Type of program
- Professionalization contract
- Apprenticeship contract
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The objective of the degree in economics and management of human resources (EMRH) is to prepare students for careers in recruitment, personnel administration and any other area of corporate management related to the strategic organization of skills. This professional program that alternates work and study provides students with the tools they need to understand the socio-economic world in which companies and administrations operate. It offers theoretical and practical courses in economics, law, human resources management and business management.
It prepares students for further studies at the master’s level in the human resources management or organizational economics programs.
The student-apprentice earns a bachelor's degree in economics and business administration, and specializes in economics and human resources management.
Unique features of the program
The EMRH bachelor’s degree meets the economic, social and professional needs of regional or national SMEs and SMIs, and the expectations of large or multi-branch corporations with a national or international dimension.
Students graduating from the bachelor's program have learned to :
Training accessible to disabled people.
Consult the website
Training eligible for MON COMPTE FORMATION
The program is designed for students with :
The application procedure for the EMRH apprenticeship degree is 100% online on eCandidat.
Application deadlines are announced on our website.
We strongly advise you to contact the following people by e-mail to help you find a company for the apprenticeship:
Claire Pitoy (Head of administrative and pedagogical management) - claire.pitoy@univ-cotedazur.fr
Claire Baldin (Corporate Relations Manager) - claire.baldin@univ-cotedazur.fr
Ludovic Ragni (Head of the program) - ludovic.ragni@univ-cotedazur.fr
Enrollment limit: 25.
A first selection is based on the student’s application file and notably:
This pre-selection is followed, if necessary, by an interview with a panel of university professors and professionals.
Final enrolment in the economics and human resources management work-study program requires the signature of a contract with a company or administration.
The EMRH bachelor's degree is offered on a work-study basis under an apprenticeship or professionalization contract, with one week at the company alternating with one week at the university from mid-September to mid-May, or on a full-time basis at the company outside this period, or when the university is closed during breaks.
The EMRH degree is also open to people returning to school or employees on training leave (Fongecif grant).
The EMRH bachelor's degree is offered on a work-study basis under an apprenticeship or professionalization contract, with one week at the company alternating with one week at the university from mid-September to mid-May, or full-time at the company outside this period, or when the university is closed during breaks.
Find an internship, work-study opportunity or job on the university website.
All courses in the program are graded by ongoing assessment.
Students are required to write a professional dissertation defended before a jury at the end of the year.
Knowledge assessment procedures
Students who successfully complete the EMRH bachelor’s degree may pursue their studies with a master’s degree, and more specifically in one of the human resources management or organizational economics tracks offered by the Economics and Management Graduate School.
Future careers open to EMRH graduates :
Students who plan to enroll full-time in a public institution of higher education must pay the Contribution to student and campus life (Contribution de Vie Etudiante et de Campus - CVEC).
Students must also pay tuition fees, which are set by ministerial decree for national degrees. They are indexed to the national consumer price index.
More information about tuition fees is available on this webpage.
If you are returning to school after a professional experience, you can find more information about tuition fees on the website of the Université Côte d'Azur Continuing Education Department.