MECABIONIC seminar - Tuesday 2 July - 11h at INPHYNI - Atef ASNACIOS general presentation

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Publié le 28 juin 2024 Mis à jour le 28 juin 2024

le 2 juillet 2024


Université Côte d'Azur

Directions: INPHYNI, 17 rue Julien Laupretre 06200 Nice.

By tram: stop Méridia (L3) or Digue des Français (L2).

By car : parking entrance Rue Emmanuel Grout

Contact if you plan to use the parking

Atef ASNACIOS specialised in Mecanobiology will talk in a general presentation about :

Mechanobiology at the single cell level

Cells are under the control of genetic programs. However, over the last decades, many investigations have been dedicated to the role of physical and mechanical cues in biological functions, leading to the emergence of mechanobiology. In this context, as a physicist and an experimentalist, I will review some technical developments in single cell rheometry and force measurement that allowed us to reveal the physics behind various biological functions. I will present examples from both animals and plants. For instance, I will discuss a parallel between rigidity sensing by animal cell and impedance matching, will show how mechanical features of antigen presenting cells are modulated by inflammation and stimulate the immune response, and will present some aspects of adaptation of plant growth to stiffening of the soil.

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