Joint Research Unit

Laboratoire Jean Alexandre Dieudonné (LJAD)

Address :
Campus Sciences, Parc Valrose, 28 avenue Valrose,
06108 Nice Cedex 02
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Logo Laboratoire Jean Alexandre Dieudonné (LJAD)
Logo Laboratoire Jean Alexandre Dieudonné (LJAD)

General information

Affiliated institutions :

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Université Côte d'Azur

Reference : UMR7351

Departments : DS 1 : Mathématiques et leurs interactions


Director(s) :
The laboratory is structured in 6 research teams covering the entire spectrum of mathematics, from its most fundamental aspects to applied aspects, and also its interactions with other disciplines. LJAD has several joint teams with INRIA (Sophia Antipolis - Mediterranean Research Center), a joint team with LEAT, and a joint team with I3S. More generally, the laboratory supports scientific collaborations with several laboratories of Université Côte d'Azur, INRIA, and Mines ParisTech. It is also heavily involved in transdisciplinary projects at Université Côte d'Azur, with several core projects in neurosciences, biological modeling, etc. 


The Jean Alexandre Dieudonné Laboratory has several junior and senior members of the IUF (Institut Universitaire de France) and a member of the Academy of Sciences. Several members of the laboratory have been awarded ERC (European Research Council) projects (currently 4), prizes from the Academy of Sciences, and prestigious invitations, for example to the International Congress of Mathematicians. 


The Jean Alexandre Dieudonné Laboratory is strongly involved in the CICADA platform, Université Côte d’Azur’s meso-computing center, which provides the computing power necessary to support the university’s scientific projects. The laboratory also has facilities and equipment for experiments in fluid dynamics and a FabLab. 


International relations

LJAD has scientific collaborations with top universities in many countries (Europe, USA, Maghreb, China, Russia, Brazil, India, Australia, Japan, Canada, Vietnam, ...). It is strongly involved in the UMI (Joint International Research Unit) IFCAM (India), an LIA (Joint International Laboratory) with Vietnam, the Franco-Japanese GDRI ReaDiNet, and the Euro-Maghreb Group of Mathematics and their interactions (GEM2I). Several of its members are founders or leaders of large international programs (Erasmus Mundus programs). Finally, the laboratory has a strong involvement in CIMPA, (the International Center of Pure and Applied Mathematics). 

Industrial relations

In order to promote its skills in the French corporate sector, LJAD is developing numerous collaborations with large industrial groups and EPICs (CEA, ANDRA), as well as SMEs and startups. The laboratory relies in particular on the Center for Modeling, Simulation and Interactions (MSI) of Université Côte d'Azur, and also on SATT Sud-Est, for partnerships and technology transfer.