Covid-19 and Care (Au care du COVID)

Published on February 21, 2024 Updated on February 21, 2024

on the October 12, 2020

care covid
care covid

This multidisciplinary colloquium, organized during the COVID-19 pandemic, poses the question of COVID care along two axes in which COVID is indissolubly the subject and object of care: what do the ethics and politics of care offer us for thinking and acting in the midst of COVID? What does COVID teach us about care?

French-language event

The COVID crisis has brought to the fore care, understood at the interface of the medical, ethical and political, as concern, solicitude, care and, last but not least, attention to the democratic structures that bind us together.
We realized not only that the professions of care, from nurse to cashier, from schoolteacher to garbage collector, were the pillars of our day-to-day social functioning, albeit often invisibilized, but also that we were all interdependent, both locally and globally. In other words, we had to take care of each other if our society was to be livable, not only in practical terms, so as not to contaminate each other, but also in ethical terms, so as to be able to take care of the most vulnerable.

This multidisciplinary colloquium, organized during the COVID-19 pandemic, poses the question of COVID care along two axes in which COVID is indissolubly the subject and object of care: what do the ethics and politics of care offer us for thinking and acting in the midst of COVID? What does COVID teach us about care?
PROGRAM (in French only)

10h : Ouverture par Arnaud Regnauld, Vice-Président à la Recherche de l’Université Paris 8

10h15-10h35 : Quel care pour le dépistage ?
François Berger (Médecin, INSERM, Chaire UNESCO EVA)

10h35-10h55 : Le care et le traitement des données en santé
Margo Bernelin (Juriste, Laboratoire droit et changement social)

10h55-11h15 : discussion

11h15-11h35 : Pause

11h35-11h55 : Habiter le soin. Une vulnérabilité vulnérabilisante
Pascale Molinier (Psychologue, UTRPP)

11h55-12h15 : Les corps « exposés à l’ombre » des subalternes du soin. Ce que la pandémie dit du care systémique
Caroline Ibos (Politiste, LEGS)

12h15-12h35 : discussion

12h35-14h00 : déjeuner

14h-14h20 : De quoi la résilience est-elle le nom ?
Alexandre Gefen (Critique,Thalim)

14h25-14h45 : Quelle responsabilité à l’heure du COVID ?
Vanessa Nurock (Philosophe, LEGS, Chaire UNESCO EVA)

14h45-15h05 : Le care, un concept d’analyse politique en temps de COVID
Sandra Laugier (Philosophe, ISJPS, Chaire UNESCO EVA)

15h20-16h00 : discussion

Organisation : Vanessa Nurock