Complex Systems Doctoral Seminar "Sea, Science and Sun", Fréjus, June 9-12, 2021

The current sanitary situation has severely impacted our scientific community by making impossible face-to-face scientific meetings and related informal exchanges, depriving us of an important source of inspiration and creativity.
PhD students are particularly affected by these degraded working conditions.

To stimulate our youngest colleagues, the Academy of Excellence "Complex Systems" is organising an extraordinary seminar for doctoral students from June 9 to 12, at Fréjus CNRS Center Villa Clythia. The objective of this meeting is to allow doctoral students to meet together, to share their thesis work in an extra-ordinary context, to exchange on their possible difficulties, their ideas, and thereby rediscover social bonds, the pleasure of face-to-face exchanges, motivation, ideas...


  • Participants are expected to arrive at Villa Clythia on June 9 before dinner and to depart in the morning of June 12.
  • All meals and lodging for the three nights are fully covered by the Academy.
  • Transport to Fréjus should be organised by the participants and will not be covered by the Academy.
  • Doctoral students will have the opportunity to give a 10' presentation of their scientific work during scientific sessions on June 10 and 11.
  • Free time will also be guaranteed to allow for social networking and informal exchanges.


In order to follow current sanitary rules, this event can only accommodate 35 participants. They will be selected on a "first arrived-first served" basis, with the idea to provide some balance between the different Institutes and laboratories of the Academy.
Doctoral students who are willing to participate are requested to fill the following form.
For more information, please send us an e-mail.