Additional information
- Marine Resources
- Chemistry
- Bioactive molecules
- Ecology
- Conservation
- Law
- Economics
- Biology
- Health
- Art
- Humanities & Social Sciences
- Knowledge transfer
- Innovation
The Federative Research Institute (IFR) for Marine Resources (MARRES) is a dynamic and transdisciplinary research structure of Université Côte d'Azur which brings together actors working in the field of Marine Resources. MARRES aims to structure research between the different disciplines in this field within Université Côte d'Azur in order to create new synergies to support and bring out collective and ambitious research around marine resources.
Based on the individual excellence of the research units involved, MARRES aims to become a key forum for communication and interaction between stakeholders in the field of marine resources within Université Côte d'Azur, as well as at the regional level. The members of MARRES are involved in the marine resources educational initiatives of Université Côte d'Azur and aim to strengthen local and cross-border interactions with socioeconomic partners (including nonprofit organizations). Its members also interact with political decision-makers and society in order to boost scientific innovation for the benefit of the marine environment and, ultimately, sustainable regional development.
Based on the individual excellence of the research units involved, MARRES aims to become a key forum for communication and interaction between stakeholders in the field of marine resources within Université Côte d'Azur, as well as at the regional level. The members of MARRES are involved in the marine resources educational initiatives of Université Côte d'Azur and aim to strengthen local and cross-border interactions with socioeconomic partners (including nonprofit organizations). Its members also interact with political decision-makers and society in order to boost scientific innovation for the benefit of the marine environment and, ultimately, sustainable regional development.