Licence Économie et gestion - Parcours Économie et Management des Ressources humaines

  • Economy-Management
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
Licence Économie et gestion - Parcours Économie et Management des Ressources humaines

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The bachelor’s degree in economics and human resources management (EMRH) is one of the tracks of the economics and management degree. It prepares students with an apprenticeship contract for careers in recruitment. Read more


Initial training / Alternance (Apprenticeship, Contrat de professionnalisation)
1 year
Portail Économie-Gestion / Ecole Universitaire de Recherche Economie et Management
Campus Saint Jean d'Angély


Type of program

Offered in a format alternating work and study.
  • Professionalization contract
  • Apprenticeship contract

Student profile

Prerequisites for enrolment
Graduate level
Targeted audience
Two-year undergraduate degree (BTS, DUT, Licence 2)


Future careers

  • Assistant HR director.
  • Administrative jobs in a company or in a public or private institution.
  • Jobs in recruitment.
  • Jobs in temporary employment.


The objective of the degree in economics and management of human resources (EMRH) is to prepare students for careers in recruitment, personnel administration and any other area of corporate management related to the strategic organization of skills. This professional program that alternates work and study provides students with the tools they need to understand the socio-economic world in which companies and administrations operate. It offers theoretical and practical courses in economics, law, human resources management and business management.

It prepares students for further studies at the master’s level in the human resources management or organizational economics programs.

The student-apprentice earns a bachelor's degree in economics and business administration, and specializes in economics and human resources management.

Unique features of the program

  • The program created over 20 years ago has forged a strong academic and professional reputation.
  • Students gain professional experience as early as the third year with an apprenticeship.
  • Students may pursue their studies with a master’s degree in human resources.
  • The program is supported by CFA Epure Méditerrannée and the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region, Sophia-Antipolis HRD Club, GREDEG and CCI Côte d'Azur.
  • The program enables students with a two-year degree (DU, BTS or DUT) to enroll in the third year of the bachelor’s degree in economics and management

The EMRH bachelor’s degree meets the economic, social and professional needs of regional or national SMEs and SMIs, and the expectations of large or multi-branch corporations with a national or international dimension.

Students graduating from the bachelor's program have learned to :

  • Implement and use the tools of economics and human resources management to be operational in HR positions within companies and administrations.
  • Produce and write a memo and/or a dissertation on an HR issue defined by the company and apply legal and economic procedures and human resource management tools.
For more information about the program’s satisfaction rate, please contact the head of the program.

The rate of success was 89% in 2022/2023.

The EMRH degree has been running for over 20 years.
The EMRH bachelor's degree allows students to gain experience in the corporate world with an apprenticeship during the third year of the bachelor's degree in economics and management. Students acquire the professional skills needed to understand the job market, while learning the basics of economics, management and law required for further study for a master’s degree.


Training accessible to disabled people.
Consult the website

Training eligible for MON COMPTE FORMATION


Logo du Gredeg
Logo du Gredeg

Gredeg website



Graduate level

The program is designed for students with :

  • A two-year undergraduate degree.
  • A two-year technical degree (DUT).
  • A university degree in human resource management.
  • Recognition of Prior Learning or Professional Experience.

Conditions of applications

The application procedure for the EMRH apprenticeship degree is 100% online on eCandidat.

Application deadlines are announced on our website.

We strongly advise you to contact the following people by e-mail to help you find a company for the apprenticeship:

Claire Pitoy (Head of administrative and pedagogical management) -

Claire Baldin (Corporate Relations Manager) -

Ludovic Ragni (Head of the program) -

Enrollment limit: 25.

Conditions of specific applications

Foreign students wishing to enroll in this program must have completed one year of higher education in France to be eligible to sign an apprenticeship or professionalization contract.

Conditions of admission / Conditions of successful application

A first selection is based on the student’s application file and notably:

  • Grades in economics (basic economics, social economics, labor economics), law (labor law, social law, business law) and management (company management, strategic management, etc.).
  • A cover letter.
  • A professional project.

This pre-selection is followed, if necessary, by an interview with a panel of university professors and professionals.
Final enrolment in the economics and human resources management work-study program requires the signature of a contract with a company or administration.


Semester 5 (432,5 hours)

Unité 1 - Outils comptables et financiers (6 ECTS)
Gestion comptable et financière 
Techniques Quantitatives de Gestion 
Analyse des états financiers 

Unité 2 - Environnement juridique des Ressources Humaines (6 ECTS)
Droit de l’entreprise et des sociétés
Droit du travail
Droit social international et européen

Unité 3 - Fondamentaux des Ressources Humaines (6 ECTS)
Gestion administrative du personnel 
Gestion des conflits et psychologie des RH 

Unité 4 - Outils de gestion et de pilotage des RH (6 ECTS)
Gestion de la paie et de l’épargne salariale
Progiciel de gestion de la paie 
Introduction aux outils de la GRH (recrutement, formation, GPEC)

Unité 5 - Compétences transversales 5
Professionals skills  1 (= anglais 5)
Informatique (= compétences numériques 3)
Competences informationnelles 3 
Semester 6 (427,5 hours)

Unité 1 - Environnement économique des RH (6 ECTS)

Conjoncture Économique et Politique de l’Emploi 
Histoire économique et sociétale du travail 
Économie Internationale et européenne 
Développement organisationnel des RH 

Unité 2 - Théorie des Organisations et de la Firme (6 ECTS)
Perspectives Organisationnelles des RH 
Management des structures organisationnelles 

Unité 3 - Management stratégique des RH et SIRH (6 ECTS)
Management Stratégique des RH 
Management des Systèmes d’Information RH 
Total Quality management 

Unité 4 - Compétences transversales 6 (6 ECTS)
Professional skills 2 
Informatique (Outils et techniques du web, Progiciel de Gestion)
Compétences informationnelles

Unité 5 - Professionnalisation (6 ECTS)
Analyse économique
Séminaires et méthodologie de recherche
Gestion de projet
Mémoire professionnel
Compétences professionnelles

Full time

The EMRH bachelor's degree is offered on a work-study basis under an apprenticeship or professionalization contract, with one week at the company alternating with one week at the university from mid-September to mid-May, or on a full-time basis at the company outside this period, or when the university is closed during breaks.

Compatibility with a professional activity

The EMRH degree is also open to people returning to school or employees on training leave (Fongecif grant).

School and work experience alternating

The EMRH bachelor's degree is offered on a work-study basis under an apprenticeship or professionalization contract, with one week at the company alternating with one week at the university from mid-September to mid-May, or full-time at the company outside this period, or when the university is closed during breaks.
Find an internship, work-study opportunity or job on the university website.

All courses in the program are graded by ongoing assessment.
Students are required to write a professional dissertation defended before a jury at the end of the year.

Knowledge assessment procedures

What's next ?

Year of highschool graduation

1er cycle (bac à bac+3)

RNCP URL of content

Fiche RNCP n°24426
Consulter la fiche RNCP
  • Understanding the objectives of the HR function in business management.
  • Understand the economic challenges of HR.
  • Acquire and deepen general knowledge of the economic and competitive environment of companies and public and private organisations.
  • Deepening the fundamentals of economics and personnel management from a professional point of view.
  • Master payroll management tools and quantitative management techniques.
  • Introduce students to GPEC recruitment techniques and Total Quality Management.
  • Introduce students to the major models of organisational theory
  • Introduce students to the main principles of employment and company law

Students who successfully complete the EMRH bachelor’s degree may pursue their studies with a master’s degree, and more specifically in one of the human resources management or organizational economics tracks offered by the Economics and Management Graduate School.

Business sector or job

Future careers open to EMRH graduates :

  • Assistant HR director.
  • Administrative jobs in a company or in a public or private administration.
  • Jobs in recruitment.
  • Jobs in temporary employment.
  • Public service middle managers in social and employment agencies.
  • Middle managers in SMEs, SMOs and public and regional administrations.
  • Civil servant after passing the relevant competitive examination.
The EMRH bachelor's degree also enables students to prepare for civil service entrance examinations in the relevant fields.


For more information about employability rates, contact the head of the program.


Students who plan to enroll full-time in a public institution of higher education must pay the Contribution to student and campus life (Contribution de Vie Etudiante et de Campus - CVEC).

Students must also pay tuition fees, which are set by ministerial decree for national degrees. They are indexed to the national consumer price index.

More information about tuition fees is available on this webpage.

If you are returning to school after a professional experience, you can find more information about tuition fees on the website of the Université Côte d'Azur Continuing Education Department.

You can register online if your application has already been approved.

Once you have received authorisation to enrol, you will need to complete your administrative enrolment, and then you will need to complete your pedagogical enrolment. To find out when this is done, go to our website.

Once the registration authorisation has been issued, candidates must register online.
Consult the procedure.

Find more information for new students in the student booklet.