15-20 November 2020
15-20 November 2020
Inaugural lecture by Pr. Michael Bronstein, Imperial College London
Department of Computing, Chair in Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition
Head of Graph Learning Research at Twitter
Opening Lecture : Michael Bronstein
Health : Vince Madaï, Michaël Brady & Olivier Clatz
Sustainable AI : PR Dr Christoph Meinel & Stefano Ermon
Fundamentals : Elena Di Bernardino (chaire 3IA) & Stéphane Canu
Smart Territories : Jean-Marie Bonnin & Paola Goatin (chaire 3IA)
Biology : Leopold Parts, Carolina Wahlby & François Laviolette
Management : Dominique Boullier
Closing Lecture : Philippe Beaudoin
SophI.A summit, 18-19-20 November
Organizing Committee
Université Côte d'Azur, Sophia Club Entreprises, Communauté d'Agglomérations Sophia Antipolis, Team Côte d'Azur
Scientific Committee
Pierre Alliez (Inria, Université Côte d'Azur), Cyrille Bataller (Accenture), Charles Bouveyron (Université Côte d'Azur), Hervé Delingette (Inria, Université Côte d'Azur), Olivier Humbert (CHU de NIce, Université Côte d'Azur), Gianni Liti (CNRS, Université Côte d'Azur) Nadia Maïzi (MINES Paris Tech), Théo Papadopoulo (Inria, Université Côte d'Azur), Laurent Pilati (NXP), Frédéric Precioso (Université Côte d'Azur), Ellen Van Obberghen (Inserm, Université Côte d'Azur)
Selection Committee
Scientific Committee with the support of the 3IA Côte d'Azur and the Center for Modelling, Simulation, Interactions of the IDEX UCAJEDI
SophIA Summit 2020 is 100% online
The Organization Team of SophI.A summit 2020 follows the evolution of the health situation in real time. We are committed to adapt the set-up of the event, and to ensure that all necessary and regulatory risk prevention measures are implemented with our partners to ensure the safety of all Sophia Summit 2020 attendees.
That's why this year the SophIA Summit will be on line !
Sophia Summit 2020 is a 100% Digital Conference – 3 days of on-line Web TV
If you are registered for the SophIA Summit 2020,
We thank you for that. As you know, the edition this year will be 100% digital. You will be able to enjoy 3 days of Web TV, 100% AI, accessible by streaming from the Zoom platform.
Please note: to be able to log in securely, you will need a Zoom account.
Therefore, we invite you to create this account now at the following link: , using the exact email address of your registration.
Of course, if you already have a Zoom account associated to the email you registered with, no action is required at this point.
You will soon receive the necessary invitation for your connection to the streaming of the conference.
Inaugural lecture by Pr. Michael Bronstein, Imperial College London
Department of Computing, Chair in Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition
Head of Graph Learning Research at Twitter
Opening Lecture : Michael Bronstein
Health : Vince Madaï, Michaël Brady & Olivier Clatz
Sustainable AI : PR Dr Christoph Meinel & Stefano Ermon
Fundamentals : Elena Di Bernardino (chaire 3IA) & Stéphane Canu
Smart Territories : Jean-Marie Bonnin & Paola Goatin (chaire 3IA)
Biology : Leopold Parts, Carolina Wahlby & François Laviolette
Management : Dominique Boullier
Closing Lecture : Philippe Beaudoin
SophI.A summit, 18-19-20 November
Organizing Committee
Université Côte d'Azur, Sophia Club Entreprises, Communauté d'Agglomérations Sophia Antipolis, Team Côte d'Azur
Scientific Committee
Pierre Alliez (Inria, Université Côte d'Azur), Cyrille Bataller (Accenture), Charles Bouveyron (Université Côte d'Azur), Hervé Delingette (Inria, Université Côte d'Azur), Olivier Humbert (CHU de NIce, Université Côte d'Azur), Gianni Liti (CNRS, Université Côte d'Azur) Nadia Maïzi (MINES Paris Tech), Théo Papadopoulo (Inria, Université Côte d'Azur), Laurent Pilati (NXP), Frédéric Precioso (Université Côte d'Azur), Ellen Van Obberghen (Inserm, Université Côte d'Azur)
Selection Committee
Scientific Committee with the support of the 3IA Côte d'Azur and the Center for Modelling, Simulation, Interactions of the IDEX UCAJEDI
SophIA Summit 2020 is 100% online
The Organization Team of SophI.A summit 2020 follows the evolution of the health situation in real time. We are committed to adapt the set-up of the event, and to ensure that all necessary and regulatory risk prevention measures are implemented with our partners to ensure the safety of all Sophia Summit 2020 attendees.
That's why this year the SophIA Summit will be on line !
Sophia Summit 2020 is a 100% Digital Conference – 3 days of on-line Web TV
If you are registered for the SophIA Summit 2020,
We thank you for that. As you know, the edition this year will be 100% digital. You will be able to enjoy 3 days of Web TV, 100% AI, accessible by streaming from the Zoom platform.
Please note: to be able to log in securely, you will need a Zoom account.
Therefore, we invite you to create this account now at the following link: , using the exact email address of your registration.
Of course, if you already have a Zoom account associated to the email you registered with, no action is required at this point.
You will soon receive the necessary invitation for your connection to the streaming of the conference.
Registrations are now closed
you could contact the organisation team sophia-summit[at]univ-cotedazur[dot]com
Registrations are now closed
you could contact the organisation team sophia-summit[at]univ-cotedazur[dot]com
“All Professors of the Sophia Antipolis AI Institute are affiliated with CNRS, which is a natural an perpetual partner for Sophia Summit”
Aurelie Philippe, Regional Delegate CNRS Cote d’Azur
Olena Kushakovska, General Manager SAP, co founder ICAIR
“All Professors of the Sophia Antipolis AI Institute are affiliated with CNRS, which is a natural an perpetual partner for Sophia Summit”
Aurelie Philippe, Regional Delegate CNRS Cote d’Azur
Olena Kushakovska, General Manager SAP, co founder ICAIR
World Usability Day
Under the slogan "make life easier", World Usability Day is a global event that brings together events around the world brought to you by User Experience (UX) professionals.
Among them, Use Age and Telecom Valley have organized an event every year since 2005 in Sophia Antipolis to present, experiment, understand and explain the relationship between digital innovation and user experience, in order to Human being remains at the heart of this relationship. A good mix of conferences and participative workshops enables to enlighten and engage an ever more enthusiastic audience on the proposed topics.
The theme of World Usability Day 2020 is "Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence". What place for human beings facing AI? What new fields of experience the user can he have ? How far can we go with automation while retaining human control... ? So many questions, and many more, that are sure to set off debate and fruitful discussions.
Full programme and registration on :
SophI.A. Master Classes 3rd Edition
9:00 AM -7:30 PM
100% on-line
On the 2nd day of the Sophia AI WEEK, Telecom Valley is organizing the 3rd Edition of Soph.I.A. Master Classes.
4 successive live sessions of 2.5 hours each, 100% on-line, broadcasted from Maison de l’Intelligence Artificielle Sophia-Antipolis - France & USA
Free & unlimited places, link sent by e-mail after registration.
Full Programme and registration here:
World Usability Day
Under the slogan "make life easier", World Usability Day is a global event that brings together events around the world brought to you by User Experience (UX) professionals.
Among them, Use Age and Telecom Valley have organized an event every year since 2005 in Sophia Antipolis to present, experiment, understand and explain the relationship between digital innovation and user experience, in order to Human being remains at the heart of this relationship. A good mix of conferences and participative workshops enables to enlighten and engage an ever more enthusiastic audience on the proposed topics.
The theme of World Usability Day 2020 is "Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence". What place for human beings facing AI? What new fields of experience the user can he have ? How far can we go with automation while retaining human control... ? So many questions, and many more, that are sure to set off debate and fruitful discussions.
Full programme and registration on :
SophI.A. Master Classes 3rd Edition
9:00 AM -7:30 PM
100% on-line
On the 2nd day of the Sophia AI WEEK, Telecom Valley is organizing the 3rd Edition of Soph.I.A. Master Classes.
4 successive live sessions of 2.5 hours each, 100% on-line, broadcasted from Maison de l’Intelligence Artificielle Sophia-Antipolis - France & USA
Free & unlimited places, link sent by e-mail after registration.
Full Programme and registration here:
“Data is the key of the new economy. Sophia Summit is the place to meet experts who can handle it, work on it and analyze it.”
Jerome Riboulon, Manager HPE
“Sophia Summit is an important event, it is where you at at a glance, all the progresses made by the academics and the industrial players.”
Gilles Floyrac, President Amadeus France
“Sophia Summit is a good way for us to meet other international researchers, coming from all over the planet, and confront their Research with our own findings.”
Richard Vidal, Research Manager
“Data is the key of the new economy. Sophia Summit is the place to meet experts who can handle it, work on it and analyze it.”
Jerome Riboulon, Manager HPE
“Sophia Summit is an important event, it is where you at at a glance, all the progresses made by the academics and the industrial players.”
Gilles Floyrac, President Amadeus France
“Sophia Summit is a good way for us to meet other international researchers, coming from all over the planet, and confront their Research with our own findings.”
Richard Vidal, Research Manager
“AI is at the core of everything we do at Median! At Sophia Antipolis, there is a very great ecosystem related to AI, and SophIA Summit is a fantastic way to exchange with experts coming from all over the world.”
Frederik Brag, CEO
“Videtics is a startup born from a meeting at the SophIA Summit 2019 between three Polytech graduates, convinced of the potential for innovation in the field of video surveillance”
Alan Ferbach, co-founder & General Manager
"Inria strongly supports SophIA summit, a great venue for bringing together AI research and industry, with an international audience and also fostering local interactions."
Maureen Clerc, Director, Inria Sophia Antipolis Research Centre
“AI is at the core of everything we do at Median! At Sophia Antipolis, there is a very great ecosystem related to AI, and SophIA Summit is a fantastic way to exchange with experts coming from all over the world.”
Frederik Brag, CEO
“Videtics is a startup born from a meeting at the SophIA Summit 2019 between three Polytech graduates, convinced of the potential for innovation in the field of video surveillance”
Alan Ferbach, co-founder & General Manager
"Inria strongly supports SophIA summit, a great venue for bringing together AI research and industry, with an international audience and also fostering local interactions."
Maureen Clerc, Director, Inria Sophia Antipolis Research Centre
Public Conference
The intelligent machine control could surpass human intellect, myth or reality ?
In fact, artificial intelligence won’t replace human beings since the decision factors imply emotional intelligence that the intelligent machine will not be able to reproduce.
Still, what’s the potential of artificial intelligence combined with human intelligence ?
Highlight of the year, this conference will take place on November, 21 from 4 :00 pm, within the framework of the SophI.A Summit 2020 and lead by Rand Hindi, PhD in bio-informatics who founded the startup Snips, specialized in big data and specifically artificial intelligence.
La crainte que la machine intelligente prenne le dessus sur l’homme, mythe ou réalité ?
L’Intelligence Artificielle ne pourra jamais remplacer l’homme car la prise de décisions nécessite une intelligence émotionnelle que la machine ne peut reproduire.
En revanche quel est le potentiel de combinaison du pouvoir d’intelligence logique de l’IA avec le pouvoir de l’intelligence émotionnelle humaine?
Nouveau temps fort de notre programmation d'automne, cette conférence, organisée le Samedi 21 Novembre dès 16h00 à l’occasion de la SophI.A Week 2020 sera présentée par Rand Hindi, entrepreneur en Intelligence Artificielle et en protection des données personnelles.
Élu innovateur de l’année de moins de 35 ans (TR35) par MIT Technology Review et l’un des 30 innovateurs de moins de 30 ans (“30 under 30”) par Forbes.
Membre du Conseil National du Numérique, Il a été choisi par le gouvernement Français pour diriger la partie “impact de l’IA sur l‘économie et l’emploi” dans la stratégie globale de la France sur l’Intelligence Artificielle.
Veuillez cliquer sur rejoindre le webinaire :Ou touchez l’écran une fois sur votre iPhone :
France: +33170379729,,82233955174#,,,,,,0#,,731294# or +33170950103,,82233955174#,,,,,,0#,,731294#
Public Conference
The intelligent machine control could surpass human intellect, myth or reality ?
In fact, artificial intelligence won’t replace human beings since the decision factors imply emotional intelligence that the intelligent machine will not be able to reproduce.
Still, what’s the potential of artificial intelligence combined with human intelligence ?
Highlight of the year, this conference will take place on November, 21 from 4 :00 pm, within the framework of the SophI.A Summit 2020 and lead by Rand Hindi, PhD in bio-informatics who founded the startup Snips, specialized in big data and specifically artificial intelligence.
La crainte que la machine intelligente prenne le dessus sur l’homme, mythe ou réalité ?
L’Intelligence Artificielle ne pourra jamais remplacer l’homme car la prise de décisions nécessite une intelligence émotionnelle que la machine ne peut reproduire.
En revanche quel est le potentiel de combinaison du pouvoir d’intelligence logique de l’IA avec le pouvoir de l’intelligence émotionnelle humaine?
Nouveau temps fort de notre programmation d'automne, cette conférence, organisée le Samedi 21 Novembre dès 16h00 à l’occasion de la SophI.A Week 2020 sera présentée par Rand Hindi, entrepreneur en Intelligence Artificielle et en protection des données personnelles.
Élu innovateur de l’année de moins de 35 ans (TR35) par MIT Technology Review et l’un des 30 innovateurs de moins de 30 ans (“30 under 30”) par Forbes.
Membre du Conseil National du Numérique, Il a été choisi par le gouvernement Français pour diriger la partie “impact de l’IA sur l‘économie et l’emploi” dans la stratégie globale de la France sur l’Intelligence Artificielle.
Veuillez cliquer sur rejoindre le webinaire :Ou touchez l’écran une fois sur votre iPhone :
France: +33170379729,,82233955174#,,,,,,0#,,731294# or +33170950103,,82233955174#,,,,,,0#,,731294#