14h - Aziz El AMRAOUI, Hearing Institute and Pasteur Institute, Paris,Progressive Sensory Disorders. "Late-onset and progressive hearing and balance impairments: disease mechanisms and therapeutic options. Abstract Dr Aziz El AMRAOUI.
15h - Saaid SAFIEDDINE,Hearing Institute and Pasteur Institute, Paris,Technology and Gene Therapy for Deafness. "Targeted deletion and in vivo rescue uncover critical roles of the neuronal t-SNARE SNAP-25 in hearing function." Abstract Dr Saaid SAFIEDDINE.
16h - Frank DUFOUR, Ecole Universitaire de Recherche HEALTHY, Université Côte d'Azur, "Noise & World : Exploration of the poetic and cognitive richness of noise". Abstract Pr Frank DUFOUR.
17h - Sebastien DELHAYE / ZANNALEE
Chanteur Compositeur Interprète et chercheur IPMC Université Côte d'Azur, répertoire Pop Rock.
Singer Composer Performer and Researcher IPMC Université Côte d'Azur, Pop Rock Repertoire. About Dr Sébastien DELHAYE.