They are indexed to the national consumer price index.
More information about tuition fees is available on this webpage.
If you are returning to school after a professional experience, you can find more information about tuition fees on the website of the Université Côte d'Azur Continuing Education Department.