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L'Académie "Systèmes Complexes" en bref
L’Académie "Systèmes Complexes" fait partie des cinq Académies d'Excellence d’Université Côte d’Azur.
A l’origine de ces Académies, il y a le programme UCAJEDI dont L'objectif est de faire émerger des travaux de recherches novateurs et, de soutenir une recherche de rang mondial à Université Côte d'Azur
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A la Une
ICON Thematic semester: next event
We are thrilled to announce the ICON Biophotonic Workshop, an interdisciplinary event bringing together physicists, biologists, chemists, mathematicians, and microscopists to exchange ideas and explore cutting-edge research in biophotonics.
April 2nd – April 4th
Théâtre du Grand Château-Valrose, Nice
Open Call for Posters & Short Talks
Masters and PhD students are strongly encouraged to apply!
Limited to 100 participants – Secure your spot now!
Registration is free but mandatory.
Register here:
Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with experts, present your research, and be part of a dynamic scientific community!
The organizing committee:
Gian Luca Lippi (INPHYNI),
Frédéric Brau (IRCAN),
Alain Burger (ICN),
Stéphane Lanteri (INRIA)
Caroline Medioni (iBV)
POPULATE Thematic Semester: next events in March & June
Spring Conference on "Population Dynamics: From data to models"
March 10-14th, 2025 at Inria Centre - Kahn building
What is it about?
The conference focuses on population dynamics models that are based on data from different sources (e.g. field observations, laboratory measurements or fine simulations). The conference brings together researchers from different fields (including mathematics, physics, biology, engineering and chemistry) while covering a range of application areas (e.g., planet formation, insect or pedestrian dynamics, nanoparticle agglomeration/fragmentation), in order to generate interdisciplinary research dynamics and methods on this topic.
Invited speakers
Johansen Anders, Lund University (Sweden)
Olivier Bernard, Biocore, Inria Center at University Côte d’Azur (France)
Alessandro Corbetta, Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands)
1.Simone Göttlich, University of Mannheim (Germany)
2.Alessandra Lanotte, CNR NANOTEC, Institute of Nanotechnology (Italy)
3.Bertrand Maury, University Paris Orsay (France)
4.Kevin John Painter, Politecnico di Torino (Italy)
5.Fernando Peruani, Cergy University (France)
6.Samuel Soubeyrand, INRAE Avignon (France)
How to register?
Option 1 (free):
Staff from Université Côte d'Azur and its partners institutions have the option to attend the presentations, without registration fees but without access to the catering.
To do so, please send a request by e-mail to:
Option 2 (160 €):
For those who would like to register with access to the catering (the fee is 160 €), registration is possible using this registration form.
Summer School on “Population Dynamics: From fundamental to applied science”.
June 16th till Friday, June 27th 2025 in the AEC village in Grasse
The school is sponsored by:
A) Université Côte d'Azur, in the framework of a thematic semester on the topic of “Population Dynamics”
B) CNRS as a Thematic School
This summer school is focused on models for population dynamics that aims to provide modern viewpoints on the concepts related to population dynamics (covering topics such as crowd dynamics, traffic flow, viruses, cell growth, complex fluids with bubbles or nanoparticles).
It will gather researchers from various communities to fertilize cross-disciplinary research and methods on this topic.
1. Yves Achdou (Laboratoire Jacques Louis Lions, Paris, France)
2. Julien Arino (Department of Mathematics, University of Manitoba, Canada)
3. Céline Casenave (Mathematics and Numerics division, INRAE Montpellier, France)
4. Maria Teresa Chiri (Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Queen’s University, Canada)
5. Alexandra Fronville (Laboratory of Medical Information Processing, Faculty of Medicine, University of Brest, France)
6. Daniele Marchisio (Department of Applied Science and Technology, Politechnico di Torino, Italy)
7. Adolfo Vazquez Quesada (Department of Fundamental Physics, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain)
More details on the topic of their lecture is available on the School website.
To apply to this summer school, please fill the form on the following link:
before Sunday, March 30th 2025
More details on:
If you would like to receive information on events organized as part of the POPULATE thematic semester:
MECABIONIC Thematic Semester: next events on February & March
Conference from Alex MCDougall from the Laboratoire de Biologie du Développement de Villefranche
Monday 24th of February at 11 am at the Conference Room of the Laboratoire Jean Alexandre Dieudonné.
Emergence of embryonic shape
Although different classes of embryos display predictable patterns of early cleavage divisions up to the blastula stage, we still do not understand what generic rules lead to one or another embryonic shapes. Difficulty in answering this question is due to the lack of mechanistic understanding of how cell shape, cell tension, cell adhesion and cleavage patterning and timing are coordinated. Even though significant progress has been made in identifying the genes involved in driving cell fate decisions, this reductionist one gene-one function approach has led to comparatively less progress in understanding how cleavage patterns and overall embryonic shape emerges.
We exploit the invariant cleavage pattern displayed by ascidian embryos to tease apart the cell biological and biomechanical forces involved in underpinning the invariant cleavage pattern. Invariant cell positioning in the compact ascidian embryo is important for cell-cell signaling starting at the 32-cell stage when 4 animal blastomeres are induced by vegetal blastomere derived FGF to become neural precursors. We have so far found a number of mechanisms that work together to create the invariant cleavage pattern and maintain a compact embryo (that does not have a blastocoel): cell cycle asynchrony, unequal cell division, long apical length dependent spindle positioning and mitotic apical relaxation. I will present what we have done and are doing and try to give an overview of how the ascidian invariant cleavage pattern emerges.
The school will bring together junior researchers (master, PhD, post doc) from various fields including mechanics, biology, mathematics and physics.
The program includes fundamental courses on morphogenesis, tissue dynamics and cellular physics and practical courses on microfluidics, lightsheet microscopy and atomic force microscopy.
The fundamental courses will take place at the Laboratoire Jean Alexandre Dieudonné, whereas the practical courses will be performed in different laboratories of the Université Côte d’Azur. We will have some very nice social events including a welcome cocktail and dinner party, a guided tour of the historic Valrose campus and a conference on digital sustainability.
We hope to see you in Nice and do not hesitate to spread the word around you !
Thematic Semester on “Population Dynamics”
The POPULATE project is a thematic semester, held by Christophe HENRY, Researcher at INRIA. This project is dedicated to Population dynamics that studies the evolution in time of the characteristics of individuals in a given population. The population can be living beings (e.g. fishes, birds, insects, humans, viruses) or inorganic objects (e.g. ashes, dusts, droplets). Various characteristics can be of interest (such as the size of the population, the age of individuals, their weight, their composition).
Several events will be organised during this thematic semestrer:
- Spring conference in March 2025
- Summer school in June 2025
- Fall conference in October 2025
More details and information on the project website
Thematic semester on "Non LInear Cell PhotONics"
The overarching ICON project aims to consolidate ongoing research initiatives at Université Côte d'Azur (UniCA), encompassing various aspects of photonics and life sciences, from experimental and applied methods to numerical modeling. Additionally, the project seeks to enrich these endeavors by integrating external insights and expertise, fostering collaborations with researchers from France and beyond. A key objective is to strengthen interdisciplinary dimensions through internships and scientific visits, particularly benefiting PhD students, providing them with valuable exposure and experience. Moreover, the initiative serves as a dynamic platform for showcasing UniCA's research to external communities, explicitly aiming to catalyze new collaborations and partnerships. These comprehensive objectives underscore the initiative's profound impact on advancing research at the intersection of photonics and life sciences.
Different actions and events will be organised:
- Seminars
- Workshops
- M2 internships - call open
- Visiting PHD students - call open
More details and information on the project website
Thematic semester on Mecanobiology
MECABIONIC involves different UniCA research laboratories including LJAD, IBV, INPHYNI, IPMC and IRCAN.
The behavior, functioning and development of biological systems are controlled by the synergy of biochemical and physical cues. Mechanobiology specifically focuses on the study of mechanics in a biological context. Mechanical forces can be intrinsically generated and biochemically regulated within cells or can result from external cues resulting from the cell physical environment.
Project website
- Recherche
The objective of this event is to discover and discuss the work of PhD students, post-doctoral researchers and senior researchers belonging to the Academy " Complex Systems". Every year, Complex Days bring together about 100 researchers and doctorals students around oral presentations and poster sessions. - Valorisez vos publications !Pour mettre en lumière l’ensemble des articles et des publications résultants des travaux de recherche des chercheuses et chercheurs financés par l’Académie " Systèmes Complexes", une collection HAL « Systèmes Complexes » est à votre disposition. L'Académie vous accompagne pour déposer vos publications en un clic !
- Podcast INTERVALLE, avec Eric Lagadec, astrophysicien au laboratoire Lagrange, comme invité spécial !Le deuxième épisode du podcast INTERVALLE, proposé et réalisé par le service Science et Société d’Université Côte d’Azur, vous plonge au cœur des étoiles pour mieux comprendre l'origine de la matière qui nous entoure.
- Retour sur le semestre thématique 2022 « Ondes & Complexité »Le premier semestre thématique de l’Académie « Systèmes Complexes » axé sur les phénomènes ondulatoires complexes s’est déroulé de mai à novembre 2022. Porté par l'équipe Wavecomplexity, son objectif principal était de réunir l’ensemble des acteurs locaux et internationaux intéressés ou impliqués par l’étude des ondes (électromagnétiques, optiques, internes, etc.). Retour sur les initiatives mises en œuvre lors de cette action.
- Semestre thématique 2022 « Ondes & Complexité » : appel à candidatures « chercheurs invités » !Financé par l’Académie « Systèmes Complexes », le semestre thématique 2022 porté par l’équipe interdisciplinaire Wavecomplexity vise à réunir des scientifiques de divers horizons autour du thème : « Ondes et Complexité ». Dans ce cadre, un appel à candidatures « chercheurs invités » est lancé. Date limite des candidatures fixée au 15 avril 2022.
Accès rapides
Appels à projets de l'Académie
Retrouvez la liste des appels à projets de l'Académie "Systèmes Complexes".
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Retrouvez les listes des appels à projets externes et accéder au moteur de recherche développé par la Cellule Europe Mutualisée.
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Les actions de l'Académie
Retrouvez les actions misent en place l'Académie "Systèmes Complexes" pour soutenir les activités de recherche spécifiques de sa communauté.
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Les Complex Days, l'évènement phare de l'Académie " Systèmes Complexes "
Chaque année, l'Académie "Systèmes Complexes" organise les Complex Days à Nice. Cet évènement est l'occasion de favoriser le dialogue entre les disciplines en rassemblant des scientifiques issus d'horizons divers (mathématiques, physique, chimie, sciences de la Terre et de l'Espace, sciences humaines et sociales, etc.) qui travaillent sur les systèmes complexes.
Les prochains Complex Days auront lieu les 6 & 7 février 2025, au Sheraton Nice Airport
480 Promenade des Anglais,
06200 Nice
Entrance via Avenue des Grenouilleres, Park Phoenix side street.
Les doctorants et post-doctorants sont encouragés à soumettre un abstract pour une présentation orale ou un poster.
Un jury sélectionnera les 2 meilleurs posters !
Site internet des Complex Days 2025
Vous souhaitez consulter les présentations orales des
Complex Days ?
Pour retrouver toutes les présentations orales, et flash talks des Complex Days, il suffit de vous rendre sur la plateforme Epirevel d'Université Côte d'Azur en cliquant ici.