Fédération de Recherche et Institut Fédératif

Institut Fédératif de Recherche Ressources Marines (MARRES)

Address :
Campus Santé Pasteur, Faculté de Médecine, 28 avenue Valombrose
06107 Nice Cedex 2
Email :
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General information

Affiliated institutions :

Université Côte d'Azur

Reference : IFR MARRES

Departments : DS 10 : Département Sciences Agronomiques et Ecologiques


Director(s) :


Research topics

  1. Ecology / Environment / Conservation: Understand the functioning of marine ecosystems and ecosystem services; monitor the ecological state of marine and coastal ecosystems, in particular in the context of global changes; set up innovative protection procedures (marine protected areas), restoration of the coastal marine environment and sustainable and equitable management of its resources. 
  2. Chemistry / Bioactive molecules: Identify bioactive marine molecules for therapeutic applications and analyze the metabolomics of ecological, physiological and biological processes. 
  3. Biology / Health: Determine the biodiversity and its function within an ecosystem; Understand the genetic, molecular, cellular and biochemical mechanisms underlying the development, regeneration, aging and stress response of marine organisms as well as their adaptation to global changes. 
  4. Law / Economics: Understand and develop the law of the sea, the marine environment, marine protected areas, the exploration and exploitation of biological and genetic marine resources; pollution, plastic waste and their circulation; Economics of ecological, biological and technological innovation. 
  5. Humanities and Social Sciences: To study the degree of dependence of human societies on their environment (in the past and now); integrate social, economic, political and cultural components with ecological parameters within the framework of a holistic vision (socioecology) of sustainable and equitable development, and conservation of biological and cultural diversity, in order to propose solutions to environmental problems. 
  6. Art: To develop artistic approaches to the description of ecological / biological processes for scientific advances as well as communication / promotion of marine resources.