PARCOURS - Conseil en organisation et développement RH

  • Economy-Management
PARCOURS - Conseil en organisation et développement RH

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The aim of this program is to prepare for careers in organizational, audit and corporate social responsibility consulting. Read more


Initial training / Accessible for resumption of studies / Alternance (Apprenticeship, Contrat de professionnalisation)
2 years
Ecole Universitaire de Recherche Economie et Management
Campus Saint Jean d'Angély



Type of program
Initial education
Continuing education

  • Professionalization contract
  • Apprenticeship contract

Employability rate

  • 85,7%* 6 months after graduation

*Source OVE - Class of 2022 (former name of the program: master’s in human resources management, specialty in organizational consulting and social responsibility)



The track in organizational consulting and HR development (CODeRH) focuses more specifically on organizational and strategic HR issues linked with the development of human potential in order to meet the major current challenges of innovation, CSR and sustainability, resilience and the ecological transition, AI, territorial ecosystems, and new relationships at work. Based on an organizational and strategic approach to HR management, it provides the skills needed to diagnose and develop HR strategies and processes. It provides training in decision-making assessment, social and organizational auditing tools and HR development. The program helps students understand the impact of HR management on the organization of companies and their ability to innovate.

Unique features of the program :
  1. The program has been designed for students with an apprenticeship or professionalization contract or who are returning to school after a professional experience. As such, it benefits from the support of CFA EPURE Méditerranée created by the PACA Regional Council to develop student employability and professional skills.

  2. It has been growing for over 15 years with support from a network of partner companies and administrations, such as :

  • The work-study department of the ELMI Graduate School and many companies, public administrations and major industrial corporations all contribute to providing apprenticeships and helping students transition to the professional world.

  • The Research Group in Law, Economics and Management (GREDEG), a joint research unit of the CNRS and Université Côte d'Azur, whose research themes correspond to many of the professional objectives of the program. (

  • ANDRH (National Association of Human Resources Directors), and the International Association for Corporate Social Responsibility.

To find out more about the program’s satisfaction rate, pleas contact the head of the program.
The success rate was 100% in 2022/2023 for the CORS track (former name of this track).   

Training accessible to disabled people.
Consult website

Training eligible for "MON COMPTE FORMATION"</



Logo du Gredeg
Logo du Gredeg

GREDEG website



Graduate level

This master's degree is for students with a bachelor's degree in economics, management, economics/management, social and business administration, law, psychology, and possibly a professional bachelor's degree in one of those fields.


Conditions of applications

Dematerialized application files.
Applications are submitted on the Mon Master platform for M1 students, and on the ecandidat platform for M2 students.
Consult the procedure

As the Master's programme is selective, students are strongly advised to take out an apprenticeship or professionalization contract. They should contact Ms Pitoy and Ms Baldin in the EUR ELMI work-study department (see contact) and send them a covering letter and CV.

Conditions of specific applications

International applicants not on exchange programmes must apply via the Études en France platform - French Agency for the Promotion of Higher Education, Hospitality and International Mobility. This portal enables people from certain countries to come to France to start or continue a university course.
Consult the procedure

Conditions of admission / Conditions of successful application

The Master's programme is selective. Applicants must apply via e-candidat to obtain the opinion of the admissions committee. To do so, they must submit a covering letter and CV to the Graduate School of Economics and Management.


Master 1 (285 hours)
Semester 1

Unité 1 - Environnement économique et social de l'entreprise (6 ECTS)
Organisation économique et institutionnelle du marché du travail et politiques de l’emploi
Concurrence, stratgéies d'entreprises et économie des plateformes

Unité 2 - Environnement juridique de l'entreprise 1 (6 ECTS)
Droit du travail et instruments juridiques 
Droit des contrats d’affaires
Droit international du travail et gestion de la mobilité

Unité 3 - Management des Entreprises appliqué aux RH (6 ECTS)
Qualité de vie au travail
Digitalisation et nouvelles pratiques de travail 1
Management à distance et en mode hybride
Management stratégique des Organisations appliqué aux RH

Unité 4 - Gestion salariale et analyse financière appliquée aux RH (6 ECTS)
Gestion de la paie
Lecture des bilans et indicateurs financiers RH
Gestion de la masse  et de l’épargne salariales

Unité 5 - Outils techniques et linguistiques du management des RH (6 ECTS)
Professional Skills and Corporate Culture 1
Informatique de gestion (Outils et techniques du Web, progiciel de gestion… 
Méthodologie d’enquêtes appliquée aux RH

Semester 2

Unité 6 - Les enjeux contemporains des RH (6 ECTS)
Les fondamentaux de l’IA : une application aux RH 
Évolution et modalités d’exercice de la fonctions RH 
SIRH et enjeux de l’IA 

Unité 7 - Gestion et outils des stratégies RH 1 (3 ECTS)
Développement RH et administration du personnel 
RSE, Santé, Risques Psychosociaux et sécurité au travail

Unité 8 - Audit et développement des Ressources Humaines (6 ECTS)
Fidélisation des salariés
Management des talents 
Audit organisationnel et stratégique : études de cas
Contrôle et Audit Social

Unité 9 - PPR: Stage et alternance (15 ECTS)
Professional Skills and Corporate Culture 2 
Séminaires professionnels et de recherche
Méthodologie et conférences de méthode
Compétences professionnelles

 Master 2 (609 hours)
Unité 1 - PPR Management des Organisations (15 ECTS)
Accompagnement au changement
Économie et Management des réseaux sociaux appliqués aux RH
Stratégie de développement et réengineering
Management des processus

Unité 2 - Conseil en développement RH (6 ECTS)
Audit Social
Audit de la performance
Audit des compétences
Développer les RH pour faire face aux grands challenges : diversité, inclusion, éthique, développement durable, IA…

Unité 3 - PPR Développement du potentiel humain (15 ECTS)
Management des compétences et des talents
Management des connaissances
Ingénierie de la formation
Management des hommes et des équipes

Unité 4 - Métiers du conseil en organisation (6 ECTS)
Méthodologie du conseil
Management de projets RH
Professional skills and Corporate culture 3

Unité 5 - PPR : Stage, alternance (18 ECTS)
Méthodologie, conférences de méthode  et gestion de projets
Atelier de recherche 
Séminaires professionnels et de recherche
Compétences professionnelles

Operational objectives by teaching unit :
Master 1

Unité 1 - Environnement économique et social de l'entreprise 
Unité 2 - Environnement juridique de l'entreprise 1 
Unité 3 - Management des Entreprises appliqué aux RH 
Unité 4 - Gestion salariale et analyse financière appliquée aux RH 
Unité 5 - Outils techniques et linguistiques du management des RH
Unité 6 - Les enjeux contemporains des RH 

Unité 7 - Gestion et outils des stratégies RH 1
Unité 8 - Audit et développement des Ressources Humaines 
Unité 9 - PPR: Stage et alternance 

Master 2

Unité 1 - PPR Management des Organisations 
Unité 2 - Conseil en développement RH 
Unité 3 - PPR Développement du potentiel humain
Unité 4 - Métiers du conseil en organisation 
Unité 5 - PPR : Stage, alternance 


 In initial education, students are required to complete an internship of at least eight weeks duirng the first year and at least four months during the second year.

Full time

The first year of the master's degree is organized by semester and can be completed:
  • Full time (initial education): in that case, the student must complete an internship of at least eight weeks starting in April.
  • On a work-study basis (with an apprenticeship or professionalization contract): one week in the company alternating with one week at the university from October to the end of May, then full time in the company from April to September.
The second year is organized by academic year and can be completed:
  • With an apprenticeship or professionalization contract, one week in the company alternating with one week at the university (specific EMRH group).
  • Full time: in that case, the student must complete an internship of at least four weeks starting in May.

School and work experience alternating

The track is available in work-study format with an apprenticeship or professionalization contract.
The work-study schedule is available on our website.

Find an internship, work-study opportunity or job on the university website.

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Target activities / attested skills

The skills developed are specific to HR development and the implementation of HR strategies and processes that support the construction of an organisational HRM that serves strategy and performance.

By the end of the course, students should be able to:

  1. Communicate in a professional context
  2. Contribute to transformation in a professional context
  3. Develop a strategic HRM vision
  4. Design and/or manage HRM management solutions
  5. Measure and control using HRM management tools and methods
  6. Develop a managerial and organisational culture
  7. Master the key tools and techniques for managing knowledge, skills and innovation
  8. Put the concepts studied into practice in HR development consultancy.
  9. Engineering complex skills development systems
  10. Implement strategies to improve employee performance
  11. Develop programmes to promote diversity and equal opportunities
  12. Carry out organisational, managerial and social diagnostics using appropriate methods
  13. Draw up medium and long-term development proposals and translate them into action plans
  14. Implement a sustainable development policy and translate it into action plans

It is possible to go on to study for a doctorate.

Business sector or job

After the master's degree, students can work in a number of professions directly related to:
  • HR development.
  • HR management.
  • Or corporate organizational and management consulting, such as: consultant or manager in HR development, in ongoing education or in knowledge management; jobs and skills manager; training and recruitment manager; HRM consultant or auditor; change management consultant; (re)organization project manager, etc.

The 1st year of the Master's programme is divided into semesters and can be taken :

  • as an initial training course under an apprenticeship or professional training contract, with 1 week in the company and 1 week at the University from October to May, followed by a full-time placement in the company.
  • as an initial training course without sandwich courses, in which case the student must complete a minimum 10-week work placement starting in April.
  • Continuing education

The 2nd year of the Master's degree is offered on an annual basis and can be taken :

  • Initial training under an apprenticeship or professionalization contract, with one week in the company and one week at the university.
  • Initial training without a work-study contract, in which case the student must complete a minimum 4-month placement starting in May.

The integration rate for the course (under the heading of CORS) is 85.7% (graduates 2022), 6 months after graduation.


Students who plan to enroll full-time in a public institution of higher education must pay the Contribution to student and campus life (Contribution de Vie Etudiante et de Campus - CVEC).

Students must also pay tuition fees, which are set by ministerial decree for national degrees. They are indexed to the national consumer price index.

More information about tuition fees is available on this webpage.

If you are returning to school after a professional experience, you can find more information about tuition fees on the website of the Université Côte d'Azur Continuing Education Department.

After receiving the authorization to enroll, students must register online.

Information about the application process

Find more information for new students in the student booklet.