Master Computer Science

  • Science and Technology
Master Computer Science

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Become an industry and research manager able to adapt and anticipate the continual changes in technology. Read more


Initial training / Executive Education Program / Accessible for resumption of studies /
2 years
École Universitaire de Recherche Systèmes Numériques pour l’Humain
Campus SophiaTech - Site des Lucioles / Campus SophiaTech - Site des Templiers
French / English


Program 100% in English possible

You can benefit from a 100% in English program by choosing your courses from those taught in English.



The Master’s in Computer Science trains students in the design and development of IT systems of industry and research executives. By undertaking the program, students learn to adapt and anticipate the constant technological changes thanks to mastery of the theoretical foundations of computer science and the different concepts and tools implemented in today's computing systems.
The compulsory internship(s) (in a company or laboratory) and the various individual or group projects ensure the practical application of the courses.
3 specialization tracks

The Master's degree in Computer Science offers a range of 3 specialization tracks, some of which share courses, in order to prepare students for a wide variety of opportunities offered by computer science (research, software development, artificial intelligence, information systems, network administration, data science, cyber-security, multimedia, etc.). Please refer to the page of each track to learn more about their respective programs and contents.

A Master's degree offered by the Digital Systems for Humans (DS4H) Graduate School

This master's degree is offered by the Digital Systems for Humans (DS4H) Graduate School.

The DS4H Graduate school offers you the opportunity to enrich your curriculum with a unique catalog of multidisciplinary courses (minors), tutorships (laboratory immersion) and individual or group projects. By combining these options, over the semesters, you build your "à la carte" training program according to your personal and professional goals. In partnership with the leading digital science research laboratories of the Université Côte d'Azur, DS4H Graduate school offers an innovative vision of the professions for the digital world, that go beyond traditional disciplinary compartmentalization. It offers you the opportunity to acquire the sought-after competencies (technical skills and "soft skills") for your future career in research, higher education, research and development, industry and services, start-ups, etc.
> Learn more about the DS4H Graduate school training program


The Master's degree in Computer Science is backed by internationally renowned research laboratories in computer science, which ensures that students receive instruction that is in direct contact with the state of the art. It benefits from close connections with the socio-economic players in the digital sector in Sophia-Antipolis, Europe's leading technology park.




Undergraduate level

Course program

What's next ?

Year of highschool graduation

Graduate level

Level of education obtained after completion

Graduate level