Damien Bazin
Université Côte d’Azur, Campus Saint-Jean d'Angély, Rue du 22ème B.C.A., 06300 Nice CNRS – GREDEG, Campus Azur, 250 Rue Albert Einstein, CS 10269, 06905 Sophia Antipolis Cédex
- Tél
- +33 4 89 15 20 15
- Fax
- +33 4 89 15 20 21
- Bureau 2
- 330 (EUR ELMI) et H03 (GREDEG)
- Téléphone 2
- +33 4 89 15 20 15
- Télécopie 2
- +33 4 89 15 20 15
- Damien.BAZIN@univ-cotedazur.fr
- Site internet
- https://gredeg.univ-cotedazur.fr/lily-b-un-projet-de-bande-dessinee-sur-le-developpement-socialement-durable
Discipline(s) enseignée(s)
Teaching Modules/Activités d'Enseignements
Économie écologique
Économie sociale et solidaire
Grands principes de l'économie internationale
Justice environnementale
Responsabilité sociale des entreprises
Révolutions industrielles
Thèmes de recherche
- Économie écologique et soutenabilité
- Économie du développement
- Histoire de la pensée économique & Philosophie économique
Activités / CV
Damien BAZIN, PhD in Economics, is Associate Professor (Accreditation to Supervise Research) in Economics at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France. After completing his postdoctoral studies in Canada and holding a visiting post in China (European Union program), he joined GREDEG (Research Group on Law, Economics and Management) in 2012. He now conducts research in Macroeconomics and Sustainable Development. His fields of specialization are many and varied, including Ecology, Ethics and Environmental Economics, Macroeconomics, Corporate Ethics and topics related to Socially Sustainable Development. His doctorate research work focuses on responsibility and accountability from an economic perspective.
Damien’s Accreditation to Supervise Research highlights a transition from economic ethics to environmental economics. He believes that taxation and sustainability should be viewed through the prism of Corporate Social Responsibility; and to understand this innovative thinking is to understand the aspects in which a Kantian approach, using motivational variables, might differ from that of business ethics. Following the same line of reasoning, he has demonstrated that both company responsibility within an environmental context and tax-related behavior must be examined from an ethical standpoint. His interpretation is that taxation is a factor in encouraging responsible behavior.
His current research deals with the epistemological foundations of ethical economics. He considers the question of environmental ethics and optimal taxation. In doing so, his hope is to create a model for the formal application of responsibility which takes various economic actors into account. As such, he pays special attention to the role of companies and the importance of stakeholders. Given that ethical motivations, as seen from a positive approach, are the mainstay of his analysis, his research has drawn inspiration from social economics. The results of his research reflect the complexities and paradoxes in the premises of social economics. They highlight the probability of undesirable secondary effects arising from crowding-out effects and the emergence of a perverse social capital.
His future papers will cover three areas of research: the ethical stakes in Socially Sustainable Development; behavioral analysis by way of empirical themes (living conditions and modeling of households) using the Capability approach; and the convergence of the previous two areas via well-being, capabilities, the role of the child in development (child labour/street children), agent responsibility, the limits and indicators of Socially Sustainable Development and lastly, gender inequality and vulnerability. The underlying framework to all this is the construction of policies which optimize the research/expertise interface, and which give particular importance to strategies for poverty reduction.
Damien lectures in prestigious Parisian business schools on the subject of company ethics. His most recent papers are related to economic ethics and the protection of nature. He regularly contributes articles to daily national papers with the aim of popularizing fundamental research.
Liste des publications dans HAL-SHS
Informations complémentaires
- Membre du Conseil de Laboratoire
- Directeur du Master Management et Commerce International parcours "Stratégies et Management International"
- Chargé de mission pour l’adaptation des enseignements & formations transversales RSE/Développement durable), EUR ELMI
- Chargé de mission UniCA sur les enseignements en transition écologique et développement soutenable (CT-TEDS)
- Membre du Comité de pilotage (COPIL) de l’Académie 5 « Homme, idées milieux »
- Membre du Comité Scientifique (CS) de l’Académie 3 « Espace, Environnement, Risques et Résilience »
- Membre du Comité Scientifique et d'Orientation (CSO) de l’OTECCA
- Membre du Conseil scientifique (CS) du Parc National du Mercantour