PARCOURS - Gestion de projets hydrotechnologiques et environnementaux (Hydroprotech)

PARCOURS - Gestion de projets hydrotechnologiques et environnementaux (Hydroprotech)


Train future managers in water resource management engineering. Read more


2 years
EUR Sciences Fondamentales et Ingénierie
Campus SophiaTech - Site des Templiers / IMREDD
French / English


Key figures

  • A Pedagogical Program Built on Over 20 Years' Experience
  • 1 or 2-year Master's degree apprenticeships
  • 3-month International Mobility Opportunity for M1 Initial Training Students

Training benefits

  • Supervision and implementation of group engineering projects in collaboration with partners
  • Multi-site training: SophiaTech campus (Sophia-Antipolis) and Plaine du Var campus (Nice)
  • Training open to work-study through professionalization contract or apprenticeship contract
  • Degree-granting training aligned with job market trends
  • Hydroinformatics and Water Management" exchange program with IWHR in Beijing, China

Job opportunities

  • Engineer for engineering firms and local authorities
  • Design engineer for public service delegate companies
  • Operating engineer for drinking water production networks or wastewater treatment facilities
  • Project manager (costing work)
  • Flood project manager (coordinating various players)


The Master in Hydrotechnological and Environmental Project Management (HYDROPROTECH) trains executives in water engineering capable of meeting the expectations of companies and communities specializing in the field.

Graduates master the modeling tools used in all sectors of the field: urban water management, design of hydraulic equipment and structures, network operation, management of water resources and sediment transport, forecasting of extreme hydro-climatic phenomena, definition of flood zones, etc.

The training has been evolving since 2001 and has been open to work-study contracts through professionalization contracts or apprenticeship contracts since 2012.

The HYDROPROTECH Master's degree enables students to integrate immediately into the world of work, while benefiting from high-level training leading to a diploma.



Graduate level

What's next ?

Year of highschool graduation

3eme cycle (>bac+5)

Level of education obtained after completion

Graduate level