Licence Langues, littérature & civi. étrangères & régionales

  • Languages
Licence Langues, littérature & civi. étrangères & régionales

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The LLCER Bachelor's program offers students general and transversal competencies in French and foreign languages (German, English, Spanish, Italian) and applies them to the field of literature, civilization, linguistics, and the arts. Read more


Initial training / Executive Education Program / Accessible for resumption of studies /
3 ans
Portail Lettres, Langues, Art, Communication
Campus Carlone



The LLCER Bachelor's program provides students with general competencies (e.g. computer science, level C2I), alongside with a specific preparation, which includes the following competencies: - High-level proficiency in the language (most courses are taught in the target). - The ability to write summaries (writing course). - Oral presentation of documents and/or a topic (course in oral expression, literature, civilization, arts). - The ability to translate oral and written texts from the original language (translation course). - The ability to understand the culture of the regions concerned, using the suitable tools of analysis (courses in literature, civilization, arts, text and document comentaries).

The EEF track prepares students for a Master's degree in MEEF. The LLCER track prepares students for a Master's degree in LLCER (secondary school teaching, research). This program also provides general and transversal competencies in French and in foreign languages, preparing students for jobs in culture, tourism, translation, interpreting, and publishing.

Campus Carlone
98, boulevard Edouard Herriot
06204 Nice

Responsable de la mention
Responsables des formations

Allemand : Christine SCHMIDER

Anglais : Emmanuelle Peraldo
@ :

Espagnol : Marc MARTI
@ :

Italien : Jean-Pierre PANTALACCI
@ :

Langue d'Oc : Sylvain CASAGRANDE
@ :



High school level

What's next ?

Year of highschool graduation

Undergraduate level

Level of education obtained after completion

Undergraduate level