PARCOURS - Expertise et analyse des données économiques

  • Economy-Management
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  • Political Science
PARCOURS - Expertise et analyse des données économiques

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This master's degree is a highly selective, professional program of excellence, designed to prepare specialists capable of collecting, analyzing and interpreting the data used for corporate decision-making. Read more


Initial training / Alternance (Contrat de professionnalisation)
2 years
EUR Economie et Management
Campus Saint Jean d'Angély
French / English



Type of program
Initial education
Continuing education

  • Professionalization contract
  • Apprenticeship contract
Program available in distance learning

Employability rate
  • 83%* 6 months after graduation

*Source: Observatory of Student Life - class of 2022 (former name of the program: master's degree in economics, economic expertise track)



This high-level program prepares students for in-demand professions linked to data collection and analysis: socio-economic research manager, statistical research manager, socio-economic analyst, business economist, market intelligence engineer, competitive intelligence engineer, economic consultant.

This master’s degree prepares for professions that require both mastery of technical skills and skills in fields of application.

In the first year of the master's program, students acquire the basic technical competencies :
  • Be familiar with database and data processing software (Python, stata, R, Excel, VBA).
  • Gain knowledge about the main public statistics databases and how to merge them.
  • Process and analyze information. Learn economic and statistical modeling techniques.
  • Analyze the strategies of agents in a situation of imperfect competition.
  • Write and present a financial report demonstrating the relevance of the information gathered, in French or English. Monitor recommendations.
In the second year of the master’s program, the student’s technical competencies are expanded with three units in quantitative techniques.

The second year also focuses on acquiring competencies in the following two fields (areas of expertise) :
  • Economics of innovation. Innovation financing, how intellectual property protection works, economic spin-offs of innovation dissemination and associated risks, dynamics of innovative industries, spatial dimension of innovation.
  • International economic expertise. The major mechanisms of today's globalization, and the importance of measurements and expertise for the various economic stakeholders. The methods and application of competitiveness diagnostics at different levels (firms and territory) and different scales.

Objectives of the program :

Academic excellence in various fields of expertise :
  • Event and public policy assessment. Quantitative and qualitative assessment methods (statistics, econometrics, scoring and scorecards, interviews, etc.)
  • Economics of innovation. How intellectual property protection works, economic spin-offs of innovation dissemination and associated risks, dynamics of innovative industries, spatial dimension of innovation.
  • Management of environmental constraints. Environmental taxes, environmental standards, emission permit markets, environmental subsidies, green certificate markets. Cost-benefit analyses, contingent valuation methods, substitution market methods, cost-effectiveness assessments.
  • Strategic economics and international economics. The major mechanisms of today's globalization, and the importance of measures and expertise applied to the various economic stakeholders. Methods and application of competitiveness diagnostics.
Learning through apprenticeships, projects and work placements
  • Grades are based entirely on ongoing assessment and the many projects completed throughout the year.
  • The program includes a mandatory internship of at least four months in the second year.

In the second year, the program is organized on a work-study basis for students who have obtained a professionalization contract, with one week at the company alternating with one week at the university from June to April, then full-time in the company from June to August.

Unique features of the program

The program is organized and taught in a way that presents several advantages :
  • Courses are taught in French and English.
  • The program prepares for in-demand careers in empirical data collection and analysis.
  • Small cohorts of around 15 students per year allow close interaction between students and instructors.
  • Grades are based entirely on ongoing assessment and the many projects completed throughout the year.
  • One week of work alternates with one week of classes. In M1, students work on projects with their instructors. In M2, students alternate classes with work in a company or laboratory.
  • In M2, courses can be followed both remotely and in person to allow work-study placements throughout France.
  • Students prepare a full financial report in M1 as part of their dissertation.
  • In M1, students can prepare for a career in research by taking part in the JECO economics conferences and pursue a doctorate after the master's degree (with a CIFRE grant or doctoral contract).

For more information about the program’s satisfaction rate, contact the head of the program.

The success rate was 92% in 2022/2023 for the master’s degree in economic expertise (former name of the degree).

The level of academic excellence and rigor of the master’s degree in expertise and analysis of economic data allows future graduates to :
  • Gain the high-level scientific knowledge needed to conduct economic analyses based on data processing and analysis.
  • Discover how to develop decision-making tools, by learning to assess the firm’s environment and strategies.
  • Draft recommendations and memos to support corporate decision-making in English and French.
  • Monitoring recommendations in a constantly changing environment, while taking into account environmental constraints, the innovative nature of industries and the firm’s competitive, globalized environment.


Logo du Gredeg
Logo du Gredeg

GREDEG website



Graduate level

  • Students starting the first year of the degree in expertise and analysis of economic data must be fluent in French and English.
  • Students must be familiar with economics, econometrics, statistics and mathematics and have a degree in a relevant field (such as economics; apllied mathematics and social sciences - MASS; or digital sciences and management - MIAGE).
  • Students with a poor foundation in economics and/or quantitative techniques and applicants who do not meet English or French proficiency requirements may submit an application, but will be encouraged to take refresher courses before starting the program.

Conditions of applications

M1 students submit their application online on Mon Master and M2 students on ecandida. Application deadlines are available on our website.
Upload all the documents required for the application: a recent photo, a copy of your ID, the latest diplomas and details of courses and grades, a cover letter in French or English, a CV in French or English and possibly two letters of reference (in English or French).

First-year enrollment limit: 15

Conditions of admission / Conditions of successful application

  • Excellent academic preparation
  • Strong motivation


Master 1 (620,5 hours)
Semester 1

Unité 1 - Methodological Prerequisites  (3 ECTS)
Excel + VBA
Introduction to R and Stata

Unité 2 - Quantitative Techniques (6 ECTS)
Econometrics of Quantitative Variables
Data Analysis

Unité 3 - Data (3 ECTS)
Les données du web

Unité 4 - Advanced Economics (6 ECTS)
Advanced Microeconomics
Environmental Economics

Unité 5 - Projet Professionnel et de Recherche (12 ECTS)
Méthodologie du mémoire
Préparation CVs & entretien
Techniques de communication

Semester 2

Unité 6 : Advanced Quantitative Techniques 1 - (6 ECTS)
Econometrics of Panel Data 1
Econometrics of Qualitative Variables 
Matrix algebra for econometrics

Unité 7 : Advanced Quantitative Techniques 2 - (6 ECTS)
Séries Temporelles 
Big data and Machine Learning 

Unité 8 : Theoretical fundamentals -  (6 ECTS)
Economie stratégique 
Réglementation et marché 

Unité 9 : Outils méthodologiques (3 ECTS)
Introduction à Python
Introduction à SQL

Unité 10 - Projet Professionnel et de recherche (12 ECTS)
Mémoire de recherche

Master 2 (530,5 hours)
Semester 3 

Unité 1 - Techniques Quantitatives 1 (6 ECTS)
La production des données par enquêtes
Collecte, traitement et analyse des données en Python
Stockage et protection des données

Unité 2 - Techniques Quantitatives 2 (3 ECTS)
Méthodes statistiques de l'évaluation
Econométrie des données de Panel 2

Unité 3 - Techniques Quantitatives 3 (6 ECTS)
Network Analysis
Analyse Coût-Avantage

Unité 4 - Innovation and Industrial Dynamics (6 ECTS)
Microeconometrics of Imperfect Market
Spatial Econometrics
Financement de l'innovation

Unité 5 - Expertise Economique Internationale (6 ECTS)
Cadres théoriques pour l'expertise internationale
Nouveaux outils pour les diagnostics de compétitivité

Unité 6 - Projet Professionnel et de Recherche (3 ECTS)
Gestion et méthodologie de projet
Suivi de projets individuels
Semester 4 

Unité 7 - Stage en entreprise (30 ECTS)
Méthodologie du stage
Objectives by teaching unit
Master 1

Unit 1 - Methodological Prerequisites: Database management and information processing software
Unit 2 - Quantitative Techniques: Basic econometric tools and descriptive statistics
Unit 3 - Data: Main public statistics databases and database merging
Unit 4 - Advanced Economics: Advanced tools of microeconomics
Unit 5 - Professional and Research Project: Reviewing the theoretical and empirical literature
Unit 6 - Advanced Quantitative Techniques 1: Advanced econometric tools
Unit 7 - Advanced Quantitative Techniques 2: Advanced econometric tools
Unit 8 - Thoretical fundamentals: Analysis of the strategies of agents under imperfect competition
Unit 9 - Methodological tools: Programming languages
Unit 10 - Professional and research project: Production of results and drafting of a financial report

Master 2 

Unit 1 - Quantitative Techniques 1: Advanced tools of quantitative techniques and econometrics
Unit 2 - Quantitative Techniques 2: Advanced tools of quantitative techniques and econometrics
Unit 3 - Quantitative Techniques 3: Advanced tools of quantitative techniques and econometrics
Unit 4 - Innovation and Industrial Dynamics: Dynamics of innovative industries and the spatial dimension of innovation
Unit 5 - International Economic Expertise: Methods for diagnosing competitivenesś at different levels (firms and territory) and different scales.
Unit 6 - Professional and research project: managing a project

Semester 1

Excel + VBA. André Milleliri (Skema)
Introduction to R and Stata. Evens Salies (OFCE), Marco Baudino
Econometrics of Quantitative Variables. Patrick Musso.
Data Analysis. Marco Baudino
Les données du web. Thomas Jobert, Evens Salies (OFCE),  Pascale Rouaud (Insee), Jérôme Coffinet (Banque de France), Francois Guillaumat-Tailliet (CNIS)
Advanced Microeconomics. Paolo Zeppini.
Environmental Economics. Christophe Charlier
Méthodologie du mémoire
Préparation CVs & entretien. Laure Simon
Techniques de communication. Aurelia Theys

Semester 2

Econometrics of Panel Data 1. Catherine Laffineur.
Econometrics of Qualitative Variables. Lionel Nesta
Matrix algebra for econometrics. Marco Baudino.
Séries Temporelles. Thomas Jobert, Anna Tykhonenko
Big data and Machine Learning. Eric Guerci
Economie stratégique. Catherine Laffineur.
Réglementation et marché. Patrice Bougette
Introduction à Python. Olivier Croce.
Introduction à SQL. Marie Pelleau

Semester 3 

La production des données par enquêtes. Florence Nicolau
Collecte, traitement et analyse des données en Python. Joeffrey Drouard
Stockage et protection des données. Michela Chessa
Méthodes statistiques de l'évatuation. Evens Salies.
Econométrie des données de Panel 2. Anna Tykhonenko
Network Analysis. Charlie Joyez.
Analyse Coût-Avantage. Olivier Beaumais, Thierry Blayac.
Microeconometrics of Imperfect Market. Lionel Nesta.
Spatial Econometrics. Marco Baudino.
Financement de l'innovation. Sophie Pommet
Cadres théoriques pour l'expertise internationale. Flora Bellone.
Nouveaux outils pour les diagnostics de compétitivité. Charlie Joyez.

  • Master 1: optional one-month internship
  • Master 2: mandatory internship of four to six months
Find an internship, work-study opportunity or job on the university website.

School and work experience alternating

The program is available in work-study format in Master 2 only under an apprenticeship or professionalization contract.
The work-study schedule is available on our website.

Find an internship, work-study opportunity or job on the university website.


Second-year students can choose a work-study format, with a professionalization or apprenticeship contract.
Distance learning is available for M2 students on work-study contracts working in a company outside the PACA region.

Grades are based entirely on ongoing assessment of the individual and group projects completed for each course. Grading takes into account the quality of the work accomplished and the student's ability to present the results orally.

Knowledge assessment procedure

What's next ?

Level of education obtained after completion

Degree equivalent to 4 or 5 years' higher education (Bac +4 & Bac +5)

RNCP URL of content

Code RNCP : 39015
Lien Fiche RNCP

Target activities / attested skills

Future careers :
  • Socio-economic research manager
  • Statistical research manager
  • Socio-economic analyst
  • Business economist, market intelligence engineer
  • Competitive intelligence engineer
  • Economic consultant

Students can pursue a doctorate after the master’s degree.

Business sector or job

Future careers :

  • Socio-economic research manager
  • Statistical research manager
  • Socio-economic analyst
  • Business economist, market intelligence engineer
  • Competitive intelligence engineer
  • Economic consultant

According to APEC (Association for the Employment of Managers), 2,446 job anoucements were posted in 2017 for these types of jobs (28% increase compared to 2016), and 25% of these offers were open to recent graduates.

Employability rate 6 months after graduation: 82% (class of 2022).


Students who plan to enroll full-time in a public institution of higher education must pay the Contribution to student and campus life (Contribution de Vie Etudiante et de Campus - CVEC).

Students must also pay tuition fees, which are set by ministerial decree for national degrees. They are indexed to the national consumer price index.

More information about the cost of tuition is available on the webpage.

If you are returning to school after a professional experience, you can find the cost of tuition on the website of the Université Côte d'Azur Continuing Education Department.


After receiving the authorization to enroll, you must complete the administrative registration followed by the pedagogical registration. More information about the deadlines is available on our website.

Find more information for new students in the student booklet.