Rethinking the ethics of AI: towards a Franco-Japanese dialogue Educational and cultural perspectives

Published on October 5, 2023 Updated on May 7, 2024

on the November 9, 2023


Doshisha University (Kyoto, Japan)



This symposium is organized by Anne Gonon (Doshisha University, Japan) and Vanessa Nurock (Université Côte d'Azur, France and UNESCO EVA Chair).

It is supported by Doshisha University, the UNESCO EVA Chair, Université Côte d'Azur, CRHI, idex, 3IA and the Japanese French Laboratory for Informatics (JFLI, IRL 3527 CNRS).

With the support of Valentine Bailly (CRHI, Université Côte d'Azur, UNESCO EVA chair).


Today, it is clear that it is no longer possible to develop AI without paying attention to social, ethical and political issues. To achieve this, it is particularly important to set up a multicultural dialogue to build harmonious approaches that respect pluralisms (political, cultural, etc.).
To this end, we propose to bring together experts from France and Japan to open up new avenues from different horizons and different voices.

A first conference will address educational and cultural issues around the UNESCO recommendation in a special pre-conference session on October 26.

今日、社会的、倫理的、政治的問題に注意を払わずにAIを開発することはもはや不可能であることは明らかです。そのためには、多元主義 (政治、文化など)を尊重する調和のとれたアプローチを構築するための多文化対話を設定することが特に重要です。



Confirmed participants:

Philippe Codognet (Sorbonne University, Tokyo University)
Colin de la Higuera (Nantes University)
Noa Garcia (Osaka University)
Rafik Hadfi (Kyoto Univeristy)
Hidetaka Ishida (Tokyo University)


This conference is open to everyone. If you are interested in attending, please contact us:



download the program

Abstracts and biographies of participants

download the abstracts and the biographies