• Research,

Quelle éthique pour les nouvelles technologies? (new publication)

Nanotechnologies, Cybergénétique, Intelligence Artificielle


Vanessa Nurock



Over the past two decades, new technologies have developed so rapidly that they have become an integral part of every aspect of our lives, bringing about major changes in the way we live and profoundly modifying social relationships. They raise fundamental ethical issues that need to be discussed from both a theoretical and a practical angle, by considering them within a broader system of new technologies. By analyzing in turn and together the ethical issues raised by Nanotechnologies, Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence, this book proposes a fresh rethinking of the ethics of these technologies. It also shows that it is possible, and even desirable, to give in to neither blind adoration nor panic fear of these new realities, in order to ask ourselves collectively under what conditions these technologies can be ethical, and contribute to envisioning desirable futures.
Published on June 1, 2024, Created on May 19, 2024
Vanessa Nurock
Vrin - La vie morale