PARCOURS - Économie et Management des Ressources Humaines

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PARCOURS - Économie et Management des Ressources Humaines

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The EMRH track of the master's degree in human resources management has been designed for full-time or work-study students under an apprenticeship or professionalization contract, or who are returning to school after a professional experience. Read more


Initial training / Alternance (Apprenticeship, Contrat de professionnalisation)
2 years
Ecole Universitaire de Recherche Economie et Management
Campus Saint Jean d'Angély



Type of program
Initial education
Continuing education

  • Professionalization contract
  • Apprenticeship contract

Employability rate
  • 77.3%1 6 months after graduation
  • 88%2 30 months after graduation

1Source: Observatory of Student Life – class of 2022
2Source: Observatory of Student Life – class of 2020



The track in economics and management of human resources (EMRH), offers a multi-disciplinary education in management, law and economics. It focuses on the functional and practical dimensions of HR (legal and financial aspects, payroll management, managerial issues, HR administrative management, etc.), on HR strategy and human resource economics relating to issues such as recruitment, personnel transfer or mobility, employability, training, skills acquisition, quality of working life, strategic management of jobs and skills (GEPP), TQM, management of redundancy plans, etc.) It prepares students for management jobs in Human Resources (HR director, recruitment, team management, business organization consulting, etc.). Students learn to master the basics of business management and economics as they apply to corporations, but also to SMEs, SMOs and public administrations, all of which play a vital role in the economic and social life of the region.

The EMRH track of the master's degree in human resources management has been designed for full-time or work-study students under an apprenticeship or professionalization contract, or who are returning to school after a professional experience. The program has been growing for over 15 years with support from a network of partner companies and administrations :

  • CFA EPURE Méditerranée, created by the PACA Regional Council to develop the employability and professional skills of students.
  • CCI Côte d'AZUR, the National Association of Human Resources Directors, and the International Association for Corporate Social Responsibility.
  • ELMI Graduate School and many companies, government agencies and major industrial groups all contribute to developing apprenticeships and helping students transition to the professional world.
  • The Research Group in Law, Economics and Management (GREDEG), a joint research unit of the CNRS and Université Côte d'Azur, whose research themes correspond to many of the professional objectives of the program.

Unique features of the program

  1. The program is designed for students with an apprenticeship or professionalization contract or who are returning to school after a professional experience. As such, it benefits from the support of CFA EPURE Méditerranée created by the PACA Regional Council to develop the employability and professional skills of students.
  2. It has been growing for over 15 years with support from a network of partner companies and administrations, such as :
  • The work-study department of ELMI Graduate School and many companies, public administrations and major industrial corporations all contribute to developing apprenticeships and facilitating students’ transition to the professional world.
  • The Research Group in Law, Economics and Management (GREDEG), a joint research unit of the CNRS and Université Côte d'Azur, whose research themes correspond to many of the professional objectives of the program. (
  • ANDRH (National Association of Human Resources Directors), and the International Association for Corporate Social Responsibility.

Objectives of the program : 
Analyze and understand the business and organizational strategies of companies and administrations

  • Master recruitment methods and training tools.
  • Handle finances and accounting for personnel.
  • Inform and advise staff.
  • Prepare information relating to personnel management needed for decision-making. Develop medium- and long-term proposals for developing skills and implement them in action plans.
  • Monitor changes in the workforce and ensure that they are in line with company needs as part of the strategic management of jobs and skills (GPEC). Draw up appeal and promotion documents.

Understand the economics of organizational structures

  • Master organizational needs. Carry out organizational, managerial and social assessments.
  • Plan organizational innovations from a knowledge management perspective.
  • Learn how to manage and/or set up a business.
  • Learn how to assess the use of HR information systems.
  • Manage organizational innovations relating to HR.

Understand trends in the job market

  • Become familiar with the competitive environment in which companies operate.
  • Gain expertise in management liability law, labor law and commercial law.
For more information about the program’s satisfaction rate, please contact the head of the program.
The rate of success was 95% in 2022/2023.


Training accessible to disabled people.
Consult website

Training eligible for "MON COMPTE FORMATION"</



Logo du GRedeg
Logo du GRedeg

GREDEG website



Graduate level

The master's degree is open to students with a bachelor's degree in economics, management, economics/management, social and business administration, law, psychology, and possibly a professional bachelor's degree in one of the above fields.

Entrance to the master’s degree is selective.
As this master's program is highly geared toward employability, students applying are strongly advised to find an apprenticeship or professionalization contract. To obtain one, they need to send a cover letter and CV to the EUR ELMI work-study department.

Conditions of applications

Dematerialized application files.
Applications are submitted on the Mon Master platform for M1 students, and on the ecandidat platform for M2 students.
Consult the procedure

You will need to bring the following documents with you: a recent photograph, a copy of your passport (or identity card), most recent diplomas and details of courses and grades, a covering letter and a CV.

Conditions of specific applications

International applicants not on exchange programmes must apply via the Études en France platform - French Agency for the Promotion of Higher Education, Hospitality and International Mobility. This portal enables people from certain countries to come to France to start or continue a university course.
Consult the procedure


The program is available in a work-study format with an apprenticeship or professionalization contract.

The first year of the master's degree is organized by semester and can be completed:
  • Full time : in that case, the student must complete an internship of at least eight weeks starting in April.
  • On a work-study basis (with an apprenticeship or professionalization contract): one week in the company alternating with one week at the university from October to the end of May, then full-time in the company from April to September.
The second year is organized by academic year and can be completed:
  • With an apprenticeship or professionalization contract, one week in the company alternating with one week at the university.
  • Full time: in that case, the student must complete an internship of at least eight weeks starting in May.
Master 1 (615 hours)
Semester 1

Unité 1 - Environnement économique et social de l'entreprise (6 ECTS)
Organisation économique et institutionnelle du marché du travail et politiques de l’emploi
Concurrence, stratégies d'entreprises et économie des plateformes

Unité 2 - Environnement juridique de l'entreprise 1 (6 ECTS)
Droit du travail et instruments juridiques 
Droit des contrats d’affaires
Droit international du travail et gestion de la mobilité

Unité 3 - Management des Entreprises appliqué aux RH (6 ECTS)
Qualité de vie au travail
Digitalisation et nouvelles pratiques de travail 1
Management à distance et en mode hybride
Management stratégique des Organisations appliqué aux RH

Unité 4 - Gestion salariale et analyse financière appliquée aux RH (6 ECTS)
Gestion de la paie
Lecture des bilans et indicateurs financiers RH
Gestion de la masse  et de l’épargne salariales

Unité 5 - Outils techniques et linguistiques du management des RH (6 ECTS)
Professional Skills and Corporate Culture 1
Informatique de gestion (Outils et techniques du Web, progiciel de gestion… 
Méthodologie d’enquêtes appliquée aux RH

Semester 2

Unité 6 - Les enjeux contemporains des RH (6 ECTS)
Les fondamentaux de l’IA : une application aux RH 
Évolution et modalités d’exercice de la fonctions RH 
SIRH et enjeux de l’IA 

Unité 7 - Gestion et outils des stratégies RH 1 (3 ECTS)
Développement RH et administration du personnel 
RSE, Santé, Risques Psychosociaux et sécurité au travail

Unité 8 - Gestion et outils des stratégies RH 2 (6 ECTS)
De la GPEC à la GEPP 
Recrutement et insertion des collaborateurs 
Total Quality Management 1 

Unité 9 - PPR: Stage et alternance (15 ECTS)
Professional Skills and Corporate Culture 2 
Séminaires professionnels et de recherche
Méthodologie et conférences de méthode
Compétences professionnelles
Master 2 
Unité 1 - Management de l’entreprise appliquée aux RH (6 ECTS)
Management par les processus
Management par la qualité totale
Management stratégique des Ressources Humaines

Unité 2 - Développement stratégique de l’entreprise et des Ressources Humaines (6 ECTS)
Comportements organisationnels
Audit Organisationnel et audit interne
Responsabilité Sociale de l’entreprise 2
Communication externe, marque employeur et marketing RH

Unité 3 - Innovation et management dans l’entreprise (6 ECTS)
Knowledge Management
Économie, connaissances  et formes organisationnelles de l’entreprise
Économie, connaissances  et formes organisationnelles de l’entreprise
Management de l’entreprise innovante

Unité 4 - Environnement digital des RH et enjeux organisationnels (6 ECTS)
Gestion des hauts potentiels et des talents
Économie et Management des réseaux sociaux appliqués aux RH
Digitalisation des RH et nouvelles compétences de travail 2

Unité 5 - Management des RH et cohésion des personnels (6 ECTS)
Stratégies de recrutement 
Management innovant des hommes et des conflits 
QVT et conduite du changement

Unité 6 - Pilotage des indicateurs RH et performance de l’entreprise (6 ECTS)
Gestion des Emplois et des Parcours Professionnels
Tableaux de bord RH et tableaux de bord sociaux (recrutement, performance, formation, climat social)
Progiciel de Gestion, SIRH

Unité 7 - Environnement juridique de l’entreprise 2 (6 ECTS)
Droit social : relations sociales et collectives de l’entreprise
Droit de la protection sociale

Unité 8 - PPR : La professionnalisation à travers l'alternance et le stage (18 ECTS)
Professional skills and corporate culture
Conférences : enjeux contemporains des RH 
Séminaires professionnels et de recherche
Méthodologie et conférences de méthode
Compétences professionnelles

Objectifs opérationnels par unité d’enseignement :
Master 1 

Unit 1 - Economic and social environment of the company
Unit 2 - Legal environment of the company - part 1
Unit 3 - Business management applied to HR
Unit 4 - Salary management and financial analysis applied to HR
Unit 5 - Technical and linguistic tools for HR management
Unit 6 - Contemporary HR issues
Unit 7 - HR strategy management and tools - part 1
Unit 8 - HR strategy and management tools - part 2
Unit 9 - PPR: Internship and work-study

Master 2 

Unit 1 - Business management applied to HR
Unit 2 - Strategic development of the company and of Human Resources
Unit 3 - Innovation and management in the company
Unit 4 - HR digital environment and organizational issues
Unit 5 - HR management and staff cohesion
Unit 6 - Steering HR indicators and company performance
Unit 7 - Legal environment of the company - part 2
Unit 8 - Professional skills gained through work-study and the internship

Mandatory internship : Minimum 2.5 months (55 days) in Master 1 and 4 months (88 days) in Master 2

What's next ?

Year of highschool graduation

Degree equivalent to 4 or 5 years' higher education (Bac +4 & Bac +5)

Level of education obtained after completion

Degree equivalent to 4 or 5 years' higher education (Bac +4 & Bac +5)

RNCP URL of content

Fiche RNCP n°35912
Consulter la fiche

Target activities / attested skills

Targeted activities : 
- Drawing up (or helping to draw up) an HR strategy and formalising an HR master plan or forward planning of jobs and skills (quantitative and qualitative requirements) in line with the organisation's strategic developments.
- Setting up or managing recruitment procedures or job protection plans
- Steering operational skills management: anticipating the company's needs in terms of skills, developing skills through increasingly innovative training initiatives,
- Career and career path management (promotion, transfer, training).
- Supervision, management and control of personnel administration (staff numbers, staff movements, working hours, individual files, remuneration and social security contributions),
- Managing relations with social and administrative bodies,    
- Advising or assisting line managers in the application of human resources management and in their relations with the various staff representative bodies,        
- Monitoring general working conditions and the application of social legislation,    
- Auditing human resources management practices,
- Internal communication and HR marketing, development of an employer brand
- Management and monitoring of digital HRM tools (HRIS) 

Proven skills :
- Monitoring changes in the environment or eco-system and anticipating possible HR transformations and innovations, developing forward-looking approaches to jobs and work.
- Steering or co-steering the development of a strategic HR vision, setting objectives and giving meaning through forward-looking employment and skills management approaches and HR master plans, etc. in line with the company's strategy
- Uniting and leading internal and external players (governance) in an ethical manner
- Develop HRM policies and practices in the various areas of Human Resources Management (recruitment, training, etc.), ensuring that practices are contextualised
- Apply and implement HRM policies and practices in the areas of HR development (skills and professions), assessment and management of career paths, etc.
- Checking and measuring the relevance and performance of HR management tools by developing social management control approaches using tailor-made social indicators and dashboards
- Auditing, assessing and analysing the risks associated with HR policies in line with corporate social responsibility and environmental initiatives
- Applying and complying with HRM rules and standards, particularly in the areas of employment law and industrial relations
- Developing processes, quality initiatives, innovation, etc. and ensuring compliance with HR standards
- Develop an employer brand and associated recruitment techniques - Lead and unite teams, develop interpersonal and leadership skills
- Advising and negotiating with teams and business partners
- Manage work organisation and possible changes
- Managing personal development projects
- Develop behavioural and business skills (your own or those of your teams)  
- Identify digital uses and the impact of their development on the field(s) covered by the specialism
- Make independent use of advanced digital tools for one or more professions or research sectors in the field
- Use highly specialised knowledge, some of which is at the forefront of knowledge in a field of work or study, as a basis for original thinking
- Develop a critical awareness of knowledge in one field and/or at the interface between several fields  
- Solve problems to develop new knowledge and procedures and integrate knowledge from different fields
- Make innovative contributions as part of high-level exchanges and in international contexts
- Carry out a reflective and distanced analysis, taking into account the issues, problems and complexity of a request or situation, in order to propose appropriate and/or innovative solutions in line with changes in regulations
- Identify, select and analyse critically a range of specialist resources to document a subject and synthesise these data with a view to their exploitation
- Communicate orally and in writing in French and at least one foreign language for training or knowledge transfer purposes
- Manage complex, unpredictable professional or study contexts requiring new strategic approaches
- Take responsibility for contributing to professional knowledge and practices and/or for reviewing a team's strategic performance
- Manage a project (design, steering, team coordination, implementation and management, evaluation, dissemination) which may involve multidisciplinary skills within a collaborative framework  
- Analysing one's actions in a professional situation, self-evaluating to improve one's practice as part of a quality approach
- Respect the principles of ethics, professional conduct and environmental responsibility 


It is possible to go on to study for a doctorate.

Business sector or job

Future careers :
  • HR director
  • Assistant HR director
  • Personnel manager
  • Professions in recruitment and temporary work
  • E-recruiter
  • Administrative manager
  • Head of internal communications
  • Information systems manager
  • Training manager
  • Public service middle managers in social and employment agencies
  • Training directors
  • Jobs and skills manager or GPEC manager
  • SME staff manager
  • Staff manager in a company or public administration

Employability rate six months after graduation: 77.3% in 2022/2023.


Students who plan to enroll full-time in a public institution of higher education must pay the Contribution to student and campus life (Contribution de Vie Etudiante et de Campus - CVEC).

Students must also pay tuition fees, which are set by ministerial decree for national degrees. They are indexed to the national consumer price index.

More information about tuition fees is available on this webpage.

If you are returning to school after a professional experience, you can find more information about tuition fees on the website of the Université Côte d'Azur Continuing Education Department.

After receiving the authorization to enroll, students must register online.

Information about the application process

Find more information for new students in the student booklet.