PARCOURS - Stratégie Digitale

  • Economy-Management
PARCOURS - Stratégie Digitale

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Are you interested in digital strategy management? The SD track gives you the skills you need in information systems management, digital project management and e-commerce strategy development. Read more


Initial training / Executive Education Program / Alternance (Apprenticeship, Contrat de professionnalisation)
1-2 years
École Universitaire de Recherche Systèmes Numériques pour l’Humain / Ecole Universitaire de Recherche Economie et Management
Campus Saint Jean d'Angély


Type of program

Initial education
Continuing education
  • Professionalization contract
  • Apprenticeship contract

Employability rate

  • 82%1 6 months after graduation
  • 100%2 30 months after graduation

1Source: Observatory of Student Life – class of 2022
2 Source: Observatory of Student Life – class of 2020


Created in 2000, the digital strategy (DS) program is designed for future managers in the digital industry. The program offers both academic excellence and the agility needed to manage different types of digital projects and organizations (start-ups, large corporations, public administrations, etc.).
Located close to the Sophia-Antipolis technology park, the program offers a good preparation for the job market either through work-study programs (professionalization or apprenticeship contracts) or end-of-study internships in initial education.
The program also includes multidisciplinary courses in economics and management in the field of digital management as it relates to microelectronics, IT and digital law (as part of the Graduate School DS4H).
This program is recognized by AIM 2022.

Unique features of the program

  • 20 years of experience in preparing for the digital professions at the heart of the Sophia Antipolis ecosystem and the PACA region.

  • Multidisciplinary skills for future managers in the digital field.

  • The digital strategy master's degree is associated with the Digital Systems for Humans Graduate School (EUR DS4H), which allows students to expand their knowledge with minors (electives) and multidisciplinary projects and explore all the facets of the digital world.

  • A large number of professional lecturers contribute to the program. Their aim is to help students gain more autonomy and develop a career plan.

  • The program is closely tied to research with professors who are also researchers in a CNRS laboratory.

  • The digital strategy program is available in a work-study format (two days at the University and three days in a company). Since 2018, the master’s degree is accredited by the CFA to deliver apprenticeship contracts, which are appreciated by our partner companies.

  • The program is also open to students in continuing education.

The program helps future managers acquire skills in three areas of digital strategy management:

Strategy for digitizing an organization's internal processes

Skills developed: Deploy new e-commerce strategies and manage the digitization of customer relations.

Strategy for digitizing customer relations

Skills developed: Deploy new e-commerce strategies and manage the digitization of customer relations.

Strategy for innovating and introducing new digital business models  

Skills developed: Analyze and design digital strategies and their new business models.

Students in the program can also prepare for a doctoral degree with an optional course of introduction to research in management and organization at the ELMI Graduate School.

Students in this program:
  • Acquire a high-level scientific education and develop critical thinking skills.
  • Learn to master the different types of digital strategies through courses taught by professionals in the field and specialized professors and researchers.
  • Work as part of a team on innovation projects.

For more information about the program's satisfaction rate, please contact the program head.
The rate of success was 88% in 2022/2023.


Training accessible to disabled people.
Consult website

Training eligible for "MON COMPTE FORMATION"</



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Gredeg website

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MSHS website




Graduate level

Applicants must have completed a bachelor’s degree in economics and management or an equivalent degree. The students selected must demonstrate strong motivation and commitment, excellent analytical skills and the ability to work in groups and on projects.

Conditions of applications

  • First-year enrollment limit: 25
  • Online application.
  • M1 students submit their application on Mon Master and M2 students on ecandidat .

Information about the application process

Conditions of specific applications

International applicants who are not part of an exchange program must apply via the Études en France platform - Agence française pour la promotion de l'enseignement supérieur, l'accueil et la mobilité internationale. This website is for students from specific countries, who wish to start or continue their studies in a French university.

Information about the application process

Conditions of admission / Conditions of successful application

Pre-selected applicants are interviewed by a panel comprising the master's director and members of the teaching team.


Master 1 (423 hours)
Unité 1 - Identifier les nouveaux mécanismes de gouvernance du digital  (6 ECTS)
Gouvernance des communs
Gouvernance et dynamiques d'innovation
Enjeux environnementaux du numérique

Unité 2 - Analyser les dimensions de la transformation digitale (6 ECTS)
Economie des plateformes numériques
Nouveaux modèles et pratiques du management stratégique
Usages du digital et décisions stratégiques
Enjeux de l’organisation du travail dans une société innovante 

Unité 3 - Proposer une stratégie digitale répondant à des besoins fonctionnels (6 ECTS)
Introduction à l'AMOA
Introduction à la sociologie des usages
Stratégie digitale des organisations

Unité 4 - S'approprier des outils et des méthodes en gestion de projets innovants (6 ECTS)
Gestion de projets innovants
Introduction à l'agilité
Techniques financières et digitales de financement de projet 

Unité 5 - Caractériser l'ensemble des techniques de référencement web (3 ECTS)
Fondamentaux du SEO (référencement naturel)
Analyse de données en ligne

Unité 6 - Proposer une stratégie numérique orientée clients (3 ECTS)
Fondamentaux du marketing digital
Management de la créativité
Economie comportementale

Unité 7 - Cartographier les débouchés possibles de la stratégie digitale et les compétences correspondantes  (3 ECTS)
Nouveaux enjeux de l'IA en GRH
Atelier professionnel 
Méthodologie à l'insertion professionnelle

Unité 9 - Projets DS4H / ELMI (6 ECTS)

Unité 10 - Structurer un discours clair (à l'écrit et à l'oral) répondant à une consigne (PPR 2) (6 ECTS) 
Professional skills and corporate culture 1

Unité 11 - Organiser ses arguments pour répondre à une problématique (PPR3) (9 ECTS)
Méthodologie du mémoire
Mémoire professionnel 

Unité 12 : Choix mineures (1/ semester)

Semester 1
Python 1
Introduction to R
Applied statistics / Statistiques appliquées Econometrics 1
Advanced microeconomics
Economic dynamics
History of behavioural economics
Innovation and design thinking
Innovation and design thinking 2
Artificial intelligence and societal transformations
Behavioral public policy
Experimental economics
Rationality in social sciences
Excel + VBA (Expert)

Semester 2
Excel + VBA
Python 1
Introduction to R
Applied statistics / Statistiques appliquées
Intermediate - Data collection by survey
Advanced macroeconomics
Atelier "Recherche en management et organisation"
Academic presentation and writing
Sociology of innovation / Sociologie de l'innovation
Agent-based modelling
History of game theory
Matrix algebra for econometrics
Entrepreneuriat deeptech & defis recherche a industrie
Innovation and design thinking
Innovation and design thinking 2
Artificial intelligence and societal transformations
Digital economics
The economics of platforms
Excel + VBA (Expert)

Master 2 (437 hours)

Unité 1 - Proposer une stratégie digitale répondant à des besoins fonctionnels (3 ECTS)Justifier ses compétences dans le secteur du digital (PPR 1)
Atelier professionnel 
Management de la transformation digitale
Management des innovations de rupture
Management des processus organisationnels

Unité 2 - Formuler des préconisations issues de l'analyse des besoins (3 ECTS)
Stratégies d'expérience utilisateur et design d'interaction
Gestion de projets numériques

Unité 3 - Mettre en pratique l'agilité, ses rituels, ses acteurs et sa mise en application (3 ECTS)
Le RGPD et ses implications dans la gestion de projet
Progiciels de gestion
Product ownering

Unité 4 - Préconiser des actions marketing dans le cadre d'un projet d'innovation digitale (6 ECTS) 
Marketing digital avancé 
Techniques de SEO avancées

Unité 5 - Gérer des ecosystèmes digitaux et des processus de gestion des connaissances (3 ECTS)
Développer un Système de Gestion des Connaissances (SGC) dans les organisations
Business models 
Nouvelles pratiques de travail et digital

Unité 6 - Justifier ses compétences dans le secteur du digital (PPR 1) (3 ECTS)
Atelier professionnel 

Unité 7 - Convaincre une audience professionnelle (en français et en anglais) (PPR3)
Professional skills and corporate culture 2
Méthodologie du mémoire
Mémoire professionnel
Projets DS4H/ELMI (PPR 2)

Unité 8 - Projets DS4H/ELMI (PPR 2) (6 ECTS)

Unité 9 : Choix mineures (1/ semester)

Semester 3
Python 1
Introduction to R
Applied statistics / Statistiques appliquées Econometrics 1
Advanced microeconomics
Economic dynamics
History of behavioural economics
Innovation and design thinking
Innovation and design thinking 2
Artificial intelligence and societal transformations
Behavioral public policy
Experimental economics
Rationality in social sciences
Excel + VBA (Expert)

Semester 4
Excel + VBA
Python 1
Introduction to R
Applied statistics / Statistiques appliquées
Intermediate - Data collection by survey
Advanced macroeconomics
Atelier "Recherche en management et organisation"
Academic presentation and writing
Sociology of innovation / Sociologie de l'innovation
Agent-based modelling
History of game theory
Matrix algebra for econometrics
Entrepreneuriat deeptech & defis recherche a industrie
Innovation and design thinking
Innovation and design thinking 2
Artificial intelligence and societal transformations
Digital economics
The economics of platforms
Excel + VBA (Expert)

Master 1
Nom et Prénom Enseignement

LAZARIC Nathalie

Eco-Innovation et modèles d'affaires


Gouvernance et politiques d'innovation


Institutions et environnement


Économie des institutions


Écosystèmes et territoires numériques



Experimental Economics


Systèmes d'information et aide à la décision
Méthodologie du mémoire

ROUBY Evelyne

Nouveaux modèles et pratiques du management stratégique et organisationnel


Nouveaux modèles et pratiques du management stratégique et organisationnel
ORIOL Nathalie

Financement de projets : Pratiques bancaires et digitales

CHAILLET Jean-Philippe

Anglais 1

ARENA Richard

Information et comportements économiques


Business models, entrepreneuriat et territoires


Management de l'innovation


Gestion territoriale des emplois et des compétences

MAY Catherine

Anglais 2

Master 2
Nom et Prénom Nbr Heures Enseignement
ARENA Lise 15h Management de la transformation digitale
DANG Rani 15h Management des innovations de rupture
HUSSENOT Anthony 10h Nouvelles pratiques de travail et digital
THOMAS Catherine 15h
Knowledge Management
Management des processus KM
ROUBY Evelyne 15h Nouvelles formes d’organisation de l’entreprise
ATTOUR Amel 10h Innovation digitale et écosystèmes
GAGLIO Gérald 10h Digitalisation et enjeux environnementaux
MAY Catherine 30h Anglais
BERAUDO Emmanuel 20h Gestion de projets
MUSSO Julien 15h Business Models
ROLLE Guillaume 40h Introduction à l'AMOA et marketing digital
SPENHER Céline 15h Progiciels de gestion
IANNONE Florent 15h Gestion de la chaîne logistique
FERREIRA Mattia 15h Stratégie d'expérience utilisateur et design d'interaction
SAINT-GERMES Éve 15h Gestion territoriale des emplois et des compétences
FOURRIER Nicolas 15h e-CRM
LIPARI Yannick 15h Techniques SEO avancées
PIRRODI Yannick 10h Négociation commerciale
BEN ABDERRAHMANE Khaled 15h Gestion des conflits

  • Master 1 (First year): Optional internship of 1 to 4 months
  • Master 2 (Second year): Mandatory internship of 4 to 6 months
Our corporate relations department is available to help you find an internship.
Students on work-study contracts do not have to complete an internship.

Possibility of ERASMUS + registration

Each year, students take part in tutored projects involving both M1 and M2 students. The following tutored projects are currently offered (these examples could be sujbect to change in the future):
  • Digital communication for the SD master’s degree (website management, social network content management, etc.).
  • Newsletter for the SD master’s degree (monthly newsletter for partner companies and alumni).
  • Organization of a small conference (scientific event on a digital theme for faculty and local public and private professionals).
  • Alumni network management (alumni follow-up, career information, organization of afterwork events to develop the SD master’s degree alumni network).
  • Talents By SD (organization of creative workshops to showcase the academic, professional and extra-curricular talents of SD students).
  • Creation of a catalog listing all the dissertation topics of the previous year. The list can be accessed here.
Tutored projects are assessed throughout the year and presented at the final defense to a jury comprising the tutors and the master's degree director.

Compatibility with a professional activity

  • M1: 2 days of classes one week alternating with 3 days of classes the next.
  • M2: 2 days of classes per week.

School and work experience alternating

  • M1: 2 days of classes one week alternating with 3 days of classes the next.
  • M2: 2 days of classes per week.

Work-study schedule

What's next ?

Year of highschool graduation

Degree equivalent to 4 or 5 years' higher education (Bac +4 & Bac +5)

Level of education obtained after completion

Degree equivalent to 4 or 5 years' higher education (Bac +4 & Bac +5)

RNCP URL of content

RNCP Files N°34847

Target activities / attested skills


  • Conseil et Maîtrise d’ouvrage en SI
  • Responsable e-commerce 
  • Community manager
  • Chargé d’étude dans le domaine des TIC et du numérique
  • Conseil en organisation et management d'entreprise
  • Consultant(e) en organisation
  • Conseil en stratégie & innovation
  • Chercheur ou Enseignant - Chercheur

Master 1 students are automatically admitted into Master 2 if they have successfully completed Master 1.

Master 2 students enrolled in the minor “Research in Management and Organization Workshop” may pursue a doctoral degree if they obtain doctoral funding.

Business sector or job

Strategy for digitizing an organization's internal processes
Possible careers: assistant project manager of digital projets, IS consultant, IS project manager, CRM manager, business analyst.
Strategy for digitizing customer relations
Possible careers: digital marketing manager, B2B marketing manager, partnership and pricing strategy manager, product owner, marketing data consultant.
Strategy for innovating and introducing new digital business models
Possible careers: chief digital officer, strategy and transformation consultant, digital project manager

Employability rate of approximately 88% after 6 months in 2022 and 100% after 30 months in 2020.


Students who plan to enroll full-time in a public institution of higher education must pay the Contribution to student and campus life (Contribution de Vie Etudiante et de Campus - CVEC).
Students must also pay tuition fees, which are set by ministerial decree for national degrees. They are indexed to the national consumer price index.

More information about tuition fees is available on this webpage.

If you are returning to school after a professional experience, you can find more information about tuition fees on the website of the Université Côte d'Azur Continuing Education Department.

After receiving the authorization to enroll, you must complete the administrative registration followed by the pedagogical registration. More information about the deadlines is available on our website.

After receiving the authorization to enroll, students must register online.
Information about the application process

Find more information for new students in the student booklet.