Type of program
Initial education
Continuing education
Mandatory internship
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Initial education
Continuing education
Mandatory internship
The program is for students who have completed :
Unique features of the program
France is the country in the world that welcomes the most tourists. The tourism industry accounts for close to 7% of France's GDP and offers jobs throughout the country and overseas.
French expertise is recognized and appreciated all over the world.
Graduates find jobs in both the private and public sector and in organizations and companies of all types and sizes.
For more information about the program’s satisfaction rate, please contact the head of the program.
The rate of success was 84% in 2022/2023.
The concept of e-tourism covers the use of digital tools to design, promote and market all types of tourism products and regions. It is a key feature of tourism in the world today and presents unique challenges.
Training accessible to disabled people.
Consult the website
Training eligible for MON COMPTE FORMATION
French two-year degree (Bac+2) in management and/or tourism (e.g., BA in economics-management, DUT or BTS).
French two-year degree (Bac+2) in economics, law, management, human sciences, business or tourism (BTS, DUT, L2).
Students must apply on eCandidat. Application dates can be found on our website.
After a pre-selection based on the application file, students are invited for an interview.
Enrollment limit: 25
Level of French required for non-French-speaking students: C1
Level of English required for non-English-speaking students: B2
UE Transversale (6 ECTS)
Compétences informationnelles
Compétences numériques
UE Environnement socio-économique de l'entreprise (6 ECTS)
Expression et culture et introduction à la sociologie
Les règles fondamentales du droit
UE Ingénierie et techniques du tourisme (6 ECTS)
Structures et métiers du MICE
Territoires et tourisme durable
Techniques hôtelières et négociation commerciale
UE Culture numérique et techniques quantitatives (6 ECTS)
Introduction au marketing digital
Réseaux sociaux
Méthodes quantitatives (statistiques et comptabilité)
UE Langues (6 ECTS)
1ère langue obligatoire : Anglais du tourisme
2ème langue obligatoire : Italien ou Espagnol
3ème langue obligatoire : Chinois
Compétences préprofessionnalisation
Compétences écrites
UE Environnement socio-économique de l'entreprise (6 ECTS)
Droit du tourisme
Psychosociologie de la communication
UE Ingénierie et techniques du tourisme (6 ECTS)
Développement touristique local / Gestion du tourisme international
Systèmes des réservations hôtelières
Tourisme réceptif
UE Langues (6 ECTS)
1ère langue obligatoire : Anglais du tourisme
2ème langue au choix : Italien ou Espagnol
3ème langue obligatoire : Chinois
UE Stage en entreprise (stage obligatoire de 2 mois) (6 ECTS)
Rapport de stage (écrit)
Soutenance de stage (oral)
Projets professionnalisants et conférences
The courses are taught by :
Mandatory two-month internship in a tourist organization or company starting in April.
Find an internship, work-study opportunity or job on the university website.
Classes and seminars Monday to Friday.
Skills related to the role of manager of a tourist structure:
General skills : analytical and writing skills, general culture, law, economics, management, marketing, etc.
Skills specific to the tourism industry : global tourism markets, hotel management, MICE professions, regions and destinations, sustainable tourism, etc.
Digital skills : introduction to social media, digital marketing, etc.
Language skills : 3 mandatory languages. English, Italian or Spanish, Chinese.
This degree taught on the Côte d'Azur, a prestigious destination for tourists, that offers opportunities not only locally and regionally, but also nationally and internationally.
Graduates can pursue their studies with a master's degree in tourism.
Future careers :
Most graduates go on to study for a master's degree.
Find the employability rate on the OVE website.
Students who plan to enroll full-time in a public institution of higher education must pay the Contribution to student and campus life (Contribution de Vie Etudiante et de Campus - CVEC).
Students must also pay tuition fees, which are set by ministerial decree for national degrees. They are indexed to the national consumer price index.
More information about tuition fees is available on this webpage.
If you are returning to school after a professional experience, you can find more information about tuition fees on the website of the Université Côte d'Azur Continuing Education Department.