Licence Physique

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The Bachelor's degree in Physics provides a general scientific, theoretical and experimental education. Read more


Initial training / Executive Education Program / Accessible for resumption of studies /
3 ans
Portail Sciences et Technologies
Nice Campus Valrose



This degree provides a basic foundation in Physics and associated disciplines (Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science and Electronics).

At the end of this three-year dual degree, students are expected to be able to: Analyze and understand the physical phenomena from the theoretical principles of Physics, of modeling, using mathematical and IT tools and the experimental approach Be able to reason scientifically using suitable theoretical and experimental tools, and critically analyze the consistency of this reasoning with established facts. Write summarized reports, speak in public in French, and understand scientific texts in English. Learn to carry out research through experimental or digital simulation team projects. Follow an experimental protocol using scientific equipment, know how to identify the sources of errors, program computational algorithms, analyze and process data in a logical and reasoned way. Make an objective assessment of his/her capacities, results, themes and future careers of interest, in order to find and choose a suitable track.

Students study the major branches of Physics (Mechanics, Optics, Electromagnetism, Fluids, Quantum Physics, Thermodynamics) and take courses in the associated disciplines (Mathematics, Chemistry, Electronics, Computer Science) to obtain a well-rounded scientific education. In total, students take 1,300 hours of degree-specific classes over three years, including up to 1,000 hours of Physics. The program includes lectures, tutorials, and training in digital and experimental Physics through practicums and team projects. Students also take general education courses to acquire career-oriented transversal competencies.

Faculté des Sciences, Parc Valrose, Nice

Frédéric Hébert : porteur de la maquette Frédéric Blanc et Céline Cohen : coordonnateurs 1ère année Mario Gattobigio et Gilles Niccolini : coordonnateurs 2ème année Valérie Doya et Eric Aristidi : coordonnateurs 3ème année



High school level

What's next ?

Year of highschool graduation

Undergraduate level

Level of education obtained after completion

Undergraduate level