Active and collective training in complex fluids

The Academy “Complex Systems” of Université Côte d’Azur promotes interdisciplinary research on the analysis and applications of complex systems. Involved teams and laboratories cover a vast range of disciplines, including astrophysics, biology, chemistry, computer sciences, Earth sciences, engineering, mathematics, and physics.

The Academy intends to organize yearly schools on specific topics selected for their broadness and timeliness. The purpose is to gather world-renowned experts and young researchers, with various backgrounds, in order to cross-fertilize ideas and promote novel developments in complex systems research. The program includes survey lectures and provide the opportunity to develop a collaborative project. The preliminary results obtained during the program are expected to be of sufficient significance and novelty to lead to publications.

The first school will be organized in fall 2021. It is dedicated to motile active matter, with focuses on the mechanical aspects of propulsion, on motility-induced emergent collective behaviors, and on the applications of machine learning and artificial intelligence to model and/or optimize displacement strategies.