Académie d'Excellence "Complexité et diversité du vivant"
- Axes Généraux
L'IDEX UCAJEDI s’articule autour de plusieurs structures, dont 5 «académies d’excellence » qui ont pour mission de créer et favoriser l’émergence de nouvelles dynamiques scientifiques transdisciplinaires fortes, capables de devenir des pôles de référence en matière de Recherche, Formation et Innovation.
Les 5 académies recouvrent en elles-mêmes des thématiques transdisciplinaires :
Académie A1 : « Réseaux, information et société numérique »
Académie A2 : «Systèmes complexes »
Académie A3 : «Espace, environnement, risque et résilience »
Académie A4 : « Complexité et diversité du vivant»
Académie A5 : «Homme, idées et milieux »InterAcadémies
Suite à un Appel à manifestation d'intérêt en Mai 2016 de la gouvernance d'UCAJEDI, un Bilan des 98 projets reçus par l'Académie 4 a été rédigé.
Les 17 principaux mots clés les plus fréquemment utilisés dans ces projets représentant les axes de recherches prépondérants sont les suivants :Graphe Mots clés 2016 Mots Clés 2016
Graphe Mots clés 2017-2020 Mots clés 2017-2020 - Axe BioInfo@UnivCotedAzur
- Agenda
- Nice-Seq Seminar Series
Nice_Seq Seminar Series Banner The goal of this series is to have Crossdisciplinary Seminars from people working in NICE - VILLEFRANCHE - SOPHIA area who are interested in Next Generation Sequencing Approaches.
The first four editions were exclusively centered on Methods, Protocols, Analyses and Applications. The series are now opened to other Bio-Informatic Approaches.
Presentations are given every 3 months by PhD students, Postdocs, Engineers and Researchers .
The venue rotates between different institutes and visioconference.
We hope that you will be interested in attending and contributing !
Press here to register to the mailing list.
Christian BRAENDLE- iBV -
Gianni LITI - IRCAN -
Michele TRABUCCHI - C3M -
Carole BARON - Université Côte d'Azur -
- JOBIM@UnivCotedAzur
- Pour s'abonner à la Mailing List
Saisissez ici le contenu
- BioCPU
- Qui Sommes-Nous ?
Nous sommes un groupe de trois doctorants de différents instituts de NICE et SOPHIA-ANTIPOLIS : Hiba LAGHRISSI (iBV), Maxime MULTARI (ISA) et Paola PORRACCIOLO (IPMC &LJAD).
Nous créons, pour la première fois, une communauté pour les doctorants et étudiants dans le domaine de la Bio-Informatique sur le site d'Université Côte d'azur : BioCPU pour "Bioinformatics Community for PhDs and Undergraduates".
Statistiques - Nos Objectifs
1 - Communication difficile
2 - Manque de support scientifique
3 - Difficulté à mettre en place un réseau1 - Construire une communauté durable
2 - Attirer des Experts en Bio-Informatique dans la Région
3 - Constituer un réseau - Notre organisation
Format des réunions
- Les présentations, en visioconférence, sont obligatoires pour les doctorants et facultatives pour les ingénieurs et les postdoctorants
- Public : toute personne intéressée
- Chaque personne présente une fois par cycle (1 cycle = 1,5 an)
- 30min par intervenant (20 ~ 25min de présentation + 5 ~ 10min de discussion)
- Les présentations seront disponibles sur le drop box de l'université
- Fréquence des réunions : mensuelles, le vendredi à 13h
- Calendrier et autres documents disponibles à l'adresse suivante: Calendrier & Infos
- Adipo-Cible Axis
Adipo-cible - ABOUT US
Unraveling the mysteries of obesity, that’s the mission Adipo-Cible is pursuing.
Since November 2023, the consortium has officially brought together 21 fundamental and clinical research teams and one start-up toward a common goal: to understand why the adipose tissue dysfunctions in individuals with obesity and to develop personalized treatment for the disease.
The aim of ADIPOCIBLE is to be an international actor focusing on the adipose tissue dysfunction especially on the inflammation and fibrosis development- 1- Obesity, a complex chronic disease
With more than one billion people suffering from obesity worldwide, it has become the most common chronic disease. The prevalence of obesity has continued its steep rise in the last decades, globally doubling among adults since 1990, and quadrupling among teenagers.
The World Health Organization defines obesity as a multifactorial, hence complex chronic disease as it involves an excessive deposition of adipose tissue that may harm the health. Indeed, people suffering from obesity are at risk of developing numerous pathologies such as cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer, which not only contribute to the world morbidity and mortality, but also impose a substantial economic burden.
Although therapeutic strategies have recently advanced, managing obesity remains complex and often ineffective due to the multifaceted nature of the disease. Notably, long-term results from dietary and physical activity modifications are modest. Therefore, it is urgent to identify the physiological factors underlying this disease at the genetic, cellular, and molecular levels to stem the rising number of cases.
- 2- Stronger together
The Adipo-Cible research group aims to deepen the understanding of obesity through a multidisciplinary approach. Adipo-Cible unites researchers from diverse fields, including biology, chemistry, and mathematics, to establish a continuum of fundamental, translational, and clinical research around three main objectives:
- To unravel the mechanisms involved in adipose tissue dysfunction.
- To identify biomarkers of weight regain after metabolic and bariatric surgery and develop personalized treatments using predictive algorithms.
- To develop personalized nutritional and exercise programs, as well as surgical and endoscopic interventions, utilizing artificial intelligence to enhance and sustain weight loss efficacy.
Two co-directors:
- Pr Antonio Iannelli
- Pr Christian Roux.A Scientific Advisory Board:
- Pr A Iannelli,
- Pr CH Roux,
- Dr M Cormont,
- Dr EZ Amri,
- Dr P Tanti,
- Dr P Gual,
- Pr F Cherikh
- Dr V Lanoue.The people:
- 7 clinicians and their team,
- 13 fundamental and transversal research teams,
- 1 start-up. - RESEARCH
tableau adipocible - 1. Our Clinicians
- Rodolphe Anty
- Thierry Bège
- Faredj Cherikh
- Nicolas Chevalier
- Antonio Iannelli
- Christian Roux
- Stéphane Schneider
- Geoffroy VanbiervlietIllustration MBS - 2. Our Biologists
- Cellular and Molecular Regulation of Fat Mass (CMRFM), iBV
- Genomics & Evolution in Neuro-Endocrinology (GENE), IPMC
- ImmunoSurveillance in Aging & Cancer (ISAC), IRCAN
- Maintaining Autonomy, LAMHESS
- Chronic Liver Diseases Associated with Obesity and Alcohol (LIVDISEASES), C3M
- Myeloid Cell Immunometabolism (MCI), LP2M
- Insulin Resistance in Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes (IROD), C3M
- Vessel Formation in Development and Disease (VFDD), iBV - 3. Our Chemists
- Chemical Senses and Simulations (ChemSenSim), ICN
- 4. Our Mathematicians
- Signaux, Images et Systèmes (SIS), i3S
- Analysis and Control of Unsteady Models in Engineering Sciences (ACUMES), INRIA
- 3IA - 5. Our Start-Up
- ExAdEx Innov
Winter School Adipo-cible 2024
46th Conference of the Society of Neuroendocrinology - RECENT PUBLICATIONS
Batrow, P.-L., Roux, C.H., Gautier, N., Martin, L., Sibille, B., Guillou, H., Postic, C., Langin, D., Mothe-Satney, I., Amri, E.-Z., 2025. Regulation of UCP1 expression by PPARα and pemafibrate in human beige adipocytes. Life Sci 363, 123406.
Joppin, V., Jourdan, A., Bendahan, D., Soucasse, A., Guye, M., Masson, C., Bège, T., 2025. Towards a better understanding of abdominal wall biomechanics: In vivo relationship between dynamic intra-abdominal pressure and magnetic resonance imaging measurements. Clin Biomech (Bristol) 121, 106396.
Rousseau, D., Bonnafous, S., Soysouvanh, F., Sarrail, D., Bourinet, M., Strazzulla, A., Patouraux, S., Borderie, A., Dolfi, B., Gallerand, A., Farrugia, M.A., Orian-Rousseau, V., Xu, Y., Williams, J.W., Ivanov, S., Tran, A., Anty, R., Luci, C., Gual, P., 2025. CD44 in myEloid cells is a major driver of liver inflammation and injury in alcohol-related liver disease. Hepatology.
Bège, T., Lasbleiz, A., Boullu, S., Gaborit, B., Berdah, S.V., Dutour, A., Duconseil, P., 2024. Two-Year Results of Sleeve Gastrectomy Combined with Posterior Fundoplication for Obesity Patients with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. Obes Surg 34, 2508–2514.
Díaz Del Moral, S., Wagner, N., Wagner, K.-D., 2024. The Wilms’ Tumor Suppressor WT1 in Cardiomyocytes: Implications for Cardiac Homeostasis and Repair. Cells 13, 2078.
Gallerand, A., Caillot, Z., Terekhova, M., Castiglione, A., Leporati, L., Giacchero, M., Pilot, T., Chang, M., Dolfi, B., Zair, F.N., Goës, E., Bennetot, A., Mlamla, Z., Mass, E., Ginhoux, F., Voehringer, D., Mack, M., Dombrowicz, D., Williams, J.W., Masson, D., Artyomov, M.N., Bertola, A., Ivanov, S., 2024a. CD226 + adipose tissue macrophages arise from MDP-derived monocytes and regulate lipid metabolism. bioRxiv 2024.12.03.626330.
Gallerand, A., Dolfi, B., Stunault, M.I., Caillot, Z., Castiglione, A., Strazzulla, A., Chen, C., Heo, G.S., Luehmann, H., Batoul, F., Vaillant, N., Dumont, A., Pilot, T., Merlin, J., Zair, F.N., Gilleron, J., Bertola, A., Carmeliet, P., Williams, J.W., Arguello, R.J., Masson, D., Dombrowicz, D., Yvan-Charvet, L., Doyen, D., Haschemi, A., Liu, Y., Guinamard, R.R., Ivanov, S., 2024b. Glucose metabolism controls monocyte homeostasis and migration but has no impact on atherosclerosis development in mice. Nat Commun 15, 9027.
Gilleron, J., Chafik, A., Lacas-Gervais, S., Tanti, J.-F., Cormont, M., 2024. Golgi-associated retrograde protein (GARP) complex-dependent endosomes to trans Golgi network retrograde trafficking is controlled by Rab4b. Cell Mol Biol Lett 29, 54.
Iltis, C., Moskalevska, I., Debiesse, A., Seguin, L., Fissoun, C., Cervera, L., Moudombi, L., Ardin, M., Ferrari, A., Eliott, C., Pisani, D., Ottaviani, A., Bourinet, M., Luci, C., Gual, P., Makulyte, G., Bernard, D., Durandy, M., Duret, L.C., Hamidouche, T., Kunz, S., Croce, O., Delannoy, C., Guérardel, Y., Allain, F., Hofman, P., Benarroch-Popivker, D., Bianchini, L., Dadone-Montaudie, B., Cosson, E., Guglielmi, J., Pourcher, T., Braud, V.M., Shkreli, M., Pers, Y.-M., Jorgensen, C., Brondello, J.-M., Féral, C.C., Michallet, M.-C., Gilson, E., Cherfils-Vicini, J., 2024. A ganglioside-based immune checkpoint enables senescent cells to evade immunosurveillance during aging. Nat Aging 1–18.
Lalis, M., Hladiš, M., Abi Khalil, S., Deroo, C., Marin, C., Bensafi, M., Baldovini, N., Briand, L., Fiorucci, S., Topin, J., 2024. A status report on human odorant receptors and their allocated agonists. Chem Senses 49, bjae037.
Le Corvec, M., Farrugia, M.A., Nguyen-Khac, E., Régimbeau, J.-M., Dharhri, A., Chatelain, D., Khamphommala, L., Gautier, A.-L., Le Berre, N., Frey, S., Bronowicki, J.-P., Brunaud, L., Maréchal, C., Blanchet, M.-C., Frering, V., Delwaide, J., Kohnen, L., Haumann, A., Delvenne, P., Sarfati-Lebreton, M., Tariel, H., Bernard, J., Toullec, A., Boursier, J., Bedossa, P., Gual, P., Anty, R., Iannelli, A., 2024. Blood-based MASH diagnostic in candidates for bariatric surgery using mid-infrared spectroscopy: a European multicenter prospective study. Sci Rep 14, 26452.
Pisani, D.F., Lettieri-Barbato, D., Ivanov, S., 2024. Polyamine metabolism in macrophage-adipose tissue function and homeostasis. Trends Endocrinol Metab 35, 937–950.
Amri, E.-Z., 2024. Beige or brite adipocytes of the adipose organ: Link with white and brown adipocytes. Ann Endocrinol (Paris) 85, 253–254.
Benamran, D., Chierici, A., Temime, V., Drai, C., Iannelli, A., 2024. Results of sleeve gastrectomy conversion to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass on gastroesophageal reflux disease symptoms and proton pump inhibitors use evolution over time. J Gastrointest Surg S1091-255X(24)00494–3.
Caci H, Chierici A, Iannelli A. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in adolescent and adult candidates for metabolic and bariatric surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews. 2024;e13802. doi:10.1111/obr.13802
Sanchez, C., Colson, C., Gautier, N., Noser, P., Salvi, J., Villet, M., Fleuriot, L., Peltier, C., Schlich, P., Brau, F., Sharif, A., Altintas, A., Amri, E.-Z., Nahon, J.-L., Blondeau, N., Benani, A., Barrès, R., Rovère, C., 2024. Dietary fatty acid composition drives neuroinflammation and impaired behavior in obesity. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 117, 330–346.
Temime, V., Ghanem, O.M., Heimbach, J.K., Diwan, T.S., Tranchart, H., Abdallah, H., Blanchard, C., Lontrichard, M., Reche, F., Borel, A.-L., Belluzzi, A., Foletto, M., Manno, E., Poghosyan, T., Chierici, A., Iannelli, A., 2024. Outcomes of bariatric surgery in the setting of compensated advanced chronic liver disease associated with clinically significant portal hypertension: a multicenter, retrospective, cohort study on feasibility and safety. Int J Surg 110, 3562–3570.
Díaz Del Moral, S., Benaouicha, M., Villa Del Campo, C., Torres, M., Wagner, N., Wagner, K.-D., Muñoz-Chápuli, R., Carmona, R., 2023. Cardiomyocyte-Specific Wt1 Is Involved in Cardiac Metabolism and Response to Damage. J Cardiovasc Dev Dis 10, 211.
Bertola, A., Gallerand, A., Ivanov, S., 2022. Immune cell involvement in brown adipose tissue functions. Discov Immunol 1, kyac007. - FOCUS OF THE MONTH
Coming soon
Dr Vanessa Lanoue BSc, MSc, PhD
Project officer for the Adipo-Cible consortium
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