Webinar - ADIPO-CIBLE - September 17th, 2024 - Academy 4 Seminar Series #15

  • Research
  • Science and society
  • IDEX
  • International
  • Health
  • Partnerships
  • Education
Published on September 9, 2024 Updated on September 9, 2024

on the September 17, 2024

12:00 pm - 12:45 pm


Photo Adipo-cible
Photo Adipo-cible

The 17th of september 2024 at 12 pm (noon), online, will take place the 15th session of the Academy 4 seminar series entitled "ADIPO-CIBLE - Unraveling obesity mysteries to pave the way for new therapeutic strategies".

  Link to registration for connection: https://univ-cotedazur.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUvcO-qrjwqHdJs_S-FDlE2iEzmMdJwVIAX

Adipo-cible logo
Adipo-cible logo


12:00 Talk 1

"The mission Adipo-Cible : Unraveling the mysteries of obesity"


By Dr Vanessa Lanoue BSc, MSc, PhD
Project officer for the Adipo-Cible consortium
Email vanessa.lanoue@univ-cotedazur.fr

Abstract :

Obesity is a growing public health issue in Western countries, especially among younger people. It is associated with a reduced quality of life, a shortened lifespan, and a higher prevalence of comorbid conditions.
Our goals are to improve our understanding of adipose tissues and develop effective obesity treatment and support strategies.
To promote multidisciplinary research and innovation in the loco-regional environment, a collaborative consortium of experts in obesity and adipose tissue, as well as chemists and mathematicians, has been formed. By bringing together 21 teams - 13 research labs, 7 physicians, and 1 start-up - the Adipo-Cible consortium has effectively established a vibrant environment for interdisciplinary collaboration. It has adopted a multidisciplinary approach to explore therapeutic strategies that encompass gene therapy, physical activity interventions, and digestive and endoscopic surgery to unravel the pathogenic mechanisms of adipose tissue that contribute to obesity and its comorbidities.
Adipo-Cible aims to open new avenues for the development of personalized treatments for obesity.Since November 2023, the consortium has officially brought together 21 fundamental and clinical research teams and one start-up toward a common goal: to understand why the adipose tissue dysfunctions in individuals with obesity and to develop personalized treatment for the disease. 
The aim of ADIPO-CIBLE is to be an international actor focusing on the adipose tissue dysfunction especially on the inflammation and fibrosis development.



12h15: Talk 2

"Adipo-Cible: unraveling obesity mysteries to pave the way for new therapeutic strategies"

Christian ROUX
Christian ROUX

By Pr Christian ROUX, CHU NICE
Director of the Adipo-Cible consortium
https://univ-cotedazur.fr/recherche-innovation/structures-de-recherche/academies-dexcellence/academie-4/recherche/axes-de-recherche/adipocible axis


With more than one billion people suffering from obesity worldwide, it has become the most common chronic disease. The prevalence of obesity has continued its steep rise in the last decades, globally doubling among adults since 1990, and quadrupling among teenagers. The World Health Organization defines obesity as a multifactorial, hence complex chronic disease as it involves an excessive deposition of adipose tissue that may harm the health. Indeed, people suffering from obesity are at risk of developing numerous pathologies such as cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer, which not only contribute to the world morbidity and mortality, but also impose a substantial economic burden.
Although therapeutic strategies have recently advanced, managing obesity remains complex and often ineffective due to the multifaceted nature of the disease. Notably, long-term results from dietary and physical activity modifications are modest. Therefore, it is urgent to identify the physiological factors underlying this disease at the genetic, cellular, and molecular levels to stem the rising number of cases.


12h30: Discussion


Academy of Excellence 4 "Complexity & Diversity of the Living Systems"


Graduate School and Research LIFE - Life and Health Sciences
Graduate School and Research HEALTHY - Health Science Ecosystems
Academy of Excellence 5 "Human Societies, Ideas and Environments"
Institute NeuroMod - Cognitive Systems, Normality and Pathology of the Human Brain and Computational Neurosciences
Labex SIGNALIFE - Network for Innovation on Signal Transduction Pathways in Life Sciences

On the September 17, 2024 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM
12:00 pm - 12:45 pm
En ligne
Contact :
Academy of Excellence 4 "Complexity & Diversity of the Living Systems" : academies.excellence4@univ-cotedazur.fr